Grant Round 9
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Blickensderfer Dam Repair
WITHDRAWN-Nature Path/Archery Range
Public Accessible Sensory Garden
Double Ditch State Historic Site & Recreation Area Bank Stabilization Project
DISQUALIFIED-Sauber Complex Park and Sports
Southwest Grazing Lands Improvement Project
Hay Creek Bank Stabilization
Kathryn Dam Repurposing Project
Community Gathering Place Phase I: Playground Equipment & Amenities, Phase II: Basketball Court Refurbishment
Pheasant Lake Fishing Access-Shoreline Restoration Phase 2
Red River Riparian Program
Water Storage and Grass Seeding
Cover Crop & Livestock Integration Project
Give Me Back My Acres
Grand Forks County Prairie Management Toolbox
Hi-Line Prairie Gardens & Orchard
DISQUALIFIED-TMBCI Belcourt Lake Park Restroom Project
Approved Projects
9-103: Blickensderfer Dam Repair (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: Hettinger County Water Resource District
- Objective: Repair and armoring of the Blickensderfer Dam including reshaping the eroded area and placement of rock rip-rap to protect the embankment from further erosion.
- Funded Amount: $11,700
- Total Project Cost: $39,000
- Final Report
9-104: Southwest Grazing Lands Improvement Project
- Sponsor: Pheasants Forever
- Objective: Installation of grazing systems to promote rotational grazing on approximately 6,000 acres of private land. Grazing systems will include cross fencing, pipelines and watering facilities and grass plantings.
- Funded Amount: $216,899.89
- Total Project Cost: $376,683
9-105: Kathryn Dam Repurposing Project
- Sponsor: Barnes County Water Resource District
- Objective: Removal of the Kathryn Dam and abutments and construction of a series of rock riffles upstream of the existing dam footprint. Channel banks in the immediate project vicinity would be stabilized and restored with vegetation. Angler access and recreational opportunities will be improved.
- Funded Amount: $159,505
- Total Project Cost: $1,009,276
- Sponsor: City of Flaxton
- Objective: Purchase of playground equipment, installation of basketball court and backboards.
- Funded Amount: $6,673
- Total Project Cost: $81,271
9-107: Pheasant Lake Fishing Access/Shoreline Restoration Phase 2
- Sponsor: Dickey County Park Board
- Objective: Shoreline restoration and excess sediment removal, installation of erosion barrier and riprap, construction of an earthen fishing pier.
- Funded Amount: $21,500
- Total Project Cost: $33,000
9-108: Red River Riparian Program - Phase 6
- Sponsor: Red River Regional Council
- Objective: Cost share assistance for 60% of total projects costs related to implementation of certain best management practices to restore, protect and employ effective management of riparian areas as well as livestock and farmland along the Red River riparian corridor. Cost share assistance of 21% of the total project costs for the native prairie restoration project.
- Funded Amount: $584,200
- Total Project Cost: $1,119,833.33
- Final Report
9-109: Water Storage and Grass Seeding
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Assist landowners with a one-time water storage incentive and cost-share for seeding cropland acres to grass with priority given to acres that have the characteristic of annual agricultural cropping inputs with low or no crop productivity. Goal to restore 700 surface acres of wetlands and to seed 1,125 acres to grass.
- Funded Amount: $67,500
- Total Project Cost: $500,000
9-110: Cover Crop & Livestock Integration Project
- Sponsor: Ducks Unlimited
- Objective: Provides a 60% cost share for cover crop implementation and grazing infrastructure necessary for livestock integration on cropland on more than 5,280 acres in southeast ND and enhances an additional 1,900 acres of grassland. Five year agreements will be required with the landowner.
- Funded Amount: $625,394.9
- Total Project Cost: $1,073,653.8
- Final Report
9-111: Give Me Back My Acres
- Sponsor: Towner County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Seeding of specific cover crop on a maximum of 40 salinity acres. (2.5 acres maximum per producer).
