Grant Round 49
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Impact of SCR Catalyst on Mercury Oxidation in Lignite-Fired Combustion Systems
Mercury Control Technologies for Electric Utilities Burning Lignite Coals-Phase II, Field Testing of Slipstream Technology
Pilot-and Full-Scale Demonstration of Advanced Control Technologies for Lignite-Fired Power Plants
Lignite Vision 21 Feasibility Project Phase II-Permitting, Business Development & Engineering
LRC-49-D Application
Lignite Fuel Enhancement-Incremental Moisture Reduction Program-Phase II
LRC-49-E Application
Thermal Pre-Combustion Mercury Removal Process for Low Rank Coal-Fired Power Plants
LRC-49-F Application
Approved Projects
FY03-49-118: Mercury Control Techonologies for Electric Utilities Burning Lignite Coals-Phase II, Field Testing of Slipstream Technology
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Using a slip-stream baghouse (up to nominal 10 MW), demonstrate a low-cost mercury control using activated char at Saskatchewan Power's lignite-fired Popular River power.
- Funded Amount: $32,250
- Total Project Cost: $111,720
- Final Report
FY03-49-119: Impact of SCR Catalyst on Mercury Oxidation in Lignite-Fired Combustion Systems
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Mercury measurements will be conducted upstream and downstream of the slipstream SCR catalyst bed to determine if mercury oxidation occurs and to quantify long-term declining oxidation due to aging of the catalyst or due to lignite-derived flue gas contaminants.
- Funded Amount: $95,000
- Total Project Cost: $190,000
- Final Report
FY03-49-120: Pilot-and Full-Scale Demonstration of Advanced Control Technologies for Lignite-Fired Power Plants
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Based on previous efforts, continue development of the selected elemental mercury emission control processes: 1) Activated carbon injection upstream of an ESP combined with sorbent enhancement; 2) Mercury oxidation and control using wet and dry scrubbers; 3) Enhanced oxidation at a full-scale power plant using tire-derived fuel (TDF) and oxidizing catalysts; and 4) Mercury absorption using advanced absorption inserts inside baghouse fabric filters.
- Funded Amount: $140,000
- Total Project Cost: $280,000
- Final Report
FY03-49-121: Lignite Fuel Enhancement: Incremental Moisture Reduction Program-Phase II
- Sponsor: Great River Energy (GRE)/Falkirk Mining Company/Coteau Properties
- Objective: Using power plant waste heat, economically reduce the amount of moisture, sulfur, mercury, and ash content thereby reducing emissions and increasing plant efficiency.
- Funded Amount: $32,250
- Total Project Cost: $111,720
- Final Report
FY03-49-122: Thermal Pre-Combustion Mercury Removal Process for Low Rank Coal-Fired Power Plants
- Sponsor: Montana-Dakota Utilities (MDU)
- Objective: Evaluate a pre combustion thermal-based technology for the removal of mercury from low rank coals, both sub bituminous and lignite.
- Funded Amount: $95,000
- Total Project Cost: $190,000
- Final Report
FY03-49-123: Lignite Vision 21 Feasibility Project Phase II–Permitting, Business Development & Engineering
- Sponsor: Great Northern Power Development L.P.
- Objective: Complete Phase II business, development, transmission, permitting, and design work activities to move the project into the partnering, financing and pre-construction phases.
- Funded Amount: $140,000
- Total Project Cost: $280,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 48
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Mercury and Air Toxic Impacts of Coal Combustion Byproduct Disposal and Utilization
Approved Projects
FY03-48-117: Mercury and Air Toxic Impacts of Coal Combustion Byproduct Disposal and Utilization
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Evaluate potential impacts of mercury and other air toxic elements on the management of coal combustion by-products (long-term storage and utilization products).
- Funded Amount: $37,500
- Total Project Cost: $1,500,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 47
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Long-Term Mercury Monitoring At ND Power Plants
Approved Projects
FY03-47-116: Long-Term Mercury Monitoring At ND Power Plants
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Conduct long-term monitoring of mercury emissions at the Milton R. Young Unit 2 and R. M. Heskett Unit 2 plants to determine emission levels and variations due to coal and operations and to quantify levels of oxidized versus elemental mercury.
