Grant Round 9
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Development Of Methods To Predict Agglomeration and Deposition In FBCS
Evaluation Of Reburning For NOX Control From Lignite-Fired Cyclone Boilers
K-Fuel Processing of ND Lignite
Approved Projects
LRC-9-34: Development Of Methods To Predict Agglomeration and Deposition In FBCS
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To develop advanced ash and deposit characterization techniques, determine the mechanisms of inorganic transformations that lead to bed agglomeration and ash deposition in FBC systems, and develop improved means to predict bed characteristics and combustion conditions.
- Funded Amount: $200,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,200,000
- Final Report
LRC-9-35: K-Fuel Processing of ND Lignite
- Sponsor: BNI Coal, LTD. Minnesota Power
- Objective: To upgrade North Dakota lignite by the K-Fuel B process. Specific product quality objectives were moisture reduction of 80%, sulfur reduction of 40% or more, retention of 95% of the total heat content, a heating value of 11,000 Btu/lb, and sulfur emission less than 1.2 lbs. of SO2/MMBtu. The quality objectives were not met and the project was terminated.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $112,500
- Final Report
LRC-9-36: Evaluation Of Reburning For NOX Control From Lignite-Fired Cyclone Boilers
- Sponsor: ND Lignite Cyclone Users Group
- Objective: To evaluate cyclone reburn technology for NOx control. Overall NOx reduction in excess of 70% was achieved.
- Funded Amount: $260,000
- Total Project Cost: $520,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 8
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Advanced Processing Of ND Lignite
Comparative Evaluation Of Productivity Of Prime and Nonprime Soils
ND Lignite Industry Economic Analysis
SYNOPS 1992 Conference
Approved Projects
LRC-8-30: ND Lignite Industry Economic Analysis
- Sponsor: ND State University Department of Agricultural Economic
- Objective: To provide a factual economic database on North Dakota's lignite industry and its impact on the state's economy.
- Funded Amount: $5,060
- Total Project Cost: $10,282
- Final Report
LRC-8-31: Comparative Evaluation Of Productivity Of Prime and Nonprime Soils
- Sponsor: ND State University Land Reclamation Research Center
- Objective: To compare the productivity of reclaimed prime and nonprime topsoil material found on different positions of landscape such as hilltop, hillside, and valley. A goal of the study is to determine whether the separate handling of prime or nonprime topsoil is necessary to achieve acceptable land reclamation. The study was continued into the second year as project LRC-12-44.
- Funded Amount: $49,483
- Total Project Cost: $110,241
- Final Report
LRC-8-32: Advanced Processing Of ND Lignite
- Sponsor: Minnesota Power
- Objective: To conduct a preliminary economic evaluation of upgrading North Dakota lignite to an export quality boiler fuel. The study assumed physical cleaning, hydrothermal drying, and slurry transport of the upgraded product. A solid lignite fuel could be delivered to the Bismarck, ND area for $1.68/MMBtu and under a different set of assumption fuel could be delivered to Duluth, MN for $1.97/MMBtu.
- Funded Amount: $25,000
- Total Project Cost: $55,000
- Final Report
LRC-8-33: SYNOPS 1992 Conference
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To bring an international focus on coal’s future, focus on common problems and opportunities for the lignite industry, and promote opportunities for technology development in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $17,500
- Total Project Cost: $153,500
- Final Report
Grant Round 7
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
MITRE Corporation Study On The Feasibility Of Hybrid Coal Liquefaction At Great Plains
Soil Depth And Quality Requirements For Reclamation of Rangelands
Approved Projects
LRC-7-28: Soil Depth And Quality Requirements For Reclamation of Rangelands
- Sponsor: ND State University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Objective: To determine soil replacement depths and quality necessary to meet productivity and species diversity requirements for reclaimed grassland and to quantify the effect of soil quality, soil, and soil texture and topography on diversity and productivity of rangeland sites. This was the fourth and final year of the study.
- Funded Amount: $16,160
- Total Project Cost: $45,571
- Final Report
LRC-7-29: MITRE Corporation Study On The Feasibility Of Hybrid Coal Liquefaction At Great Plains
- Sponsor: Dakota Gasification Company
- Objective: To perform a site-specific study of the hybrid coal liquefaction plant specific to the Great Plains site, determine capital cost required for conversion, and project a required selling price to ensure profitability.
