Monday, September 19, 2022 - 11:00 pm Categories:
Clean Sustainable Energy Authority
Industrial Commission
Press Release

BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Industrial Commission awarded Clean Sustainable Energy Authority (CSEA) grant funding today in the amount of $15,284,125 for three projects.

“The three projects funded today will leverage $5 million in state dollars and $10 million in federal dollars to unlock over $19.5 million in private investments into North Dakota’s energy future,” the Industrial Commission said in a joint statement. “These projects are a great example of what can be accomplished when government partners with innovators rather than regulate their projects out of existence. North Dakota is leading the way in solving our nation’s greatest energy challenges, and we look forward to working with the legislature during the upcoming session to ensure that the vital work of the CSEA can continue well into the future.”

The three projects and their funding awards are as follows:

  • Liberty H2 Hub Front-End Engineering and Design – Energy and Environmental Research Center, $10 million hydrogen (federal funding) grant
  • Project Phoenix: Manufacturing Bio-degradable Plastic Using Methane as Feedstock – Newlight Technologies, $4,185,625 grant
  • Geothermal Power Generation for Oil and Gas Production – Enerplus Corporation (USA) - $1,098,500

“We are very proud to host these projects in North Dakota,” said Lt. Gov. Brent Sanford, chairman of the Clean Sustainable Energy Authority. “Thanks to the foresight of the legislature, we were able to create a platform of innovation that allows North Dakota to lead the nation in future energy growth. We are re-writing the narrative on clean and sustainable energy production and growing our energy portfolio all while addressing shifting demands in carbon-constrained markets.”

“The Authority is excited about the projects that have been awarded funding and looks forward to working with the project sponsors as they move ahead here in North Dakota,” said Al Anderson, director of the Clean Sustainable Energy Authority.

The Clean Sustainable Energy Authority has held three grant rounds since its inception after the 2021 legislative session, totaling awards of $250 million in loans, $20 million in hydrogen grants from federal dollars, and $24.3 in state grants. No additional grant rounds will be held until additional funding has been appropriated by the legislature.

The Industrial Commission, consisting of Gov. Doug Burgum as chairman, Attorney General Drew Wrigley and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, oversees the Clean Sustainable Energy Authority.

More information about the program, including the application process, can be found on the CSEA website at

For more information, contact Al Anderson at 701-595-9668