Grant Round 59
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Review of ND Regulations, Standards, and Practices Related to the Use of Coal Combustion Products
Upgrade and Refurbishment of a Bench-Scale Entrained-Flow Slagging Gasifier
Approved Projects
FY07-59-150: Review of ND Regulations, Standards, and Practices Related to the Use of Coal Combustion Products
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Assess activities, laws, regulations, policies, guidelines, and use practices applicable in North Dakota pertaining to coal combustion products (CCPs) by working with industry, state agencies, and other stakeholders to identify any impediments or changes that could be made to improve CCP use.
- Funded Amount: $32,250
- Total Project Cost: $111,720
- Final Report
FY07-59-151: Upgrade and Refurbishment of a Bench-Scale Entrained-Flow Slagging Gasifer
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: To help overcome the challenges of utilizing lignite coal with commercially available gasification systems, a bench-scale entrained-flow slagging gasifier will be built by upgrading and refurbishing an existing bench-scale gasifier, which will be used for syngas production, cleanup, and separation testing.
- Funded Amount: $95,000
- Total Project Cost: $190,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 58
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Spirit Energy Power Plant Project
Environmental Permitting & Transmission Plan Development of Lignite Vision 21 Projects
Approved Projects
FY06-58-149: Spirit Energy Power Plant Project
- Sponsor: Great River Energy (GRE)
- Objective: Construct and operate a beneficiated lignite-fired combined heat and power plant near Spiritwood that would provide steam for a new ethanol plant and an expanded malting facility, while producing 35-50 MW of electric power.
- Funded Amount: $2,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $157,000,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 57
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
FY06-57-148: Lignite Vision 21 Project Coal-to-Liquids Plant McLean County, ND
- Sponsor: American Lignite Energy (Great River Energy/The Falkirk Mining Company/Headwaters Energy Services Corporation/The North American Coal Corporation)
- Objective: Conduct feasibility studies for coal-to-liquid fuels plant located in McLean County, North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $9,999,998
- Total Project Cost: $50,000,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 56
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Power Systems Engineering Education and Research Program
Silica-Titania Coated Packing for Superior Hg Capture-A Tailored Technology for Lignite-Fired Power Plants
Implementation of Lignite Regional Energy Marketing Plan
LRC-56-F Application
Approved Projects
FY06-56-147: Implementation of Lignite Reginal Energy Marketing Plan
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: Improve and maintain overall public regional image of coal and promote the use of coal as a low-cost, efficient and environmentally compatible energy source to ensure the continued utilization and growth of coal-based electrical energy.
- Funded Amount: $2,400,000
- Total Project Cost: $4,800,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 55
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership-Phase II
Gasification of Lignites to Produce Liquid Fuels, Hydrogen, and Power
Controlling Mercury Emissions for Utilities Firing Lignites from North America Summary Report
Lignite Vision 21 Feasibility Project-Phase III
LRC-55-D Application
Approved Projects
FY06-55-143: Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership-Phase II
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Initiate Phase II activities by performing field sequestration validation tests leading to eventual commercial applications that include geologic storage and coal seams (producing coal bed methane) in addition to land management practices and wetlands.
- Funded Amount: $720,000
- Total Project Cost: $21,487,892
- Final Report
FY06-55-144: Gasification of Lignites to Produce Liquid Fuels, Hydrogen, and Power
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Provide essential information on the impacts of moisture and inorganic impurities on gasifier and gas cleanup technology performance to support power generation and coal-to-liquid processes by addressing key technical challenges facing lignite.
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,640,380
- Final Report
FY06-55-145: Controlling Mercury Emissions for Utilities Firing Lignites from North America-Summary Report
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective:
- Funded Amount: $25,000
- Total Project Cost: $45,315
- Final Report
FY06-55-146: Lignite Vision 21 Feasibility Project-Phase III
- Sponsor: Great Northern Power Development, L.P.
- Objective: This is Phase III of IV for developing a 500 MW lignite-fired power plant and its associated surface mine in western North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $1,310,443
- Total Project Cost: $2,620,886
- Final Report
Grant Round 54
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Lignite Coal Test at a Circulating Fluid Bed Facility
Investigating the Importance of the Mercury-Selenium Interaction
Approved Projects
FY06-54-141: Lignite Coal Test at a Circulating Fluid Bed Facility
- Sponsor: Basin Electric Power Cooperative
- Objective: Conduct a 10-day test using a vendor CFBC and high sodium lignite (> 6%) to identify potential agglomeration or steam tube fouling. Identify operational and design parameters to define a full-scale CFBC plant for repowering of an existing pc-fired power plant.