- Funded Amount: $60,000
- Total Project Cost: $120,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 6
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Marketing of ND Lignite
ND Lignite Industry Economic Analysis
Project CFBC-The Design And Operation Of A Test Facility To Generate Comprehensive, Reliable and Accessible Data For Utility And Industrial Clients
Approved Projects
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To design and operate a circulating fluidized-bed combustion (CFBC) test facility and to provide comprehensive and reliable data for utility and industrial applications. This project was a three-year program with years one and two as LRC-2-9 and LRC-6-25, respectively. During this third year the program was expanded to include two sorbents and four coals.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,000,000
- Final Report
LRC-6-26: ND Lignite Industry Economic Analysis
- Sponsor: ND State University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Objective: To provide a factual economic database on North Dakota's lignite industry and its impact on the state's economy.
- Funded Amount: $4,500
- Total Project Cost: $9,422
- Final Report
LRC-6-27: Marketing of ND Lignite
- Sponsor: The Lignite Electric Coalition
- Objective: To develop a 5–10-year marketing plan that would increase the uses of lignite and to develop a comprehensive database on the lignite-derived electricity customer.
- Funded Amount: $15,000
- Total Project Cost: $29,297.15
- Final Report
Grant Round 5
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Hot Water Drying
Lignite Char Filtration Development Program
Soil Depth And Quality Requirements for Reclamation Of Rangelands
Marketing Options For Cresols And Xylenols In A Global Environment
LRC-5-D Application
Approved Projects
LRC-5-21: Marketing Options For Cresols And Xylenols In A Global Environment (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Dakota Gasification Company
- Objective: To provide a global market survey of cresol and xylenol isomers, assist in focusing research and development, and identify the most desirable products for recovery from the Dakota Gasification Synfuels Plant and its subsequent purification and marketing.
- Funded Amount: $28,000
- Total Project Cost: $90,000
- Final Report
LRC-5-22: Soil Depth And Quality Requirements for Reclamation Of Rangelands
- Sponsor: ND State University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Objective: To determine soil replacement depths and quality necessary to meet productivity and species diversity requirements for reclaimed grassland. A goal of this research is to quantify the effect of soil quality, soil, and soil texture and topography on diversity and productivity of a given rangeland site. This study, initially planned as a three-year study, was extended into a fourth year under LRC-7-28.
- Funded Amount: $14,430
- Total Project Cost: $47,505
- Final Report
LRC-5-23: Lignite Char Filtration Development Program
- Sponsor: University of ND (UND)/Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective:
- Funded Amount: $40,000
- Total Project Cost: $83,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 4
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Hot Water Drying Of ND Lignite
ND Lignite Industry Economic Analysis
Six-Inch Diameter Fractionation System For Production Of Trade Samples Derived From Lignite Via Coal Gasification
Approved Projects
LRC-4-18: Hot Water Drying Of ND Lignite
- Sponsor: BNI Coal, Ltd. & Minnesota Power
- Objective: To provide process data on waste streams and waste stream byproducts, conduct a market assessment of potential markets for beneficiated lignite, and develop a model of the hot-water-drying reactor.
- Funded Amount: $70,000
- Total Project Cost: $281,000
- Final Report
- Sponsor: Dakota Gasification Company
- Objective: To install a high efficiency six-inch diameter fractionation column, prepare cresylic acid and phenolic distillate trade samples, and characterize the samples.
- Funded Amount: $75,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,468,000
- Final Report
LRC-4-20: ND Lignite Industry Economic Analysis
- Sponsor: ND State University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Objective: To provide a factual economic database on North Dakota's lignite industry and its impact on the state's economy.
- Funded Amount: $4,000
- Total Project Cost: $8,572
- Final Report
Grant Round 3
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Development Of A Prospectus For An Underground Coal Gasification Demonstration Project Near Beulah, ND
Hot Water Drying Of ND Lignite
Soil Depth And Quality Requirements For Reclamation Of Rangelands
Utilization Of The Carbondry Coal Drying Process For ND Lignite
Approved Projects
LRC-3-14: Soil Depth And Quality Requirements For Reclamation Of Rangelands
- Sponsor: ND State University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Objective: To determine soil replacement depths and quality necessary to meet productivity and species diversity requirements for reclaimed grassland. A goal of this research is to quantify the effect of soil quality, soil, and soil texture and topography on diversity and productivity of a given rangeland site. This project was extended for a third year as LRC-5-22.
