Grant Round 19
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
ND Petroleum Council Oil and Gas Education Program
Identification of Shallow Biogenic Gas Systems in Eastern ND
Remote Monitoring and Reporting of Conditions for Salt Water Injection Sites
Approved Projects
G-19-40: ND Petroleum Council Oil and Gas Education Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: Continuance of three education and outreach programs regarding the oil and gas industry. The three programs are: 1) Energy Career Awareness Partnership (ECAP); 2) Teacher Education Seminar and 3) Oil & Gas Tidbits.
- Funded Amount: $72,000
- Total Project Cost: $243,000
- Final Report
G-19-41: Identification of Shallow Biogenic Gas Systems in Eastern ND-Phase 1
- Sponsor: GeoShurr Resources LLC
- Objective: The objective of this project is to generate information that will enhance exploration and development of shallow biogenic gas in counties in eastern North Dakota that are currently not producing oil or gas.
- Funded Amount: $45,000
- Total Project Cost: $90,000
G-19-42: Remote Monitoring and Reporting of Conditions for Salt Water Injection Sites
- Sponsor: Pedigree Technologies
- Objective: To develop capabilities to allow for remote data collection from injection well sites allowing for continuous monitoring of those sites as well as providing reportable injection data to government agencies.
- Funded Amount: $23,350
- Total Project Cost: $50,862
- Final Report
Grant Round 18
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Bakken Water Opportunities Assessment
Determination of the Uniqueness of Reserves and Productivity from the Middle Bakken and the Three Forks Sanish Zones
Approved Projects
G-18-36: Bakken Water Opportunities Assessment
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To investigate the recycling of water flowed‐back after Bakken fracture stimulation. The project has the following two phases under the Northern Great Plains Water Consortium program:
Phase 1: Assess the technical and economic potential of recycling frac flowback water.
- Phase 2: Field demonstration of a mobile frac flowback water recycling technology.
- Funded Amount: $110,000
- Total Project Cost: $230,000
- Sponsor: Continental Resources Inc.
- Objective: To determine if the Middle Bakken and Three Forks production are separate and distinct reservoirs. If the two intervals are actually separate and distinct, producible reserves per spacing unit would greatly increase with proper development.
- Funded Amount: $600,000
- Total Project Cost: $7,395,000
Grant Round 17
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Northwest Refining, Inc. Phase II Permitting and Business Plan Development
Commercial Driver Training Program
Improved Directional Drilling Technology for the Bakken Formation
Approved Projects
G-17-37: Improved Directional Drilling Technology for the Bakken Formation (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Laserlith Corporation
- Objective: Increase the efficiencies of horizontal drilling in the Bakken Formation through a redesign of drilling tools by including the use of miniature gyroscopes in the drilling assemblage.
- Funded Amount: $200,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,207,000
- Final Report
G-17-38: Commercial Driver Training Program
- Sponsor: Fort Berthold Community College
- Objective: Fort Berthold Community College has developed a Commercial Driver Training Program to train individuals interested in careers in driving, with a focus on providing a skilled and safe workforce for the oil industry.
- Funded Amount: $11,900
- Total Project Cost: $137,106
Grant Round 16
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Simultaneous Fracture Stimulation of Two Parallel Horizontal Bakken Wells Within a 1280 Acre Spacing Unit in Sanish Field, Mountrail County, ND
North Dakota Petroleum Council Good Neighbor Initiative Outreach Program
Contribution of the Petroleum Industry to the ND Economy
Approved Projects
G-16-34: North Dakota Petroleum Council Good Neighbor Initiative Outreach Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: This project will focus on engaging in a continuous dialog about the key issues relating to oil and gas development with the neighbors, policymakers and the general public.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $133,000
- Final Report
G-16-35: Contribution of the Petroleum Industry to the ND Economy
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: To estimate the contribution of the petroleum industry to the North Dakota economy, measured by indicators such as employment, income, additional gross receipts in various sectors of the State economy, and revenues from selected State taxes.
- Funded Amount: $13,000
- Total Project Cost: $26,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 15
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Hydraulic Fracturing and Microseismic Monitoring Project-Bakken Research Consortium
Surface Microseismic Study of a Bakken Simultaneous Fracture Stimulation
Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership Program-Phase III
Geomechanical Study of Bakken Formation in the Nesson Anticline Area, Williams County, DN
Purpose-Fit Portable Multi-Phase Production Measurement System
Town Hall Meeting-A Conversation on Oil and Gas
Approved Projects
G-15-28: Hydraullic Fracturing & Microseismic Monitoring Project-Bakken Research Consortium (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Headington Oil Company, L.P.
- Objective: The drilling of three parallel horizontal wells (two producing wells and one monitoring well) into the middle member of the Bakken Formation within a single 640-acre spacing unit.
- Funded Amount: $750,000
- Total Project Cost: $14,000,000
- Final Report
G-15-29: Surface Microseismic Study of a Bakken Simultaneous Fracture Stimulation (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Marathon Oil Company
- Objective: To understand the mechanics of a simultaneous fracture stimulation in the Bakken between two parallel horizontal wells (each with 9000’ horizontal wellbore drilled in the Middle Bakken) drilled in the same 1280 acre drilling and spacing unit and compare the results to a microseismic study of a single well stimulation.