- Funded Amount: $275,000
- Total Project Cost: $550,000
- Final Report
FY06-54-142: Investigating the Importance of the Mercury-Selenium Interaction
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Study the effects of dietary intakes of methyl of animal models to evaluate the protective effects of dietary selenium in order to resolve the significance of mercury-selenium interactions.
- Funded Amount: $55,000
- Total Project Cost: $385,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 53
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Field Demonstration of Enhanced Sorbent Injection for Mercury Control
Investigation of Mercury and Carbon-Based Sorbent Reaction Mechanisms-Comparison of Surface Analysis Techniques
LRC-53-B Application
Activated Carbon Production from ND Lignite
LRC-53-C Application
Approved Projects
FY05-53-138: Field Demonstration of Enhanced Sorbent Injection for Mercury Control
- Sponsor: ALSTOM Power, Inc.
- Objective: Conduct a seven-week full-scale demonstration of mercury capture at the Leland Olds Station.
- Funded Amount: $32,250
- Total Project Cost: $111,720
- Final Report
FY05-53-139: Investigation of Mercury and Carbon-Based Sorbent Reaction Mechanism-Comparison of Surface Analysis Techniques
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: This project is an extension of LRC-LI-131. Additional fundamental work will focus on bonding on carbon surfaces using two more refined techniques of x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. The results will define carbon sorbent surface structural features before and after exposure to a flue gas stream, providing direction to improving effectiveness.
- Funded Amount: $95,000
- Total Project Cost: $190,000
- Final Report
FY05-53-140: Activated Carbon Production from ND Lignite
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Determine the feasibility to develop a commercial process for activated char (AC) production from lignite.
- Funded Amount: $140,000
- Total Project Cost: $280,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 52
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
ND Partnership in the Canadian Clean Power Coalition
Assessment of Mercury Control Options and Ash Behavior in Fluidized-Bed Combustion Systems
Mercury Oxidation Via Catalytic Barrier Filters-Phase II
Center for Air Toxic Metals Affiliates Program-3 Year Continuation of Membership
Approved Projects
FY05-52-134: ND Partnership in the Canadian Clean Coal Power Coalition
Sponsor: Basin Electric Power Cooperative
Objective: Participate in studies of advanced technologies for future lignite power generation, including IGCC and advanced steam cycles such as ultra super-critical steam cycles in conventional and fluid bed combustion power plants.
Funded Amount: $32,250
Total Project Cost: $111,720
Final Report
FY05-52-135: Assessment of Mercury Control Options & Ash Behavior in FBC
Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
Objective: Evaluate mercury control options in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC) system to evaluate Hg speciation, identify effective control approaches, and evaluate impact of chemical oxidation chemicals on corrosion and ash be agglomeration.
Funded Amount: $95,000
Total Project Cost: $190,000
Final Report
FY05-52-136: Center for Air Toxic Metals Affiliates Program
Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
Objective: Continue science-based research on toxic trace metals under an EPA-Industry supported Center for Air Toxic Metals (CATM) Affiliates Program to further the understanding of the behavior of potential toxic metals in coal-fired utilities, other fossil fuel systems, waste-to-engery systems and waste incinerators. A specific objective of the CATM program is the study of the fate and control of mercury emissions from coal-fired systems. This project is a continuation of Projects FY95-20-62, FY99-32-89 and FY2-44-111.
Funded Amount: $140,000
Total Project Cost: $280,000
Final Report
FY05-52-137: Mercury Oxidation via Catalytic Barrier Filters: Phase II
Sponsor: University of ND (UND)/Department of Chemical Engineering
Objective: Continue development of Hg emission control using baghouse filters impregnated with catalytic oxidizers to verify promising data from small-scale proof-of-concept tests. The concept would be applicable to utilities using fabric filter with capture of Hg and fly ash in a baghouse subsystem.
Funded Amount: $140,000
Total Project Cost: $280,000
Final Report
Grant Round 51
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Lignite Coal Test at a Transport Reactor Gasification Facility in Wilsonville AL
The Health Implications of the Mercury-Selenium Interaction
Investigation of Mercury and Carbon-Based Sorbent Reaction Mechanisms
Benefiting Agriculture Through Coal Ash Use
Lignite Fuel Enhancement-Dry Process Coal Cleaning
Demonstrating ND Lignite's Profitability in Energy Production and Agricultural Processing
Approved Projects
FY05-51-129: Lignite Coal Test at a Transport Reactor Gasification Facility in Wilsonville, AL
- Sponsor: Basin Electric Power Cooperative
- Objective: Conduct short and long-term tests using an advanced IGCC Clean Coal Technology gasification system, Transport Reactor Integrated Reactor (TRIG), at a DOE facility in Wilsonville, AL. Project will ship 700 tons and 3,000 tons of lignite to the PSDF to resolve high-sodium lignite issues, followed by a 1000-hour pre-commercial test.
