Grant Round 19
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Coal Quality Management System
LRC-19-A Application
Equipment, Engineering, & Economic Evaluation For A Lignite Fuel Production Facility
LRC-19-B Application
Lignite Resource Characterization And Evaluation For Mitigation Of Ash Deposition
LRC-19-C Application
Approved Projects
FY95-19-59: Equipment, Engineering & Economic Evaluation For A Lignite Fuel Production Facility
- Sponsor: Grand Forks Activation Technologies
- Objective: To provide engineering and equipment information for a conceptual lignite upgrading process that includes coal crushing, screening, wet physical cleaning, drying, and briquetting. The engineering data was collected and analyzed and the preliminary plant design costs are estimated.
- Funded Amount: $51,149
- Total Project Cost: $102,649
- Final Report
FY95-19-60: Coal Quality Management System
- Sponsor: Microbeam Technologies Incorporated
- Objective: To integrate, demonstrate, and commercialize a PC-based hardware/software package that relates mine-coal characterization to coal combustion, boiler operation, and utility performance. This site-specific demonstration is the Center Mine of BNI Coal and the Milton R. Young Station operated by Minnkota Power Cooperative.
- Funded Amount: $250,000
- Total Project Cost: $810,565
- Final Report
FY95-19-61: Lignite Resource Characterization And Evaluation For Mitigation Of Ash Deposition
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To relate coal quality to combustion characteristics. This site-specific project involves Knife River Corporation’s Beulah Mine and the adjacent Coyote Station.
- Funded Amount: $114,000
- Total Project Cost: $380,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 18
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Comparative Evaluation Of Productivity Of Prime And Nonprime Soils
Production Of Enhanced Physically Cleaned Lignite
Approved Projects
FY-95-18-57: Production Of Enhanced Physically Cleaned Lignite
- Sponsor: Grand Forks Activation Technologies
- Objective: To produce ultra-clean Beulah-mine lignite. Specific objectives are emissions below 0.5 lbs of SO2/MMBtu in a fluid bed combustor and below 1.2 lb of SO2/MMBtu if used in a PC-fired combustor.
- Funded Amount: $85,000
- Total Project Cost: $170,000
- Final Report
FY95-18-58: Comparative Evaluation Of Productivity Of Prime And Nonprime Soils
- Sponsor: ND State University Land Reclamation Research Center
- Objective: To provide the final year of a four-year study designed to compare the productivity of prime and nonprime topsoil materials in different topographic positions and to determine if the separate handling of prime or nonprime topsoil is necessary. As a result of the study, it is recommended that the topsoil from these three soils could be mixed without significantly affecting the productivity of reclaimed land.
- Funded Amount: $21,116
- Total Project Cost: $42,332
- Final Report
Grant Round 17
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Air Toxics Removal Using The IFGT For An Upgraded Lignite Coal Blend
LRC-17-A Application
Approved Projects
FY94-17-56: Air Toxics Removal Using The IFGT For An Upgraded Lignite Coal Blend
- Sponsor: Babcock & Wilcox
- Objective: To assess the ability of a condensing heat exchanger to clean the flue gas resulting from the combustion of a coal blend using an upgraded lignite fuel. Specific objectives included flue gas characterization (particulates, mercury concentration and SO2), particulate removal efficiency by size range, total and form of mercury removal, SO2 removal efficiency, and thermal performance of the condensing heat exchanger.
- Funded Amount: $54,534
- Total Project Cost: $109,068
- Final Report
Grant Round 16
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Development & Presentation Of Externality Information Relating To Lignite-Based Generation For Minnesota Externality Proceedings
LRC-16-A Application
Survey & Demonstration Of Utilization Potential Of ND Lignite Ash Resources
LRC-16-B Application
Approved Projects
FY94-16-54: Survey & Demonstration Of Utilization Potential Of ND Lignite Ash Resources
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To identify beneficial uses of fly ash and bottom ash, develop information useful in the marketing of fly ash and bottom ash, and demonstrate improved technologies and uses of combustion byproducts. Eleven sources of North Dakota lignite combustion byproducts were evaluated and characterized for use in concrete, control low-strength material, soil stabilization, and permeable base course.
