Grant Round 5
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Clean H2 and N-fertilizer Production Facility
Spiritwood Fertilizer Project
Green Pig Iron Production Facility
Unlocking the Full Potential of Produced Water as a Key Component of Clean Sustainable Energy
Blue Ammonia Facility
Marathon Petroleum Dickinson Renewable Fuel Facility Expansion
Demonstration and Scale-Up of a Low-Cost Long-Duration Energy Storage Technology for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Grand Power-ND Battery Manufacturing Plant
Cerilon GTL
NDeV Flare Gas Mitigation Demonstration Project
Approved Projects
C-5-12: Green pig iron production facility
- Sponsor: Scranton Holding Company/North American Iron, Inc.
- Objective: Construction of processing facility in ND capable of producing 2 million tons/year of near carbon-neutral pig iron; 0.1 ton CO2/ton pig iron vs. 2.3 tons CO2/ton traditional pig iron, over a 96% CO2 reduction; CO2 sequestration of 1.6 million tons/year.
- Funded Amount: $7 million (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $2 billion
- Final Report
C-5-13: Marathon Petroleum Dickinson Renewable Fuel Facility Expansion (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Expansion of Dickinson renewable fuels refinery to add sustainable aviation fuel production; Would reduce carbon-intensity of the facilities products by more than 20%.
- Funded Amount: $3,300,000 (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $21,761,930
- Final Report
- Sponsor: Dakota Lithium Materials
- Objective: Construction of demonstration facility at UND for the production of 1,000 tons/year of lithium iron phosphate materials; feedstock for lithium-ion batteries; 99% reduction in water use, 51% reduction in electric use, and 51% reduction in CO2 emissions.
- Funded Amount: $2 million (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $10,250,000
- Final Report
C-5-15: Cerilon GTL
- Sponsor: Cerilon
- Objective: Continued front-end engineering and design of Trenton gas-to-liquids facility; conversion of 240,000-280,000 mcf natural gas/day into 24,000 bpd of base oils and synthetic lubricants with carbon capture up to 2 million tons per year.
- Funded Amount: $9.5 million (grant) & $8.5 million (loan)
- Total Project Cost: $3.6 billion
- Final Report
Grant Round 4
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Bushel Farm Traceability Dashboard
SAFuels X
Smart Well Hub
Project Tundra
Project Phoenix-Manufacturing bio-degradable polymers using methane as feedstock
Lignite Combustion Product Enhancements
Unlocking the Full Potential of Produced Water as a Key Component of Clean Sustainable Energy
Enhancement of Energy Infrastructure to Enable Sustainable Resource Management, Stimulate Innovation, and Secure Domestic Supply of Critical Minerals
Approved Projects
C-4-10: Bushel Farm Traceability Dashboard
- Sponsor: Bushel, Inc.
- Objective: Develop a technology for increasing the scale and use of differentiated commodities in the renewable fuels sector.
- Funded Amount: $3.5 million (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $12,265,250
- Final Report
C-4-11: Unlocking the Full Potential of Produced Water as a Key Component of Clean Sustainable Energy
- Sponsor: WellSpring Hydro
- Objective: Utilize a unique feedstock from oilfield brines (a.k.a. produced water) that presently is treated and pumped into disposal wells which will produce three commercially essential products (and lithium extraction) in a sustainable format that will diversify North Dakota’s economy, bolster existing industries with an improved cost position, and drive clean sustainable energy.
- Funded Amount: $5 million (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $250,886,700
- Final Report
Grant Round 3
Liberty H2 Hub Front-End Engineering & Design
Project Phoenix-Manufacturing bio-degradable polymers using methane as feedstock
Geothermal Power Generation for Oil & Gas Production
Approved Projects
C-3-7: Liberty H2 Hub Front-End Engineering & Design
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Complete a front-end engineering design (FEED) study for the Liberty Hydrogen Hub (LHH), a necessary step toward development of commercial-scale, low-carbon hydrogen energy in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $10 million (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $24,290,528
C-3-8: Project Phoenix Manufacturing bio-degradable polymers using methane as feedstock
- Sponsor: Newlight Technologies
- Objective: Fund engineering and design work for constructing and operating a plant in northwest North Dakota including engineering to the North Dakota’s specific climate and associated construction window as well as additional engineering to support future carbon sequestration opportunities.