- Funded Amount: $3,334.25
- Total Project Cost: $41,061.02
9-112: Grand Forks County Prairie Management Tools
- Sponsor: Audubon Dakota/ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Provide funding for native prairie restoration (200 acres), invasive woody vegetation removal (10,000 acres) and grazing system support (3,000 acres) for private landowners in the Grand Forks County Prairie.
- Funded Amount: $121,220
- Total Project Cost: $250,420
Grant Round 8
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
The Missouri River Landing Warehouse at the Port of Bismarck
Cass County Cover Crop Project
Painted Woods Lake Area Habitat Enhancement and Flood Damage Reduction Project
Trail Restoration and Improvement Program Part 2
Powers Lake Watershed Project-Lake Improvement Phase
LaMoure County Dam Reparation Project
Logan County Natural Resource Program
Grasslands Enhancement Pilot Project
Crystal Springs Bank Stabilization Project
Stutsman County Grazing Systems
The Bee Integrated Demonstration Project
Fargo Urban Woods and Prairies Initiative - Phase 2
Approved Projects
8-96: Trail Restoration and Improvement Program Part 2
- Sponsor: ND Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Goal is to improve trail conditions on ND grasslands. There are three individual projects on two separate trails on the Little Missouri National Grasslands--Maah Daah Hey trail and Buffalo Gap trail. Includes surfacing and restoration on the trails.
- Funded Amount: $82,054
- Total Project Cost: $441,870
8-97: Grasslands Enhancement Pilot Project
- Sponsor: Ducks Unlimited/ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Providing necessary infrastructure to improve grazing systems (rotational grazing systems) on school trust and public lands while providing private lands with necessary rest recovery time.
- Funded Amount: $230,000
- Total Project Cost: $438,681.4
8-98: The Bee Integrated Demonstration Project
- Sponsor: Keystone Policy Center
- Objective: Demonstrate how effective best practices for bee forage and nutrition, crop pest control, varroa mite management, and farmer/beekeeper cooperation can be effectively combined and implemented into an integrated program.
- Funded Amount: $94,768
- Total Project Cost: $527,076
8-99: Cass County Cover Crop Project
- Sponsor: Cass County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Provide financial assistance and technical assistance for establishing conservation cover crops in Cass County. This program is designed to help promote conservation cover crops and provide cost share to willing participants.
- Funded Amount: $60,000
- Total Project Cost: $100,000
- Final Report
8-100: Logan County Natural Resource Program
- Sponsor: Logan County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Providing technical and financial assistance for the implementation of conservation crop rotations with increased high residue crops, seeding fall crops to increase nesting cover over winter, planting season long cover crops with multi species, implementing prescribed grazing plans and converting cropland to grassland. Implementing conservation practices to address cropland and grassland resource needs for the benefit of livestock production, soil health and wildlife management.
- Funded Amount: $210,000
- Total Project Cost: $700,000
- Final Report
8-101: Powers Lake Watershed project - Lake Improvement Phase
- Sponsor: Management Committee/City of Powers Lake
- Objective: Primary goal of the Powers Lake Watershed Project (PLWP) is to protect and restore recreational and aquatic life beneficial uses. These grant dollars will be used to dredge the lake and remove at least 150,000 cubic yards of sediment over the next 10 years.
- Funded Amount: $220,000
- Total Project Cost: $571,500
- Final Report
8-102: LaMoure County Dam Reparation Project
- Sponsor: LaMoure County Water Resource District
- Objective: Repair of three dams -- Schlenker Dam, Kulm-Edgeley Dam, Schlecht-Thom Dam. The objective of this project is to carry out the necessary reparations to these dams so that they can continue to support viable fish populations and provide wildlife habitat and corresponding recreational opportunities.