- Funded Amount: $80,000
- Total Project Cost: $230,000
- Final Report
FY94-16-55: Development & Presentation Of Externality Information Relating To Lignite-Based Generation For Minnesota Externality Proceedings
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To provide technical and legal support including information and access to expert witnesses in the contested case proceedings on the application of externality values in Minnesota on lignite-generated electricity. The final decision in the proceedings resulted in the exclusion of North Dakota lignite-generated electricity from the most onerous provisions.
- Funded Amount: $250,000
- Total Project Cost: $550,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 15
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Comparative Evaluation Of Productivity Of Prime and Nonprime Soils
Engineering Feasibility Study Of Coal Reburn Application To The Cyclone Furnaces In ND Lignite Cyclone Users Group
Mitigation of Air Toxics From Lignite Generation Facilities
LRC-15-C Application
Physical Cleaning of Lignite
The Success Of Current Soil Depth Requirements On Mineland In ND-An Assessment
Approved Projects
FY94-15-49: Comparative Evaluation Of Productivity Of Prime And Nonprime Soils
- Sponsor: ND State University Land Reclamation Research Center
- Objective: To compare the productivity of prime and nonprime topsoil materials in different topographic positions and determine whether the separate handling of prime or nonprime topsoil is necessary. Analysis of the data show reduced yields during low precipitation seasons. Landscape position, which also reflects soil moisture content, impacts yield. Topsoil depth did not impact yield.
- Funded Amount: $21,698
- Total Project Cost: $88,000
- Final Report
FY94-15-50: The Success Of Current Soil Depth Requirements On Mineland In ND: An Assessment
- Sponsor: ND State University Land Reclamation Research Center
- Objective: To compare plant yields from land reclaimed under current (1994) regulations, yields from undisturbed sites, and yields from sites reclaimed under previous regulations. A difference between yields on undisturbed and reclaimed lands appears to be due to management practices on the reclaimed and undisturbed land. No pattern related to soil depth occurs in the data, which indicates the current reclamation requirements for soil depth are adequate.
- Funded Amount: $33,960
- Total Project Cost: $67,920
- Final Report
FY94-15-51: Mitigation of Air Toxics From Lignite Generation Facilities
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To determine trace element concentrations of the six major lignite mines in North Dakota and to test promising trace element mitigation methods. Trace element analyses are presented. The most effective mitigation method was injection of lignite activated carbon. Additional testing is required to optimize mitigation methods.
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $380,000
- Final Report
- Sponsor: ND Lignite Cyclone Users Group
- Objective: To provide an engineering feasibility evaluation of low-NOx burner technology to determine physical, economic, and technical feasible for retrofit on North Dakota lignite cyclone boilers.
- Funded Amount: $170,985
- Total Project Cost: $341,970
- Final Report
FY94-15-53: Physical Cleaning of Lignite
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To produce 100-pound samples of upgraded lignite with reduced sulfur, moisture, and sodium oxide contents. An economic objective of this study is to produce the upgraded lignite for less than $0.05/Mbtu processing costs. Upgraded lignite was produced and further testing was recommended to optimize the methodology.
- Funded Amount: $15,000
- Total Project Cost: $29,958
- Final Report
Grant Round 14
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Assessment Of Toxic Emission From A Lignite-Fired Power Plant Utilizing An ESP-WET Flue Gas Desulfurization System
Development Of Commercial Grade Naphthols From DGC's Tar Oil
Approved Projects
- Sponsor: Battelle Memorial Institute
- Objective: To provide a comprehensive assessment of toxic emission from the Great River Energy Coal Creek Station near Underwood, North Dakota. Specific objectives were to analyze solid, liquid, and gas input and output streams and to determine removal efficiencies of hazardous air pollutants in the electrostatic precipitator and a wet flue gas desulfurization units.
- Funded Amount: $55,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,000,919
- Final Report
FY94-14-48: Development Of Commercial Grade Naphthols From DGC's Tar Oil
- Sponsor: Dakota Gasification Company
- Objective: To develop technology information for the recovery of alpha and beta naphthol from DGC's tar oil stream. The total amount of alpha and beta-naphthol in DGC’s tar oil stream is estimated at 1.3 million pounds per year. Attempts to recover and upgrade the mixed naphthols were unsuccessful and the project was terminated.
