Grant Round 29
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
ND Petroleum Council's Oil Can! Program
Bakken Production Optimization Program
Approved Projects
G-29-59: ND Petroleum Council's Oil Can! Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: To provide advertising, branding and promotion, media & policymaker education & outreach, and website & social media to promote the growth of the oil and gas industry.
- Funded Amount: $630,910
- Total Project Cost: $1,560,420
Grant Round 28
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Public-Private Partnership to Support Geology and Geological Engineering Education and Research at UND's College of Engineering and Mines
Approved Projects
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)
- Objective: To establish the Harold Hamm School of Geology and Geological Engineering as component of the College of Engineering and Mines at the University of North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $3,791,800
- Total Project Cost: $14,000,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 27
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
No Approved Projects
Grant Round 26
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-26-56: CO2-Enhanced Bakken Research Program
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Evaluate the use of CO2 to increase the ultimate recovery of Bakken oil by using new and existing reservoir characterization and laboratory data integrated with reservoir modeling to determine the viability of CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in the Bakken Formation.
- Funded Amount: $475,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,375,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 25
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Investigation of Methodologies to Control Dust on County Roads in Western ND
Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Mule Deer Populations in Western ND
Approved Projects
G-25-54: Investigation of Methodologies to Control Dust on County Roads in Western ND
- Sponsor: Dunn and McKenzie County
- Objective: Evaluate and compare several different products and construction techniques that will be used in road test strips of one-half to one mile in length to identify and evaluate cost effective methods to control dust on unpaved roads in western North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $220,000
- Total Project Cost: $440,000
- Final Report
G-25-55: Effects of Oil and Gas Development on Mule Deer Populations in Western ND
- Sponsor: ND Game and Fish Department
- Objective: Investigate and quantify effects of oil and gas development to mule deer populations through study of survival, movements, resource selection, abundance, and recruitment.
- Funded Amount: $329,374
- Total Project Cost: $658,747
Grant Round 24
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Demonstration of Gas-Powered Drilling Operations for Economically Challenged Wellhead Gas and Evaluation of Complementary Platforms
Progress Zone Campaign Under the Umbrella of the Oil Can
Improved Directional Drilling Technology for the Bakken Formation
Approved Projects
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Explore, identify, and demonstrate technologies for utilizing wellhead gas by demonstrating collection, transportation, and fueling of a diesel engine power system for a drilling operation using pipeline or "lean" gas and demonstrate the powering of a drilling operation utilizing delivery of compressed BakkenFormation associated gas.
- Funded Amount: $750,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,900,000
G-24-53: Improved Directional Drilling Technology for the Bakken Formation (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Laserlith Corporation
- Objective: Increase the efficiencies of horizontal drilling through a redesign of horizontal drilling tools.
- Funded Amount: $200,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,039,346
- Final Report
Grant Round 23
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-23-51: Investigation of Improved Conductivity and Proppant Applications in the Bakken (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Improve the lateral and vertical drainage of hydrocarbons from the Three Forks and Bakken Formations by identifying the factors that lead to the collapse of propped fractures. Laboratory testing is proposed to determine whether more durable fracture conductivity can be achieved in the Bakken by altering the fracturing fluids, proppant types, and proppant concentrations.
- Funded Amount: $150,000
- Total Project Cost: $332,432
- Final Report
Grant Round 22
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory E-Reference
ND Petroleum Council Oil Can Program
Wellhead Gas Capture via CNG Technologies
Approved Projects
G-22-48: Wellhead Gas Capture Via CNG Technologies
- Sponsor: Bakken Express, LLC
- Objective: Evaluate compressed natural gas (CNG) technologies as an economic method to capture and transport produced natural gas and gas liquids to market.
- Funded Amount: $873,300
- Total Project Cost: $2,108,200
G-22-49: ND Petroleum Council's Oil Can! Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: Through this project the North Dakota Petroleum Council will continue their efforts through education and outreach to industry members, landowners, royalty owners, policymakers, and the general public.
- Funded Amount: $205,000
- Total Project Cost: $577,834
- Final Report
G-22-50: Hydraulic Fracturing Regulatory E-Reference
- Sponsor: Interstate Oil & Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC)
- Objective: The Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC) will develop an interactive web-based reference tool that will list existing state regulations that apply to the process of hydraulic fracturing by state and topic. The primary objectives include:
To provide easy access to individual states’ regulations relating to hydraulic fracturing;
To provide information in an easy-to-access format for comparison to other states and improvement of individual state programs;
To demonstrate that member states have effective regulatory systems and processes that prevent damage to resources, the environment, and public health and safety from hydraulic fracturing.
- Funded Amount: $125,000
- Total Project Cost: $599,771
- Final Report
Grant Round 21
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
WRAP Phase III Oil and Gas Air Emissions Inventory for the Williston Basin
Simul-Frac two Bakken Wells Spaced 1320' Apart to Maximize OOIP Recoveries
Flare to Electricity-Recycled Energy from a Wasted Resource
Approved Projects
G-21-46: WRAP Phase III Oil and Gas Air Emissions
- Sponsor: Western Energy Alliance
- Objective: To provide credible, scientific data on emissions from comprehensive sources associated with the exploration and production of oil and natural gas.
- Funded Amount: $25,000
- Total Project Cost: $95,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 20
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Flare Gas-Power Generation Viability Pilot
Enhanced Oil Recovery from the Bakken Shale Using Surfacant Imbibition Coupled with Gravity Drainage
Commercial Drivers License Training Program
Approved Projects
G-20-43: Flare Gas-Power Generation Viability Pilot
- Sponsor: Blaise Energy, Inc.
- Objective: To demonstrate the commercial viability of using otherwise wasted associated gas as fuel for on‐site electrical power generation and its subsequent sale to the grid of the electricity as an alternative to flaring.
- Funded Amount: $375,000
- Total Project Cost: $7,474,000
- Final Report
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)
- Objective: This three-year research project consisting of laboratory experiments and field applications is aimed to provide enhanced oil recovery in the Bakken shale.
- Funded Amount: $125,000
- Total Project Cost: $819,763
G-20-45: Commercial Drivers License Training Program
- Sponsor: Train ND-Northwest, Williston State College
- Objective: To purchase two simulators (Doron 550 Truck Simulator and the Air Brake Simulator) and a trailer for the simulators to allow the training to be delivered at various locations. TrainND has previously provided the CDL training in partnership with the Center for Transportation Safety based in Colorado, but this partnership is no longer available to TrainND.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $373,980