- Funded Amount: $135,000
- Total Project Cost: $180,000
Grant Round 7
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Wilton City Pond Dredging
Butte View Campground Expansion Project
Ryder's Point Recreation Area
Buffalo Lodge Lake Outlet
Fingal Wildlife Club Dam Restoration - Phase 2
Woodland Trail Phase 2
O-M-G Grassland Improvement Project
DISQUALIFIED-United Prairie Prescribed Management Fire Team
McIntosh County Grazinglands Initiative
North Central Conservation Project
Watershed Basin & Nature Wetland Trail at Urban Plains Park
Stark County Fair Grounds
Small Acreage Private Land Prairie Plots
Grassland Habitat Recovery Project
Clausen Springs Park Playground Improvements
Lighting Project for Adult & Youth Sports
Precision Restoration for Greater Soil, Water & Habitat Quality Benefits: A Demonstration Project in Central ND
Turtle Mountain Chippewa Fishing Dock Project
Mt. Carmel Dam Recreational Area
Missouri Coteau Habitat Enhancement
McVille Dam Revitalizations
WITHDRAWN-Cass County Wildlife Club Multi-Range Projects
WITHDRAWN-South Central ND Habitat Enhancement
Madison Nature & Conservation Classroom, Preparing Today the Landowners and Managers of Tomorrows
Stutsman County Grazing & Manure Management Systems Project
Precision Ag Business Planning Pilot - Soil, Access & Habitat
Northern Cass Pass
Crystal Springs Bank Stabilization Project
Hi-Line Prairie Gardens & Orchard
Sargent County Silver Lake Park Phase 2 Southwest Unit-Play Places & Gathering Spaces-Renovations Project
City of Minto Outdoor Skating Rink & Warming House
Approved Projects
7-91: Ryder's Point Recreation Area
- Sponsor: Williams County Water Resource District
- Objective: Development of the Ryder's Point Recreation Area including shoreline access to Missouri River. (A 15-year public access agreement with a private landowner has been executed). Includes development of a vehicle access trail with turnaround areas, a segment of boundary fence, public access signage and boundary markers and on-site debris removal.
- Funded Amount: $30,500
- Total Project Cost: $127,987.5
7-92: Woodland Trail Phase 2
- Sponsor: Minot Park District Foundation
- Objective: To complete Phase 2 of the Centennial Park trail project including trail development, purchase and installation of EZ Trail Dock system, signage, stream bank erosion control, engineering and administrative and legal costs.
- Funded Amount: $116,250
- Total Project Cost: $305,000
7-93: O-M-G Grassland Improvement Project
- Sponsor: Morton/Grant/Oliver County Soil Conservation Districts
- Objective: Providing technical and financial assistance for the implementation of livestock water systems, cross-fencing, grassland plantings and grazing plans - 16,000 grassland acres.
- Funded Amount: $900,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,500,000
7-94: Mt. Carmel Dam Recreational Area
- Sponsor: Cavalier County Water Resource District
- Objective: Installation of boat docks, fishing pier, trees, boat ramp (removal of old ramp), playground equipment, shade shelter, benches with sand and labor.
- Funded Amount: $20,000
- Total Project Cost: $171,201.62
7-95: Madison Nature and Conservation Classroom, Preparing Today the Landowners and Managers of Tomorrows (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: Legacy Children's Foundation
- Objective: Build a Conservation Classroom and Trail at Madison Elementary School-- Construction of 4 instructional kiosks, 4 open walled shelters, 4 seating components, signage, planting of 80 trees of 15 varieties and plants and seeds for a pollinator garden, Xeriscape, Native Grass, and a Farmer’s Field.
- Funded Amount: $60,000
- Total Project Cost: $290,833
- Final Report
Grant Round 6
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Pelican Point Campground Expansion
Saving Minot Retriever Club Grounds for Future Generations
United Tribes Technical College Nature Trail
Wild Rice River Restoration and Riparian Project Phase III
The Mt. Carmel Dam Project
Downtown River Access for Grand Forks Greenway
Park River Parks and Recreation-Continuation of Phase I Community Park Development
Tree Planting & Accessibility Improvements at Sheep Creek Dam & Raleigh Dam
Arnegard Reservoir-Lake Peschek Rehabilitation
ND Hen House Project II
Shared Use Path Connection to Island Park
Nature Park
Davis Ranch Field Restoration
South Central ND Habitat Enhancement
Cass County Wildlife Club Multi-range Project
Honey Bee & Monarch Butterfly Partnership
Working Grassland Partnership
ND Statewide Conservation Tree Planting Initiative
TMBCI Belcourt Lake Park Community Rest Rooms Project
Alkali Lake Habitat Enhancement
Approved Projects
6-84: Downtown River Access for Grand Forks Greenway
- Sponsor: City of Grand Forks
- Objective: Installation of a paved trail and an ADA compliant kayak launch and fishing dock.