- Funded Amount: $14,730
- Total Project Cost: $54,175
- Final Report
LRC-3-15: Hot Water Drying Of ND Lignite
- Sponsor: BNI Coal, Ltd. & Minnesota Power
- Objective: To upgrade North Dakota lignite to an export quality boiler fuel, demonstrate the process on an industrial scale, and complete the necessary bench-scale and pilot-scale testing required supporting a Clean Coal Technology application.
- Funded Amount: $70,000
- Total Project Cost: $670,000
- Final Report
LRC-3-16: Utilization Of The Carbondry Coal Drying Process For ND Lignite
- Sponsor: Carbontec Corporation
- Objective: To evaluate upgrading North Dakota lignite in Carbontec's continuous pilot plant. This project was initiated under LRC-I-4.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $20,000
- Final Report
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To prepare a prospectus for a long-term, multi-well underground coal gasification (UCG) demonstration project in the vicinity of the Great Plains surface gasification plant. This program was combined with LRC-I-8, resulting in the development of a conceptual model to evaluate UCG options at potential sites.
- Funded Amount: $34,861
- Total Project Cost: $398,362
- Final Report
Grant Round 2
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
6-Inch Diameter Fractionation System for Production of Trade Samples Derived from Lignite via Coal Gasification
Development Of European Markets And Sources For Lignite Technology-Phase II
ND Lignite Industry Economic Analysis
Project CFBC-The Design and Operation of a CFBC Test Facility to Generate Comprehensive, Reliable, and Accessible Data for Utility and Industrial Clients
Project Sodium
Approved Projects
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To design and operate a circulating fluidized-bed combustion (CFBC) test facility and to provide comprehensive and reliable data for utility and industrial applications. This project was a three-year program and was continued as LRC-6-25.
- Funded Amount: $25,000
- Total Project Cost: $110,000
- Final Report
LRC-2-11: Project Sodium (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To understand the role of sodium in coal combustion processes. Specific goals in 1988 were ash modification to affect fouling and slagging properties and development of an ash model relating coal composition, combustion conditions, and slagging.
- Funded Amount: $25,000
- Total Project Cost: $240,000
- Final Report
LRC-2-12: Development Of European Markets And Sources For Lignite Technology-Phase II (Confidential)
- Sponsor: University of ND School of Engineering and Mines Foundation
- Objective: To establish business and research programs with cooperating European entities, identify potential European markets for North Dakota lignite technology and European technology for use with North Dakota lignite, facilitate exchange between North Dakota and European groups, and assist negotiations between interested parties. This program was a continuation LRC-I-5.
- Funded Amount: $17,500
- Total Project Cost: $44,723
- Final Report
LRC-2-13: North Dakota Lignite Industry Economic Analysis
- Sponsor: ND State University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Objective: To build a factual economic database on North Dakota's lignite industry and its impact on the state's economy.
- Funded Amount: $2,500
- Total Project Cost: $5,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 1
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Development of European Markets And Sources For Lignite Technology
Environmental and Subsidy Evaluation of Canadian Electric Power Trade with US in View of Proposed Amendments to the Clean Air Act
National Energy Crisis Simulation & National Television Special
Opportunities in the Synfuels Industry
Soil Depth And Quality Requirements For Reclamation of Rangelands
Study To Determine The Technical And Economic Feasibility Of A Long-Term Underground Coal Gasification Test
The Design and Operation of a CFBC Test Facility to Generate Comprehensive, Reliable, and Accessible Data for Utility and Industrial Clients
Utilization of the Carbondry Coal Drying Process for the Production of Enriched High BTU 2x0 Inch Shippable Coal from ND Lignite
Approved Projects
LRC-1-2: Opportunities in the Synfuels Industry
- Sponsor: Bismarck Development Association
- Objective: To provide information on national and international synfuels research to industry, researchers, and policymakers. The conference focused on national and international energy resources and lignite coal resources available in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $72,750
- Final Report
LRC-1-3: The Design and Operation of a CFBC Test Facility to Generate Comprehensive, Reliable and Accessible Data for Utility and Industrial Clients (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To design and operate a circulating fluidized-bed combustion (CFBC) test facility and to provide comprehensive and reliable data for utility and industrial applications. This project was a three-year program and was continued as LRC-2-9 and LRC-6-25.