- Funded Amount: $207,550
- Total Project Cost: $415,100
- Final Report
G-15-30: Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership–Phase III
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Phase III of the PCOR Partnership will include, among other tasks, commercial-scale field demonstration projects that focus on injecting CO2 into geologic formations.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $135,731,052
- Final Report
G-15-31: Geomechanical Study of Bakken Formation in the Nesson Anticline Area, Williams County ND
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)
- Objective: This project has four objectives:
- Determine the in‐situ stress field of the targeted formation for better design of horizontal wells and hydraulic fracturing;
- Measure the geomechanical properties, such as rock strength, to improve well stability during both drilling and production stages;
- Develop local geomechanical laboratory capacities to serve the state and the regional demand; and
- Establish lab facilities to teach lab classes for courses that include geomechanics components.
- Determine the in‐situ stress field of the targeted formation for better design of horizontal wells and hydraulic fracturing;
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $377,967
G-15-32: Purpose-Fit Portable Multi-Phase Production Measurement System
- Sponsor: Ward Williston Oil Company
- Objective: To create and use a purpose-built portable production measurement system to measure flow rates from pumping wells involved in conventional and enhanced recovery operations.
- Funded Amount: $98,000
- Total Project Cost: $196,000
- Final Report
G-15-33: Town Hall Meeting-A Conversation on Oil and Gas
- Sponsor: ND Association of Oil & Gas Producing Counties
- Objective: To host a series of informal town hall meetings to provide information and to allow the public to have conversations about oil and gas development in western North Dakota communities with local, state, and industry leaders.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $20,000
Grant Round 14
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-14-27: Northwest Refining, Inc. Preliminary Engineering Feasibility Study (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Northwest Refining, Inc.
- Objective: The purpose of this preliminary feasibility engineering study is to explore all of the factors involved in the development, construction, and operation of a 50,000 bbl/day oil refinery in the Williston area.
- Funded Amount: $40,000
- Total Project Cost: $80,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 13
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Identification of a Shallow Gas Source System in Southwestern Steele County, ND
Surface Microseismic Study of a Bakken Fracture Stimulation
ND Petroleum Council Teacher Education Seminar
Innovative Practices for Managing Oilfield Wastes in the Williston Basin of ND
Public Education Program Phase II
Approved Projects
G-13-24: Identification of a Shallow Gas Source System in Southeastern Steele County, ND
- Sponsor: Fischer Oil and Gas, Inc.
- Objective: The purpose of this activity was twofold. To expanded upon gas detection reconnaissance field work previously completed by the NDGS in Southwestern Steele County, and to collect a gas and water sample for analysis from a shallow NDSWC (North Dakota State Water Commission) observation well.
- Funded Amount: $15,100
- Total Project Cost: $30,200
G-13-25: ND Petroleum Council Teacher Education Seminar
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: To educate teachers about the economic benefits and career opportunities provided by the North Dakota oil and gas industry enabling them to educate their students about the industry.
- Funded Amount: $17,900
- Total Project Cost: $35,800
G-13-26: Surface Microseismic Study of a Bakken Fracture Stimulation (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Marathon Oil Company
- Objective: To conduct a surface microseismic study of a hydraulic fracture stimulation of a middle Bakken well in Dunn County.
- Funded Amount: $155,000
- Total Project Cost: $310,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 12
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Energy and Transmission Needs Study on ND Oil Development
Williston Basin Oil Development Power Load Forecast Study
G-12-B Application
Approved Projects
G-12-23: Williston Basin Oil Development Power Load Forecast Study (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Basin Electric Power Cooperative
- Objective: To help fund an independent review of future oil and gas-related electric loads in the Williston Basin.
- Funded Amount: $49,000
- Total Project Cost: $201,600
- Final Report
Grant Round 11
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-11-22: Petroleum Safety and Technology Center
- Sponsor: NW ND Workforce Training Division
- Objective: To hire a Service Rig Trainer for the period of April 1-June 30, 2007 and purchase office equipment.
- Funded Amount: $27,066
- Total Project Cost: $1,235,638
Grant Round 10
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Study of ND Crude Oil Quality Equalization System Quality Bank
Surface Tiltmeter Study of a Bakken Fracture Stimulation
Approved Projects
G-10-19: Study of ND Crude Oil Quality Equalization System Quality Bank
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: To conduct an unbiased study/assessment of North Dakota crude oil to determine whether a quality bank or some form of quality regulation can provide a tool that will create more pipeline capacity to export crude oil to market.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $100,000
G-10-20: Surface Tiltmeter Study of a Bakken Fracture Stimulation
- Sponsor: Marathon Oil Company
- Objective: To conduct a surface tiltmeter study of a fracture stimulation of a middle Bakken test to be drilled in Dunn County in the first half of 2007. A tiltmeter study is a technology employed to measure the direction of a fracture created in the subsurface by measuring movement or deflection at the surface.
- Funded Amount: $120,000
- Total Project Cost: $240,000
- Final Report