- Funded Amount: $4,185,625 (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $8,271,250
- Final Report
C-3-9: Geothermal Power Generation for Oil & Gas Production
- Sponsor: Enerplus (USA) Corporation
- Objective: Commercially implement a geothetmal power generation technology on the
- produced water stream of Enerplus facilities.
- Funded Amount: $1,098,500 (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $2,197,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 2
Flare Mitigation-Elimination through Wellsite Energy Recovery and Advanced Computing
Hydroil McKenzie 1 Slurry Fracture Injection TENORM Disposal Facility
SAFuels X
Commercial Deployment of Carbon Dioxide Capture & Geological Sequestration in McLean County
Internal Combustion Engine Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Accelerating the Waste-to-Energy Commercialization Pathway for the Sandwich Gasifier
Green Hydrogen Generation and Storage System
Project Tundra
Approved Projects
C-2-6: Internal Combustion Engine Carbon Capture and Sequestration
- Sponsor: Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation
- Objective: This funding is for the implementation of a fieldwide carbon capture and sequestration project to reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions on a field wide basis. This project, that will use proprietary technology to collect exhaust gas emitted from stationary internal combustion engines, was partially funded by the Industrial Commission.
- Funded Amount: $1 million (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $18,110,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 1
Dakota H2 Hub
Cerilon GTL
Vapor Recovery Units to Capture Fugitive Gas Emissions from Oil & Gas Locations
Unlocking the Full Potential of Produced Water as a Key Component of Clean Sustainable Energy
Commercial Deployment of Carbon Dioxide Capture & Geological Sequestration in McLean County
Front-End Engineering and Design for CO2 Capture at Coal Creek Station
Solving ND Flaring Mobile Flare Gas Capture & Fueling Platform Expansion
Approved Projects
C-1-1: Dakota H2 Hub (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Bakken Energy LLC
- Objective: Develop a regional clean hydrogen hub.
- Funded Amount: $10 million (grant) & $80 million (loan)
- Total Project Cost: $1.75 billion
- Final Report
C-1-2: Cerilon GTL (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Cerilon GTL ND Inc. GTL Project
- Objective: To take clean natural gas, converting it through an ESG compliant Gas to Liquids (GTL) process into clean, environmentally friendly, and value adding products. The GTL facility will do Carbon Capture and Underground Sequestration (CCUS) to capture up to ~2 million tons per annum of CO2 and sequester underground.
- Funded Amount: $7 million (grant) & $40 million (loan)
- Total Project Cost: $2.8 billion
- Final Report
C-1-3: Unlocking the Full Potential of Produced Water as a key Component of Clean Sustainable Energy
- Sponsor: Wellspring Hydro
- Objective: Execute the final phase of front-end engineering (FEL-3) and design to recover resources with commercial value from a waste stream from the Bakken oil fields; Confirm produced water feedstock process through pilot testing; complete validation of lithium extraction process.
- Funded Amount: $1 million (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $2.2 million
C-1-4: Commercial Deployment of Carbon Dioxide Capture & Geological Sequestration in McLean County (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Midwest AgEnergy Group
- Objective: Bring CO2 sequestration into commercial application.
- Funded Amount: $3 million (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $58,800,000
- Final Report
C-1-5: Front-End Engineering and Design for CO2 Capture at Coal Creek Station
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Complete a FEED (front-end engineering and design) study on the addition of a full-scale post combustion CO2 capture system (CCS) that will capture 95% of CO2 emissions at the 1100-MWe Coal Creek Station.
- Funded Amount: $7 million (grant)
- Total Project Cost: $15,065,200
- Final Report