- Funded Amount: $25,000
- Total Project Cost: $110,000
- Final Report
- Sponsor: Carbontec Corporation
- Objective: To evaluate upgrading North Dakota lignite in Carbontec's continuous pilot plant. This project was continued under LRC-3-16.
- Funded Amount: $25,000
- Total Project Cost: $50,000
- Final Report
LRC-1-5: Development of European Markets And Sources For Lignite Technology-Phase I
- Sponsor: University of ND School of Engineering and Mines Foundation
- Objective: To establish business and research programs with cooperating European entities, identify potential European markets for North Dakota lignite technology and European technology for use with North Dakota lignite, facilitate exchange between North Dakota and European groups, and assist negotiations between interested parties. This program was continued under LRC-2-12.
- Funded Amount: $5,000
- Total Project Cost: $12,777
- Final Report
LRC-1-6: National Energy Crisis Simulation & National Television Special
- Sponsor: American Energy Assurance Council
- Objective: To put a national energy policy on the national agenda and assist in task force discussions and education activities.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $250,000
- Final Report
LRC-1-7: Soil Depth And Quality Requirements For Reclamation of Rangelands
- Sponsor: North Dakota State University Agricultural Experiment Station
- Objective: To determine soil replacement depths and quality necessary to meet productivity and species diversity requirements for reclaimed grassland. A goal of this research is to quantify the effect of soil quality, soil, and soil texture and topography on diversity and productivity of a given rangeland site. This project was extended into the second year as LRC-3-14.
- Funded Amount: $20,730
- Total Project Cost: $65,175
- Final Report
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To determine the technical and economic feasibility of a long-term, multi-well underground coal gasification (UCG) test leading to process commercialization. This program was continued under LRC-3-17.
- Funded Amount: $30,000
- Total Project Cost: $393,501
- Final Report
ADM-1: Carbon Adsorbents Specification Study
- Sponsor: BioDigestor Technologies, Inc.
- Objective:
- Funded Amount: $25,000
- Total Project Cost: $25,000
- Final Report
ADM-2: Reviewing and Summarizing the Results of Market Development Studies Completed to Date by the Lignite, Research, Development and Marketing Program
- Sponsor: J.E. Sinor Consultants, Inc.
- Objective:
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $10,000
- Final Report
ADM-FY96-3: Reclamation of Mined Land in ND
- Sponsor: Land Reclamation Research Center-ND State University (NDSU)
- Objective:
- Funded Amount: $290,000
- Total Project Cost: $290,000
- Final Report
LMFS-1: Lignite Marketing Feasibility Study (RFP-91-1)
- Sponsor: J.E. Sinor Consultants, Inc.
- Objective: To perform a lignite market assessment scooping study and recommend a strategy and implementation plan to facilitate lignite development.
- Funded Amount: $180,605
- Total Project Cost: $180,605
- Final Report
LMFS-3: Lignite Upgrading Feasibility Study (RFP-92-1)
- Sponsor: Bechtel Corporation
- Objective: To evaluate current and emerging national and international lignite upgrading technologies and determine which could be used to make North Dakota lignite more competitive.
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $100,000
- Final Report
LMFS-4: Lignite Transportation Study (RFP-92-2)
- Sponsor: Corporate Strategies, Inc.
- Objective: To estimate the costs of shipping an upgraded North Dakota lignite to potential users in Europe and the Great Lakes area for the development of a new market for North Dakota lignite.
- Funded Amount: $51,459
- Total Project Cost: $51,459
- Final Report
LMFS-5: Upgraded Lignite Market Assessment Study (RFP-92-3)
- Sponsor: Bechtel Corporation
- Objective: To identify specific potential purchasers of upgraded North Dakota lignite and to estimate future demand for upgraded lignite for development and expansion of North Dakota lignite markets.
- Funded Amount: $35,000
- Total Project Cost: $35,000
- Final Report
LMFS-6: Lignite Energy Conversion Technology Study (RFP-92-6)
- Sponsor: Bechtel Corporation
- Objective: To evaluate current and emerging national and international lignite coal combustion technologies and determine which technologies could be economically utilized to take advantage of the unique properties of North Dakota lignite and offer a high probability for rapid commercialization and make North Dakota lignite more competitive.
