Grant Round 59
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-59-116: iPIPE 3.0
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Support for a 2-year program (January 2024 through December 2025) focused on innovation of leak detection and prevention technology.
- Funded Amount: $3,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $6,000,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 58
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Roughrider Carbon Storage Hub
Maximizing Production from Residual Oil Zones in Western ND
Bakken Production Optimization Program 4.0
Approved Projects
G-58-113: Roughrider Carbon Storage Hub
- Sponsor: ONEOK, Inc.
- Objective: Propose a research project designed to encourage and promote the use of new technologies that have a positive economic and environmental impact on oil and gas exploration, production, and processing in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $525,000
- Total Project Cost: $16,550,000
- Final Report
G-58-114: Maximizing Production from Residual Oil Zones in Western ND
- Sponsor: Cobra Oil and Gas
- Objective: To further investigate methods and strategies to maximize oil recovery within Madison oil fields in western North Dakota. The project will use new and existing reservoir characterization and laboratory analytical data coupled with static and dynamic computer modeling to design and implement pilot-scale field injection tests that will develop and optimize production strategies for residual oil zones in the Madison Group’s Mission Canyon Formation.
- Funded Amount: $2,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $4,000,000
- Final Report
G-58-115: Bakken Production Optimization Program 4.0
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Propose a continuation of a well-established research program that encourages and promotes the use of new technologies that have a positive economic and environmental impact on oil and gas exploration and production in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $4,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $12,000,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 57
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-57-112: ND Petroleum Foundation Outreach and Education Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Foundation
- Objective: Administer and continue education and outreach programs by providing education and outreach opportunities related to the petroleum industry, develop and advance quality-of-life initiatives, and promote and enhance the conservation heritage of North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $982,125
- Total Project Cost: $1,574,250
Grant Round 56
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-56-111: Agricultural Carbon Capture in Western ND
- Sponsor: North Dakota Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Demonstrate the role of managed grazing lands in reducing the environmental footprint of oil and gas exploration through biological C utilization and sequestration.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,051,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 55
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Well Site Thief Hatch Methane Detectors
Development of Formulations for the Removal of Scale from Oil and Gas Wells in the Williston Basin
UND's Department of Petroleum Eng Oil and gas research
iPIPE 2.0
Advances in Impacts Recovery From Electrokinetic Soil Remediation
Approved Projects
G-55-106: Development of Formulations for the Removal of Scale from Oil and Gas Wells in the Williston Basin
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)
- Objective: To advance the development of a novel oilfield antiscalant formulations specifically tailored to the predominant scalants found in the Williston Basin formation.
- Funded Amount: $451,427
- Total Project Cost: $1,603,163
- Final Report
G-55-107: UND’s Department of Petroleum Engineering Oil and Gas Research
- Sponsor: UND Petroleum Engineering
- Objective: Increase enrollment in the Department of Petroleum Engineering (DPE) program by supporting tuition and graduate teaching and research assistance (GTA/GRA) for a total of 30 Ph.D students and seven faculty along with the drilling and completion lab (DRACOLA).
- Funded Amount: $2,980,000
- Total Project Cost: $6,613,930
- Final Report
G-55-108: iPIPE 2.0
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Advance technologies that reduce the frequency and duration of pipeline releases.
- Funded Amount: $400,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,450,000
G-55-110: Well Site Thief Hatch Methane Detectors
- Sponsor: Vareberg Engineering, Ltd./Blue Rock Solutions, LLC
- Objective: Enhance an existing prototype methane detector that addresses thief hatch methane leaks and can be incorporated into an operator’s leak detection and repair program.
- Funded Amount: $436,000
- Total Project Cost: $582,000
Grant Round 54
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Hydrogen Energy Development for ND
Field Study to Determine the Feasibility of Developing Salt Caverns for Hydrocarbon Storage in Western ND
Approved Projects
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Study the feasibility of developing salt caverns in geologic formations in North Dakota for underground storage of energy resources, including natural gas, liquified natural gas and hydrogen which was authorized by the Legislature in Senate Bill 2014 (2021 Session).