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $169,073
6-85: ND Statewide Conservation Tree Planting Initiative (Phase 2)
- Sponsor: ND Association of Soil Conservation Districts
- Objective: Continuance for two-years of this Initiative that promotes and provides financial assistance to implement agroforestry practices in ND including farmstead, feedlot and field windbreaks; forestry, wildlife and riparian plantings, buffers and living snow fences. Includes funding for staffing costs.
- Funded Amount: $2,050,000
- Total Project Cost: $4,133,704
6-86: Tree Planting & Accessibility Improvements Sheep Creek Dam & Raleigh Dam
- Sponsor: Grant County Water Resource District
- Objective: Sheep Creek Dam - Construction of 2 handicap accessible campsites, improvements to accessible fishing pier, upgrade 4 campsites, expand and upgrade.
- Funded Amount: $40,374
- Total Project Cost: $62,508
6-87: North Dakota Hen House Project II
- Sponsor: Delta Waterfowl
- Objective: Installation of 200 new hen houses.
- Funded Amount: $26,300
- Total Project Cost: $60,900
- Final Report
6-88: Alkali Lake Habitat Enhancement
- Sponsor: Audubon Dakota
- Objective: Implementation of a prescribed grazing system on the Audubon's Edward M. Brigham Ill Alkali Lake Ranch/use cattle in a managed rotational system to increase nesting, brooding and feeding cover for grassland birds, and create more hunting and outdoor recreation opportunities. Involves 1,000 acres of grassland and wetland habitat.
- Funded Amount: $135,169
- Total Project Cost: $425,316
6-89: Saving Minot Retriever Club Grounds for Future Generations
- Sponsor: Minot Retriever Club Inc.
- Objective: Construct 2 dikes that would separate the current ponds from the De Lacs River allowing the ponds to maintain their water level. This project would restore and maintain this sportsmen's resource.
- Funded Amount: $144,000
- Total Project Cost: $195,000
6-90: Working Grassland Partnership
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: OHF funding will be used to provide land development assistance to landowners interested in livestock fencing and livestock water development on SAFE and adjacent acres with a project area focus that is important for grassland birds with declining populations (funding for fencing costs and water development costs). Includes funding for project staff.
- Funded Amount: $1,097,250
- Total Project Cost: $1,467,250
Grant Round 5
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Big Coulee Dam Repair
North Central Grass Planting Project
Doyle Memorial Park Swimming Area Project
Barnes Lake Preservation Project
Play Land Dream
Grassland Restoration & Retention Program
Homme Dam Beach Shelter
Teton Marsh
Cattail Bay Boat Ramp Project
Almont Park & Playground Equipment Project
Sheyenne River Sedimentation Reduction Project Phase II
Grant County Area-Cover Crops for Prevented Plant Ground Utilized as Grazing
City Park Playground Equipment Upgrades
Homme Dam Watershed 319 Project
ND Statewide Windbreak Renovation Initiative
Nishu Bowmen Programs Expansion
Devils Lake Access Improvements for Handicapped, Elderly & Mobility Impaired
Hankinson Park District Restroom Replacement Project
Marcus Friskop Learning Center (Phase 2)
Park River Parks & Recreation-Continuation of Phase I Community Park Development
Beginning Farmer Enhancement
Tolna Bay Boat Ramp & Recreation Area
ND Youth Pollinator Habitat Program
Egeland RV Park & Campground
Bottineau Winter Park Infrastructure & Program Improvements
WITHDRAWN-Alkali Lake Habitat Enhancement
TMBCI Historic Preservation Stewardship Lodge
Emmons County Grassland & Cropland Conservation Effort
The Fargo Project-World Garden Commons
WITHDRAWN-Beulah Bay Campground Expansion & Conservation Project
Archie & Jessie Campbell Memorial Park Softball Complex Renovation
Approved Projects
5-65: Big Coulee Dam Repair
- Sponsor: Joint Big Coulee Dam Operation and Maintenance Committee
- Objective: Repair of principal spillway structure and an upgrade to the emergency spillway on the Big Coulee Dam.