- Funded Amount: $90,000
- Total Project Cost: $90,000
- Final Report
LMFS-7: Lignite Generation Transmission Study (RFP-92-4)
- Sponsor: ABB Power T & D Company
- Objective: To determine the point (with respect to added generation) at which electricity exports from North Dakota will begin to be limited by transmission capacity and assess increased capacity and reduced cost options for new market development resulting in increased lignite use.
- Funded Amount: $32,000
- Total Project Cost: $32,000
- Final Report
LMFS-8: Lignite Niche Market Study (RFP-92-7)
- Sponsor: Charles River Associates
- Objective: To evaluate current and emerging national and international technologies for producing specialty products from coal and find which one can be used for the development and expansion of North Dakota lignite markets.
- Funded Amount: $89,900
- Total Project Cost: $89,900
- Final Report
LMFS-9: Business Incentives For Lignite Generation (RFP-92-5)
- Sponsor: J.E. Sinor Consultants, Inc.
- Objective: To provide a quantitative comparison of the effectiveness of business development incentives available in North Dakota and surrounding states for new and expanded electrical power generation and identify incentives that, if enacted, would increase the use of North Dakota lignite.
- Funded Amount: $17,328
- Total Project Cost: $17,328
- Final Report
LMFS-94-10: Development Of Lignite Niche Market Opportunities
- Sponsor: J.E. Sinor Consultants, Inc.
- Objective: To carry out planning and marketing efforts to develop specialty products derived from lignite and develop new markets for North Dakota lignite.
- Funded Amount: $45,000
- Total Project Cost: $45,000
- Final Report
LMFS-94-11: ByProduct Marketing Study-Catechols & Naphthols (RFP# LMFS 1994-3)
- Sponsor: SRI International
- Objective: Market research to understand and identify factors which affect the global market for catechols and naphthols for the development of new markets for North Dakota lignite.
- Funded Amount: $40,000
- Total Project Cost: $40,000
- Final Report
LMFS-94-12: Upgraded Lignite Performance Testing
- Sponsor: Babcock & Wilcox
- Objective: To assess the impact of upgraded lignite as a blending stock in existing utility power plants and develop detailed information of the actual behavior of upgraded North Dakota lignite fuel blends under commercial utility boiler conditions with the intent being increased use.
- Funded Amount: $74,951
- Total Project Cost: $74,951
- Final Report
LMFS-94-13: Activated Carbonaceous Adsorbents-A Production And Testing Study
- Sponsor: Coal Corporation of Victoria Morwell, Victoria Australia
- Objective: To demonstrate the potassium hydroxide mediated extrusion technique for production of activated carbon and to characterize test samples for the development of a new market for North Dakota lignite.
- Funded Amount: $32,725
- Total Project Cost: $32,725
- Final Report
LMFS-94-14: Activated Carbonaceous Adsorbents-A Production And Testing Study
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Corporation Orrville, Ohio
- Objective: To demonstrate the Coal Technology Corporation two-stage pyrolysis technique for production of activated carbon and to characterize test samples for the development of a new market for North Dakota lignite.
- Funded Amount: $39,700
- Total Project Cost: $39,700
- Final Report
LMFS-94-15: Upgraded ND Lignite Productuction Of Test Quantities
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Resources Center (EERC)
- Objective: To produce quantities of upgraded lignite for use in combustion testing for the development of a market for upgraded North Dakota lignite.
- Funded Amount: $30,000
- Total Project Cost: $30,000
- Final Report
LMFS-94-16: Studies & Strategies In Appeal Of Minnesota Interim Externality Values
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To develop information and expert witnesses in support of the effort to challenge the use of externality values applied on North Dakota lignite and avoid unwarranted taxes placed on lignite-generated electricity.
- Funded Amount: $75,000
- Total Project Cost: $75,000
- Final Report
LMFS-94-18: Chemical Markets For Catechols
- Sponsor: Dakota Gasification Company
- Objective: To survey potential markets for catechol, 3-methyl catechol, and 4-methyl catechol and develop additional markets for byproducts from the Dakota Gasification Company Synfuels Plant.
- Funded Amount: $12,000
- Total Project Cost: $12,000
- Final Report
LMFS-96-20: Lignite Energy Marketing Plan-Proposal Development Study
- Sponsor: Simmons Advertising, Inc.
