Grant Round 9
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
No Proposals
Approved Projects
No Approved Projects
Grant Round 8
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Polymer Gel Treatment-a Remediation for Produced Waters
Crude Oil Transportation Capacity Study
Approved Projects
G-8-17: Polymer Gel Treatment: A Remediation for Produced Waters
- Sponsor: Aeon Energy
- Objective: Reduce water production in the Lillie Farms #3 well (SWNW Section 10-Township 161 North-Range 81 west) located in the North Maxbass Madison Unit, Bottineau County, through the use of a polymer gel treatment.
- Funded Amount: $50,500
- Total Project Cost: $20,1630
G-8-18: Crude Oil Transportation Capacity Study
- Sponsor: Northern Alliance of Independent Producers
- Objective: Examine the contributing factors and discuss potential strategies to mitigate future price differential within the Rocky Mountain region and Williston Basin which include growth and decline of domestic production, imports of Canadian crude oil, limitations on refining and pipeline exports within the Rocky Mountain region, related administrative/regulatory issues, and softness in the consumer market.
- Funded Amount: $8,000
- Total Project Cost: $16,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 7
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
McKenzie County Digital Imaging Enhancement Project
Public Education Program Phase II
Vertical Seismic Profiling Test of a Seismic Fault and Fracture Detection in the Bakken Formation
Approved Projects
G-7-21: Vertical Seismic Profiling Test of a Seismic Fault and Fracture Detection in the Bakken Formation (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Marathon Oil Company
- Objective: To conduct a vertical seismic profile (VSP) test and analyze the VSP data for:
- 1) accurate time-depth data to tie surface seismic to the well;
- 2) testing seismic for small fault and fracture detection calibrated by well observations;
- 3) testing and verification of applications of 3D seismic to improve efficiency of drilling and development of the Bakken shale reserves.
- Funded Amount: $150,000
- Total Project Cost: $300,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 6
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-6-16: Cretaceous Gas/Shale Gas Expansion
- Sponsor: Continential Resources Inc.
- Objective: Provide information on how the use of newer well log technologies could expand current North Dakota shallow gas production and generate interest in Cretaceous gas prospects statewide. The objectives of the project are to develop a method of evaluating the shallow gas potential of the Pierre Shale and Eagle Sand in the Cedar Hills area, creating a template that can be used/modified for exploration through the State.
- Funded Amount: $186,120
- Total Project Cost: $630,120
- Final Report
Grant Round 5
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Contribution of the Petroleum Industry to the ND Economy
Remediation of Salt and Hydrocarbon Impacted ND Soils
North American Prospect Expo
Education on Oilfield Fire Safety
Proposal to ND Oil and Gas Research Council for the Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership Program
Northern Alliance of Independent Producers Public Education Program
Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership Program-Phase II
Approved Projects
G-5-10: Contribution of Petroleum Industry to the ND Economy (Confidential)
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: Estimate the contribution of the petroleum industry to the North Dakota economy, measured by indicators such as employment, income, additional gross receipts in various sectors of the state economy and revenues from selected state taxes.
- Funded Amount: $20,000
- Total Project Cost: $40,000
- Final Report
G-5-11: Remediation of Salt and Hydrocarbon Impacted ND Soils
- Sponsor: BioRem Consultants/Amerada Hess Corporation/ND Oil & Gas Division
- Objective: Develop a user-friendly, low-cost, and environmentally appropriate soil remediation process and organize, document, and publish a practical soil remediation guide for salt and hydrocarbon contaminated soils.
- Funded Amount: $20,000
- Total Project Cost: $40,000
G-5-12: North American Prospect Expo
- Sponsor: Department of Mineral Resources-Geological Survey
- Objective: To promote the oil and gas potential of the North Dakota portion of the Williston Basin which creates an opportunity to increase mineral leasing and ultimately lead to increases in exploration for oil and gas.
- Funded Amount: $1,445
- Total Project Cost: $6,725
G-5-13: Education of Oilfield Fire Safety
- Sponsor: ND Association of Oil and Gas Producing Counties
- Objective: To provide education to 3,000 volunteer and staff firefighters in western and central North Dakota and other state officials about oilfield fire safety and encourage them to learn more about oilfield fire safety by attending, training at the Dickinson‐based Williston Basin Oilfield Fire Training facility.
- Funded Amount: $15,000
- Total Project Cost: $216,500
- Final Report
G-5-14: Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership Program-Phase II
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)
- Objective: Phase II activities will focus on carbon storage field validation projects that were designed to develop the local technical expertise and experience needed to facilitate future large-scale carbon dioxide (CO2) storage efforts in the region’s subsurface and terrestrial settings.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $21,487,892
G-5-15: Northern Alliance of Independent Producers Public Education Program
- Sponsor: Northern Alliance of Independent Producers
- Objective: To launch a public education program through print and electronic media regarding the oil and gas industry.