- Funded Amount: $12,986,200
- Total Project Cost: $10,000,000
G-54-105: Hydrogen Energy Development for ND
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Provide a pathway for the development of a hydrogen economy in North Dakota by producing a roadmap that assesses opportunities and challenges for hydrogen energy production, storage, infrastructure, and use in the state.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $500,000
Grant Round 53
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-53-103: Creedence Energy Services EOR Biosurfactant Applications (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Creedence Energy Services/Locus Bio-Energy
- Objective: Implementation of biosurfactant stimulations for the purpose of enhanced oil recovery.
- Funded Amount: $205,750
- Total Project Cost: $622,288
- Final Report
Grant Round 52
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Balancing the Success of the ND Oil Industry with its Responsibility to Reclaim and Restore Lands and Water
ND Petroleum Foundation Outreach and Education Program
Approved Projects
G-52-102: ND Petroleum Foundation Outreach and Education Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Foundation
- Objective: Administer and continue the North Dakota Petroleum Foundation’s education and outreach programs, formerly branded Energy of North Dakota through public outreach, education, messaging, and informational opportunities.
- Funded Amount: $1,012,500
- Total Project Cost: $2,025,000
Grant Round 51
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
NDIC Funding to Support Research of Petroleum Engineering Program at UND
Expansion of the intelligent Pipeline Integrity Program (iPIPE)
Bakken Production Optimization Program 3.0
Development of Operational Aerial Analytics for Remotely Measuring Reclamation Success in ND
Produced Water Management Through Geologic Homogenization, Conditioning, and Reuse
Approved Projects
G-51-98: Bakken Production Optimization Program 3.0
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To continue to offer solutions to optimize petroleum production and reduce the environmental impacts of the development of Bakken resources in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $6,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $12,000,000
G-51-99: Development of Operational Aerial Analytics for Remotely Measuring Reclamation Success in ND
- Sponsor: SolSpec, Inc.
- Objective: To develop and validate a suite of automated analytics that bring remote reclamation assessment technology to operational capacity for industry, agencies, and the interested public of North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $163,200
- Total Project Cost: $330,800
G-51-100: NDIC Funding to Support Research of Petroleum Engineering Program at University of ND
- Sponsor: Petroleum Engineering Program, University of ND (UND)
- Objective: Funding for three years starting March 2020 to support 15 Ph.D students, 6 faculty, one NDIC Endowed faculty position and set up of the new field scale lab facilities.
- Funded Amount: $2,788,000
- Total Project Cost: $7,712,150
G-51-101: Produced Water Management Through Geologic Homogenization, Conditioning, and Reuse
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To assess the techno-economic viability of using the Inyan Kara Formation as a geologic solution for produced water treatment and recycling, with the benefit of providing a potential solution to pressurization of the Inyan Kara due to saltwater disposal.
- Funded Amount: $300,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,299,993
Grant Round 50
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Study to determine the feasibility of developing salt caverns for hydrocarbon storage in Western ND
Improving EOR Performance Through Data Analytics and Next-Generation Controllable Completions
PCOR Initiative to Accelerate CCUS Deployment
Weather Information System to Effectively Reduce Oilfield Delays and Disruption (Wise Roads)
Approved Projects
G-50-96: PCOR Initiative to Accelerate CCUS Deployment
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To fund the PCOR Initiative, which has been awarded by the U.S. Department of Energy as a five-year program to identify and address onshore regional storage and transport challenges facing commercial deployment of carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) in a region comprising 11 U.S. states and four Canadian provinces.
- Funded Amount: $2,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $18,752,874
- Final Report
G-50-97: Improving EOR Performance Through Data Analytics and Next-Generation Controllable Completions
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Selected by the DOE to field-test controllable completions (interval control valves [ICVs]) for active (smart) well control during CO2 enhances oil recovery (EOR). The goals of this field test are to:
- implement controllable completions in horizontal wells through a rigorously monitored field test in a reservoir undergoing new tertiary recovery;
- Apply data analytics and machine learning to evaluate the test performance and develop a semiautonomous active control system;
- Assess various business case scenarios to accelerate the development and application for commercial EOR.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $10,000,000
- Final Report