- Funded Amount: $426,148
- Total Project Cost: $1,751,616
5-66: Barnes Lake Preservation Project
- Sponsor: Woodworth Wildlife Club
- Objective: Restoration of 250 yards of Barnes Lake shoreline.
- Funded Amount: $69,320
- Total Project Cost: $103,320
5-67: Play Land Dream
- Sponsor: Gackle Park Board
- Objective: Replacement of playground equipment.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $32,000
5-68: Grassland Restoration and Retention Program
- Sponsor: Ransom County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Restore or retain 2,000 grassland acres (and associated wetlands).
- Funded Amount: $250,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,938,500
5-69: Cattail Bay Boat Ramp Project
- Sponsor: Voices for Lake Oahe
- Objective: Widening of the existing cement boat ramp to accommodate two lanes.
- Funded Amount: $33,750
- Total Project Cost: $45,000
5-70: Almont Park and Playground Equipment Project
- Sponsor: Almont Historical Society
- Objective: Provide safe and durable playground and fitness equipment, add more plant life to attract birds and promote birdwatching.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $40,572
5-71: Sheyenne River Sedimentation Reduction Project Phase II
- Sponsor: Barnes County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Promote the use of best management practices to restore the aquatic life uses and to maintain the recreational uses of the Sheyenne River and its tributaries. OHF used to reduce landowner costs of implementing best management practices by 60%.
- Funded Amount: $200,000
- Total Project Cost: $206,000
5-72: City Park Playground Equipment Upgrade
- Sponsor: Anamoose Park Board
- Objective: New playground equipment for City Park.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $54,000
5-73: Homme Dam Watershed 319 Project
- Sponsor: Walsh County Three Rivers Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Restore water quality and beneficial uses of recreation and aquatic life to the Homme Dam Reservoir in Walsh County through implementation of best management practices such as riparian vegetation cover, prescribed grazing systems, riparian forest buffers, streambanks/shoreline stabilization.
- Funded Amount: $65,000
- Total Project Cost: $550,200
5-74: North Dakota Statewide Windbreak Renovation Initiative
- Sponsor: ND Forest Service
- Objective: Reduce the number of windbreaks destroyed by offering incentives to replace dead/deteriorating windbreaks, incorporate species diversity and select species most suitable, administer a simple, effective, statewide cost-share program that leverages landowner's match with a source of grant funds for a variety of windbreak renovation practices.
- Funded Amount: $1,800,000
- Total Project Cost: $3,600,000
5-75: Devils Lake Access Improvements for Handicapped, Elderly and Mobility Impaired
- Sponsor: City of Devils Lake
- Objective: Installation of access ramps and stairs to fishing piers; enhances existing facilities and creates new access points; adjusting of manmade landscapes to allow accessibility. Includes parking lot development, vehicle access improvements, handicap accessible bathroom and playground equipment, repair of bank erosion, tree planting, and installation of fishing piers.
- Funded Amount: $361,728
- Total Project Cost: $610,765
5-76: Marcus Friskop Learning Center (Phase 2)
- Sponsor: Hankinson Public School
- Objective: Access to South Lake Elsie (Phase 2), primitive campsites.
