Grant Round 19
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
No Proposals
Approved Projects
No Approved Projects
Grant Round 18
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Biocomposites Development for Industrial and Consumer Products
Development of Innovative Modular Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery Packs for Energy Storage
Approved Projects
R-18-28: Biocomposite Development for Industrial and Consumer Products
- Sponsor: c2renew corporation/Earth-Kind/NDSU
- Objective: This project will develop and trial test biocomposite materials produced by c2renew corporation into consumer products by Earth-Kind and for industrial applications in Bobcat Co., John Deere Co., and Toshiba Corp. products.
- Funded Amount: $150,000
- Total Project Cost: $300,000
Grant Round 17
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Renewable Energy Commodity Trading Educational Program
Distributed Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant-Engineering and Development
Approved Projects
R-17-27: Distributed Nitrogen Fertilizer Plant-Engineering & Development (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Progressive Nutrient Systems LLC
- Objective: Developing a small-scale, distributed nitrogen fertilizer plant that will be co-located at the Tharaldson Ethanol facility in Casselton, North Dakota. The PNS plant will use renewable inputs and will both lower the carbon footprint of corn-based ethanol and decrease fertilizer price volatility for North Dakota farmers, while ensuring a local supply of a vital agricultural input.
- Funded Amount: $431,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,000,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 16
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
R-16-26: Renewable Energy Commodity Trading Educational Program
- Sponsor: ND State University (NDSU)
- Objective: Develop a world class renewable energy commodity trading educational program targeted to students, feedstock suppliers, and industry personnel.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,000,000
Grant Round 15
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
No Approved Projects
Grant Round 14
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
No Proposals
Approved Projects
No Approved Projects
Grant Round 13
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Comprehensive Statewide Higher-Level Blend Ethanol Marketing Campaign
Energy Beet Research, Phase II
Improving the Profitability of ND Ethanol Plants with Algae
Approved Projects
R-13-24: Comprehensive Statewide Higher Blend Ethanol Marketing Campaign
- Sponsor: ND Ethanol Council
- Objective: Increase the amount of higher-level ethanol blends (E15 and higher) used in North Dakota by unifying the state's ethanol stakeholder groups to develop and implement a statewide, coordinated marketing campaign.
- Funded Amount: $199,600
- Total Project Cost: $424,000
R-13-25: Energy Beet Research Phase II
- Sponsor: Green Vision Group
- Objective: To finalize a cost effective and energy efficient plant design and advance development for North Dakota's first 20 MGY energy beet biofuel plant.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,000,000
Grant Round 12
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
No Proposals
Approved Projects
No Approved Projects
Grant Round 11
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Pilot-Scale Testing to Evaluate the Effects of Biomass Cofiring Combustion on CMMs at Low Mercury Concentrations
Trace Element Measurements During Biomass Gasification
Biomass Gasification in Entrained-Flow Systems
Biobased Non-isocyanate Urethane Hybrid Resins for Pultrusion Composites
Approved Projects
R-11-23: Biobased Non-Isocyanate Urethane Hybrid Resins for Poltrusion Composites
- Sponsor: ND State University (NDSU)
- Objective: Develop novel polyurethane resins -- based on ND renewable materials (i.e. vegetable oils) -- for pultrusion composite fabrication. Testing of the prototype pultrusion composites and production will be done at Tecton in Fargo, ND.
- Funded Amount: $200,000
- Total Project Cost: $400,000
Grant Round 10
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
R-10-22: Developing a Biomaterials Industry in ND
- Sponsor: ND State University (NDSU)
- Objective: To scale up the process, called Packed-Bed Ammonia Fiber Expansion to a three reactor semi-continuous system that operates at 4.5 kg per cycle. Data from operating this system will be used to design a pilot scale system operating at one ton per day.
- Funded Amount: $406,120
- Total Project Cost: $812,240