- Funded Amount: $129,000
- Total Project Cost: $430,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 46
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Implementation Of Lignite Regional Energy Marketing Plan
LRC-46-A Application
Approved Projects
FY02-46-115: Implementation Of Lignite Regional Energy Marketing Plan
- Sponsor: The Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: Improve overall public regional image of coal and promote the use of coal as a low-cost, efficient and environmentally compatible energy source to ensure the continued utilization and growth of coal-based electrical energy.
- Funded Amount: $1,800,000
- Total Project Cost: $3,600,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 45
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Anaerobic Treatment of Dakota Gasification Company Stripped Gas Liquor
Mercury Control Technologies for Electric Utilities Burning Lignite Coals
Approved Projects
FY02-45-113: Anaerobic Treatment of Dakota Gasification Company Stripped Gas Liquor
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To develop a more efficient method to remove organics from stripped gas liquor effluent. Specific objectives are to develop an anaerobic biological process to degrade organic impurities to reduce heat exchanger fouling thereby reducing cooling tower odors and drift.
- Funded Amount: $130,000
- Total Project Cost: $380,000
- Final Report
FY02-45-114: Mercury Control Technologies for Electric Utilities Burning Lignite Coals
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To develop cost-effective elemental mercury control technologies for utilities burning lignite coals. Specific Objectives: To develop an understanding of mercury interactions with flue gas constituents; Identify candidate chemical agents and sorbents and conduct laboratory screening tests; and Conduct pilot scale tests to identify candidate sorbents for future field tests at a lignite-fired plant.
- Funded Amount: $150,000
- Total Project Cost: $833,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 44
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Biomass Impacts On SCR Performance
Center for Air Toxic Metals Affiliates Program
Mercury Control Options Evaluation, Phase II Stanton Station
LRC-44-C Application
Approved Projects
FY02-44-110: Biomass Impacts On SCR Performance
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To determine fundamental mechanisms of NOx reduction and potential blinding of selective catalytic reduction catalysts using biomass and lignite.
- Funded Amount: $120,000
- Total Project Cost: $400,000
- Final Report
FY02-44-111: Center for Air Toxic Metals Affiliates Program
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To further the understanding of the behavior of potential toxic metals in coal-fired utilities, other fossil fuel systems, waste-to-energy systems, and waste incinerators. A specific objective of the CATM program is the study of the fate and control of mercury emissions from coal-fired systems.
- Funded Amount: $75,000
- Total Project Cost: $3,750,000
- Final Report
FY02-44-112: Mercury Control Options Evaluation, Phase II Stanton Station
- Sponsor: Great River Energy (GRE)
- Objective: To evaluate mercury control options at the Stanton Station. Specific objectives are to evaluate the effectiveness of the chemical additives to convert elemental mercury to ionic mercury and of the MerCap technology based on the use of gold plates inserted in the combustion gas stream to absorb mercury.
- Funded Amount: $80,000
- Total Project Cost: $220,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 43
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Lignite Vision 21 Feasibility Project
LRC-43-A Application
Approved Projects
FY02-43-109: Lignite Vision 21 Feasibility Project
- Sponsor: Great Northern Power Development L.P.
- Objective: To evaluate the construction of a 500 MW power plant and conduct the initial feasibility studies.
- Funded Amount: $673,250
- Total Project Cost: $1,346,500
- Final Report
Grant Round 42
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Low-Temperature NOx Reduction Using High-Sodium Lignite-Derived Chars
Approved Projects
FY02-42-108: Low-Temperature NOx Reduction Using High-Sodium Lignite-Derived Chars
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To evaluate the use of High-sodium lignite-derived chars to reduce NOx emissions from Cycle Fired Boilers. A secondary objective is to promote the oxidation of elemental mercury to ionic mercury. The NOx reduction and mercury oxidation processes are to be demonstration in a circulating fluid-bed reactor.
- Funded Amount: $200,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,020,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 41
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
MDU-Westmoreland Power Plant Project
LRC-41-A Application
Approved Projects
FY01-41-107: MDU-Westmoreland Power Plant Project (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: Montana-Dakota/Westmoreland
- Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of constructing a 500 MW lignite-fired baseload power plant near Gascoyne, North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $2,850,000
- Total Project Cost: $740,000,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 40
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Lignite Vision 21 Power Plant Project
LRC-40-A Application
Approved Projects
FY01-40-106: Lignite Vision 21 Power Plant Project
- Sponsor: Great River Energy (GRE)
- Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and to construct a 500 MW lignite-fired baseload power plant.
- Funded Amount: $2,857,750
- Total Project Cost: $740,897,000
- Final Report