- Objective: To assist in the preparation of the Lignite Energy Marketing Plan Proposal.
- Funded Amount: $5,110
- Total Project Cost: $5,110
- Final Report
LMFS-96-21: Lignite Energy Marketing Plan-Regional Marketing Plan
- Sponsor: Simmons Advertising, Inc. & Himle Horner Incorporated
- Objective: To develop a regional marketing plan and to assist in obtaining co-funding support.
- Funded Amount: $190,000
- Total Project Cost: $190,000
- Final Report
LMFS-96-22: A Survey: Mercury Emissions From ND Lignite-Fired Power Plants
- Sponsor: ENSR Consulting and Engineering
- Objective: To conduct a comprehensive literature search of available scientific information on the emission, transport, and deposition of mercury from lignite-fired power plants; to prepare an analysis of published data; and to provide recommendations of further study needs.
- Funded Amount: $44,940
- Total Project Cost: $44,940
- Final Report
LMFS-96-23: A Survey of Health Effects: Mercury Emmissions From ND Lignite-Fired Power Plants
- Sponsor: Roth Associates, Inc.
- Objective: To conduct a comprehensive literature search of available scientific information on health effects from airborne mercury emission; to prepare an analysis of published data; and to provide recommendations of further study needs.
- Funded Amount: $90,231
- Total Project Cost: $90,231
- Final Report
LMFS-97-24: Mercury Facts Bulletin: Mercury And The Environment
- Sponsor: Simmons Advertising, Inc.
- Objective: To prepare a brochure based on information obtained in LMFS-96-22 and LMFS-96-23; publish the brochure; and make the brochure available to interested parties.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $10,000
- Final Report
LMFS-97-25: Intermediates And Derivatives From Phenol
- Sponsor: Chemical Market Resources Inc.
- Objective: To obtain marketing information on chemical intermediates and derivatives produced from phenol and develop additional markets for byproducts from the Dakota Gasification Company Synfuels Plant.
- Funded Amount: $30,000
- Total Project Cost: $30,000
- Final Report
LMFS-98-26: Analysis of Kyoto Protocol's Impact on Agricultural Production in Minnesota, ND, and South Dakota
- Sponsor: Douglas G. Tiffany and Barry Ryan, Research Fellows; University of Minnesota Dwight Aakre
Extension Educator; ND State University (NDSU) - Objective: To assess the economic impact of the Kyoto Protocol on agriculture economics by major commodities in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $27,200
- Total Project Cost: $27,200
- Final Report
LMFS-98-28: Update to The Lignite Marketing Feasibility Study
- Sponsor: J.E. Sinor Consultants Inc.
- Objective: To complete a comprehensive review of factors affecting the present and future of the lignite industry and to provide an update of the 1992 Lignite Marketing Feasibility Study by J. E. Sinor.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $50,000
- Final Report
LMFS-99-29: Technical Evaluation Of Rammed Earth Building Products
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Resources Center (EERC)
- Objective: To determine design mix, structural, thermal, and environmental performance of the rammed earth adobe and perform a preliminary market potential for rammed earth construction using lignite ash byproducts in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $60,520
- Total Project Cost: $35,800
- Final Report
LMFS-99-30: Alternative Lignite Extraction Technologies
- Sponsor: Dakota Gasification Company
- Objective: To evaluate current state-of-the-art, advanced and alternative technologies for the economic extraction and conversion of lignite to useful energy, power, and products.
- Funded Amount: $30,000
- Total Project Cost: $30,000
- Final Report
LMFS-99-31: Technology Development And Marketing Plan For The Lignite Vision 21 Project
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To provide project management and program direction for the Lignite Vision 21 project, and to identify, describe, and determine development status of advanced technologies suitable for North Dakota lignite; estimate technical performance and economics; and rank and recommend systems for development and commercialization. LV 21 is an effort to revitalize growth in the lignite industry; increase jobs, business, and tax revenues for the state by assisting in the development of additional lignite-based generation in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $132,000
- Total Project Cost: $132,000
- Final Report
LMFS-99-32: Environmental Enhancements to Increased Use Of ND Lignite
- Sponsor: Resource Data International, Inc.