- Funded Amount: $32,250
- Total Project Cost: $111,720
- Final Report
FY05-51-130: The Health Implications of the Mercury-Selenium Interaction
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Explore interactions between mercury and selenium in experimental models designed to closely approximate human patterns of exposure. The project will examine the effects of dietary intakes of methylmercury and the protective effects of dietary selenium.
- Funded Amount: $95,000
- Total Project Cost: $190,000
- Final Report
FY05-51-131: Investigation of Mercury and Carbon-Based Sorbent Reaction Mechanisms
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Improve mercury capture efficiency of carbon sorbents through a better understanding of mercury-sorbent mechanisms. Project will produce information to develop more effective and lower-cost sorbent to control elemental mercury emissions.
- Funded Amount: $140,000
- Total Project Cost: $280,000
- Final Report
FY03-51-132: Lignite Fuel Enhancement: Dry Process Coal Cleaning
- Sponsor: The Falkirk Mining Company
- Objective: Reduce lignite ash, moisture, and other minerals using air and a magnetic separation process.
- Funded Amount: $95,000
- Total Project Cost: $190,000
- Final Report
FY03-51-133: Demonstrating ND Lignite's Profitability in Energy Production and Agricultural Processing (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: Red Trail Energy L.L.C.
- Objective: Demonstrate the use of a lignite-fired Bubbling Bed Combustor to operate an ethanol processing plant.
- Funded Amount: $140,000
- Total Project Cost: $280,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 50
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Enhancing Carbon Reactivity in Mercury Control in Lignite-Fired Systems
LRC-50-A Application
Large-Scale Mercury Control Technology Testing for Lignite-Fired Utilities-Oxidation Systems for Wet FGD
Evaluation of MerCAP for Power Plant Mercury Control
Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership
Alternative Cover Demonstration Project at Coal Creek Station Underwood, ND
Approved Projects
FY04-50-124: Enhancing Carbon Reactivity in Mercury Control in Lignite-Fired Systems
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Substantially enhance the capability of carbon sorbents to remove Hg from lignite combustion flue gas to achieve a high level of cost-effective control in full-scale field tests.
- Funded Amount: $32,250
- Total Project Cost: $111,720
- Final Report
FY04-50-125: Large-Scale Mercury Control Technology Testing for Lignite-Fired Utilities-Oxidation Systems for Wet FGD
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Demonstrate a mercury "chemical addition" oxidation process in flue gas upstream of pollution control equipment, specifically, electrostatic precipitators followed by wet scrubbers. Host sites are Minnkota Power Cooperative MRY (cyclone-fired, ESP wet scrubber) Unit 2 and Texas Utilities Monticello (wall-fired, ESP, wet scrubber) Unit 3.
- Funded Amount: $95,000
- Total Project Cost: $190,000
- Final Report
FY04-50-126: Evaluation of MerCAPTM for Power Plant Mercury Control at Stanton Station, Stanton, ND
- Sponsor: Great River Energy (GRE)
- Objective: Test a scaled-up version of the MerCAP technology, which involves absorption of mercury on fixed structures coated with a thin film of gold.
- Funded Amount: $140,000
- Total Project Cost: $280,000
- Final Report
FY04-50-127: Alternative Cover Demonstration Project at Coal Creek Station
- Sponsor: Great River Energy (GRE)
- Objective: A field demonstration to evaluate and demonstrate the performance of alternative earth landfill cover designs while maintaining equal or a better level of environmental performance for long-term storage of coal combustion byproducts.
- Funded Amount: $95,000
- Total Project Cost: $190,000
- Final Report
FY04-50-128: Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership (PCORP)
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Identify cost-effective CO2 sequestration systems in the Northern Great Plains region, including: 1) Characterize and match sources, sinks & storage options; 2) Identify and address issues for sequestration deployment; 3) Identify promising capture, sequestration and transport options; and 4) Develop public involvement & education mechanisms.
- Funded Amount: $140,000
- Total Project Cost: $280,000
- Final Report