- Funded Amount: $250,000
- Total Project Cost: $465,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 13
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Additive Evaluation For Emission Control And Mitigation Of Boiler Fouling And Slagging
Approved Projects
LRC-13-46: Additive Evaluation For Emission Control And Mitigation Of Boiler Fouling And Slagging
- Sponsor: The North American Coal Corporation
- Objective: To evaluate the addition of proprietary chemical compounds to the lignite fuel and/or gas stream to reduce SO2 and NOx emissions. The proprietary additives evaluated did not substantially reduce SO2 or NOx emission. It is recommended that further additive development should be done to establish mechanisms involving oxidation of SO2 to SO3.
- Funded Amount: $27,000
- Total Project Cost: $54,729
- Final Report
Grant Round 12
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Comparative Evaluation of Productivity of Prime And Nonprime Soils
Multiple-Use Marketing Of Lignite
Preparation Of A CCTV Proposal To the U.S. DOE For Production Of Liquid Transportation Fuels From Lignite
Clean Coal Great Plains
LRC-12-D Application
Approved Projects
- Sponsor: Dakota Gasification Company
- Objective: To prepare and submit a proposal to the U.S. Department of Energy to construct and operate a liquid transportation fuel demonstration plant at the Great Plains Synfuels Plant.
- Funded Amount: $150,000
- Total Project Cost: $355,000
- Final Report
LRC-12-43: Multiple-Use Marketing Of Lignite
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To conduct a marketing study on multiple-uses of lignite. The multiple-use scenarios included treatment of agriculture-processing wastewater, co-generation of steam and electricity, and the recovery of lignite combustion byproducts on-site. The study concluded that multiple-use marketing of lignite in this application was not economically viable.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $40,000
- Final Report
LRC-12-44: Comparative Evaluation of Productivity of Prime And Nonprime Soils
- Sponsor: ND State University Land Reclamation Research Center
- Objective: To compare the productivity of prime and nonprime topsoil materials in different topographic positions and to determine whether the separate handling of prime or nonprime topsoil is necessary. The study was continued into the third year as project FY94-15-49.
- Funded Amount: $21,698
- Total Project Cost: $88,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 11
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Improving The Public Service Commission Guidelines For Evaluating The Success Of Reclaimed Grasslands
Preparation of CCTV Proposal To The U.S. DOE For A Milton R. Young Unit 3 Integrated Gasification Pressurized Fluidized-Bed Demonstration Project
Clean Coal Preparation
LRC-11-C Application
Approved Projects
LRC-11-40: Improving The Public Service Commission Guidelines For Evaluating The Success Of Reclaimed Grasslands
Sponsor: ND State University Animal & Range Sciences Department
Objective: To determine the relationship between precipitation, temperature and growing degree-days, and herbage yield; and seasonality and species diversity for various range sites. Data including precipitation, temperature, growing degree-days per season, and growing degree-days per month were categorized by month, season, year and made available for regulatory and reclamation professionals.
Funded Amount: $5,000
Total Project Cost: $20,000
Final Report
LRC-11-41: Preparation of CCT V Proposal To The U.S. DOE For A Milton R. Young Unit 3 Integrated Gasification Pressurized Fluidized-Bed Demonstration Project
Sponsor: BNI Coal, Ltd.
Objective: To prepare and submit a proposal to the U.S. Department of Energy for an integrated gasification pressurized fluidized-bed demonstration project.
Funded Amount: $150,000
Total Project Cost: $970,000
Final Report
Grant Round 10
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Evaluating The Success Of Reclaimed Grasslands
Scoping Study To Determine The Costs Of An Environmental Externality Study
Approved Projects
LRC-10-37: Evaluating The Success Of Reclaimed Grasslands
- Sponsor: ND State University Animal & Range Sciences Department
- Objective: To provide a long-term database on reclaimed grasslands. The goal is to evaluate reclamation regulations for successful vegetation production and cover and species diversity. The data does not show a significant correlation between regulation criteria and reclamation success. Current regulations on reclaimed permanent grasslands are excessive based on the results of this study.
- Funded Amount: $13,500
- Total Project Cost: $51,000
- Final Report
LRC-10-38: Scoping Study To Determine The Costs Of An Environmental Externality Study
- Sponsor: Otter Tail Power Company
- Objective: To develop an environmental externality scoping study targeted for the State of Minnesota. National Economic Research Associates, Inc. developed a study that was provided to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission during the Minnesota externality proceedings.
- Funded Amount: $15,000
- Total Project Cost: $30,000
- Final Report