- Objective: To identify current and future limitations from existing air quality, emissions, and regulations and to identify and evaluate present and future solutions and enhancements to permit additional lignite use.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $50,000
- Final Report
LMFS-99-33: ND Electric Transmission Study
- Sponsor: ABB Power T&D Company, Inc.
- Objective: To determine the limitations to bulk electric transmission out of North Dakota, future electric load requirements, and evaluate possible enhancements from both existing facilities and future lignite-based power plants in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $75,000
- Total Project Cost: $75,000
- Final Report
LMFS-0-34: Phase II-Marketing And Development For The Lignite Vision 21 Project
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To identify customers and owners of additional electrical generation, provide support services including marketing, engineering, technical, and legal support; develop a Phase III commercialization plan; and provide project coordination and management services for the LV 21 Project. LV 21 is an effort to revitalize growth in the lignite industry and increase jobs, business, and tax revenues for the state by assisting in the development of additional lignite-based generation in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $500,000
- Final Report
LMFS-2-35: Lignite Vision 21 Program-Phase III Program Management And Development Of Lignite Vision 21 Projects
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To coordinate and assist the LV 21 grant applicants, develop and implement legal, marketing, environmental, and transmission strategies. Specific management objectives are to eliminate unnecessary duplication and to maximize value for the State of North Dakota. This Phase III program is a continuation of the previous projects LMFS-99-31 (Phase I) and LMFS-00-34 (Phase II).
- Funded Amount: $1,300,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,300,000
- Final Report
LMFS-4-36: Feasibility of Lignite-Powered Ethanol Plants in ND
- Sponsor: BBI International Consulting
- Objective: Evaluate feasibility of increasing ethanol production using new technology (FBC, Gasification CoGen) to provide lignite energy to an ethanol production plant.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $50,000
- Final Report
LMFS-4-37: Lignite Vision 21 Program-Phase IV Engineering And Permitting Of Lignite Vision 21 Projects
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: Coordinate and assist the LV 21 participants; develop and implement legal, marketing, generation, environmental, and transmission strategies; manage the programs in order to eliminate any potential duplication; and maximize value for the State of North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $982,000
- Total Project Cost: $982,000
- Final Report
LMFS-6-38: Proposal To Submit The ND Future Gen Submission
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To prepare and submit a proposal to the FutureGen Industrial Alliance, on behalf of the State of North Dakota, to host the FutureGen power plant.
- Funded Amount: $130,000
- Total Project Cost: $130,000
- Final Report
LMFS-7-39: Lignite Vision 21 Program-Phase V Environmental Permitting & Transmission Plan Development Of Lignite Vision 21 Projects
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To coordinate and assist the LV21P participants; develop and implement legal, marketing, generation, environmental, and transmission strategies; manage the LV21P projects in order to eliminate any potential duplication; and maximize value for the State of North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $1,603,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,603,000
- Final Report
LMFS-10-40: Lignite Marketing Program-Phase VI
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: Improve the public image and promote the use of lignite-based electricity, build a public support base, ensure growth and stability of the regional lignite industry, and assist in the development of energy and environmental policies.
- Funded Amount: $1,312,500
- Total Project Cost: $1,312,500
- Final Report
LMFS-13-41: Enhance, Preserve, and Protect Project-Phase VII
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To preserve and protect the existing lignite fleet in North Dakota, enhance the future of the state's lignite resource by supporting existing partners in the development of new lignite-based power plants and other facilities, and explore new avenues to develop value-added opportunities for lignite and combustion waste products like carbon dioxide.
- Funded Amount: $4,772,250
- Total Project Cost: $4,772,250
- Final Report
LMFS-20-42: Enhance, Preserve, and Protect Project-Phase VIII
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To preserve and protect the existing lignite fleet in North Dakota, assist the state and industry in understanding where the “new” opportunities are for this abundant resource in the future, and continue to explore new avenues to develop value-added opportunities for lignite and its combustion byproducts.
- Funded Amount: $3,051,961
- Total Project Cost: $3,051,961
- Final Report
LMFS-20-43: Enhance, Preserve, and Protect Project-Phase VIIII
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To preserve and protect the existing lignite fleet in North Dakota, assist the state and industry in understanding where the “new” opportunities are for this abundant resource in the future, and continue to explore new avenues to develop value-added opportunities for lignite and its combustion byproducts.
- Funded Amount: $3,723,607
- Total Project Cost: $3,723,607
- Final Report