- Funded Amount: $20,000
- Total Project Cost: $210,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 4
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
A Shallow Gas in Western ND
ND Petroleum Council Oil and Gas Education Program
Education on Oilfield Fire Safety
ND Oil & Gas Historical Artifact Catalog
Industrial Safety Training Program
Approved Projects
G-4-8: ND Petroleum Council Oil and Gas Education Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: The objective of the Energy Career Awareness Partnership (ECAP) is to educate students, teachers, and parents about career opportunities in North Dakota’s energy industry.
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $210,000
G-4-9: Industrial Safety Training Program
- Sponsor: NW ND Workforce Train-WSC
- Objective: The Industrial Safety Training Program (ISTP) will work closely with the energy industry to train individuals interested in a career in the oilfield.
- Funded Amount: $65,540
- Total Project Cost: $281,601
Grant Round 3
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
No Proposals
Approved Projects
No Approved Projects
Grant Round 2
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Improving Electrical Energy Efficiency in E&P-An EERC-Sponsored Workshop
Digital Thin Section and Core Photo Project
North American Prospect Expo
Approved Projects
G-2-6: Digital Thin Section and Core Photo Project
- Sponsor: ND Department of Mineral Resources
- Objective: Increase the likelihood that oil wells will be drilled in North Dakota by placing photographs of oil core and thin sections on the Oil and Gas subscription site. These photographs will not only encourage oil company geologists to study North Dakota oil well cores and cuttings, it will also provide color photographs that can be incorporated into internal company presentations that are used to convince upper management to drill a given project.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $35,000
G-2-7: North American Prospect Expo (NAPE)
- Sponsor: ND Geological Survey
- Objective: To generate interest in the oil and gas potential of the North Dakota portion of the Williston Basin by staffing a booth at the 2005 North American Prospect Expo (NAPE) which is the largest gathering of the oil companies and landmen in the U.S.
- Funded Amount: $5,000
- Total Project Cost: $10,000
Grant Round 1
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Custom ND ArcIMS Map Server
ND Petroleum Council's Teacher Education Seminar
ND Studies & the Energy Industry
Train the Trainer Oilfield Emergency
Approved Projects
G-1-1: Custom ND ArcIMS Map Server
- Sponsor: Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson
- Objective: To develop customized user friendly Arel MS search capabilities and database links to allow unskilled users to access printable maps and database information.
- Funded Amount: $7,000
- Total Project Cost: $17,260
G-1-3: ND Petroleum Council's Teacher Education Seminar
- Sponsor: ND Oil and Gas Association
- Objective: To provide knowledge and information to the teachers on the oil and gas industry that they will find useful in their classroom through a seminar designed for a maximum of 40 participants.
- Funded Amount: $5,152
- Total Project Cost: $12,880
- Final Report
G-1-5: Train the Trainer for Oilfield Emergencies
- Sponsor: ND Assocation of Oil and Gas Producing Counties
- Objective: This project will provide education to 2 firefighters who will then train western North Dakota firefighters on oilfield emergencies.
- Funded Amount: $4,000
- Total Project Cost: $8,500
Grant Round 0
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
G-0-A Application
Produced Fluids Gathering Pipeline Study
Pilot Project to Remediate Soil Surrounding Legacy Brine Pits
Emerging Issues
G-0-D Application
Approved Projects
G-0-1: Sandia
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)-Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: A DOE study included characterizing crude oils based on their chemical and physical properties and identifying properties that may contribute to an increased potential for accidental combustion. A two-phase approach was developed to achieve these objectives. Phase I activities included a literature survey of publicly available information on crude oil properties and development of a conceptual crude oil characterization plan to address information gaps and enable a comprehensive characterization of crude oil properties. Phase II activities included crude oil sampling, chemical and physical property characterization, and combustion testing.
- Funded Amount: $150,000
- Total Project Cost: $150,000
G-0-2: Produced Fluids Gathering Pipeline Study
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)-Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Directed by House Bill (HB) 1358 which is legislation regarding the state's regulatory oversight of gathering pipelines for produced water and crude oil. The bill includes enhancements for the prevention and detection of pipeline leaks, expands the state's remediation and restoration program for land and water resources impacted by oil and gas development, developing new rules involving the construction and operation of gathering pipelines.
- Funded Amount: $1,500,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,500,000
G-0-3: Pilot Project to Remediate Soil Surrounding Legacy Brine Pits
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)-Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: For North Dakota research facilities to conduct a pilot program to determine the best techniques for remediating salt and any other contamination from the soil surrounding legacy (1951-1984) waste pits in North Central North Dakota reclaimed by trenching.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $500,000
- Final Report
G-0-4: Emerging Issues
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)-Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Study emerging issues relevant to the industry.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $500,000
- Final Report