- Funded Amount: $7,000
- Total Project Cost: $104,172
5-77: Beginning Farmer Enhancement
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Implement projects identified by landowners participating in the Natural Resources Trust Beginning Farmer Assistance Program which include installation of fencing, installation of wind break panels, installing water quality management practices, drilling of new water wells, installing solar pumps, water tanks and pipelines, planting of cover crop.
- Funded Amount: $132,884
- Total Project Cost: $257,441
5-78: Tolna Bay Boat Ramp and Recreation Area
- Sponsor: City of Tolna
- Objective: Rebuild an existing boat ramp and replace existing fish cleaning station.
- Funded Amount: $12,488
- Total Project Cost: $24,975
5-79: North Dakota Youth Pollinator Habitat Program
- Sponsor: Pheasants Forever
- Objective: Increase awareness about decreasing pollinator populations, educate the general public on the importance of habitat for pollinators and establish at least 10 quality pollinator habitat areas across the state.
- Funded Amount: $20,000
- Total Project Cost: $36,225
5-80: Egeland RV Park and Campground
- Sponsor: City of Egeland
- Objective: Update 6 of the 12 camp-sites from 30 amp electricity hook-ups to 50 amp hook-ups.
- Funded Amount: $6,588
- Total Project Cost: $8,784
5-81: Bottineau Winter Park Infrastructure and Program Improvements
- Sponsor: Bottineau Winter Park, Inc.
- Objective: Drilling of a new well; improvement and expansion of nature trail system including rest areas, signage and leveling and contouring of steeper sections; installation of dock; tree transplanting; stocking of a holding pond.
- Funded Amount: $70,000
- Total Project Cost: $215,788
5-82: Emmons County Grassland and Cropland Conservation Effort
- Sponsor: Emmons County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: To provide funding for landowners and operators to implement conservation practices which address grassland and cropland resource needs. Payments to applicant will not exceed 60% of the actual cost.
- Funded Amount: $630,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,080,000
- Final Report
5-83: The Fargo Project: World Garden Commons
- Sponsor: City of Fargo
- Objective: Transformation of an 18-acre stormwater detention basin into a public commons that will restore wildlife habitat as well as provide new opportunities for outdoor recreation. Removal of existing concrete channel and establishment of vegetation and earthwork to set the natural backdrop.
- Funded Amount: $350,000
- Total Project Cost: $930,000
Grant Round 4
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Harmon Lake Campground Expansion
Dead Colt Creek Recreational Playground Project
LaMoure County Memorial Park Streambank Restoration Project
Sargent County Silver Lake Park-Playplaces and Gathering Spaces-Renovation Project
Cliffs Park & Water Access Development Project
Beach City Park Northside Playground
Norsemen Outdoor Education Center
Crooked Crane Trail Exercise & Fitness Loop
Green Acres Property Owners' Association Neighborhood Play Area Project
TMBCI Sky Chief Park Fishing Pier Project
Drayton Campground
Saving the Minot Retriever Club for Future Generations
Grant County Area Cover Crops for Wet Soils & Prevented Plant Ground
Sheyenne River Bank Stability Restoration Project-Phase I Bjornson Golf Course
Little Missouri Grazing Association Noxious-Invasive Weed Control
Lewis & Clark Interpretive Center Native Prairie Restoration
Riparian Grazing Systems Project
Western ND Habitat Enhancement Projects
Fox Island Boat Ramp Bank Stabilization
ND Waterbank Program
Handicap Accessible Fishing Pier at Sheep Creek Dam
Stump Lake Park Bank Restoration
Private Land Aquatic Habitat Creation & Infrastructure Enhancement
Approved Projects
4-49: Harmon Lake Campground Expansion
- Sponsor: Morton County Water Resource District
- Objective: Develop 20 camper pads, 20 electrical hookups, interior roads, signage and security lighting.
- Funded Amount: $150,000
- Total Project Cost: $200,000
4-50: Dead Colt Creek Recreational Playground Project
- Sponsor: Ransom County Water Resource District
- Objective: Installation of playground equipment and basketball court. Purchase of playground equipment.
- Funded Amount: $45,174
- Total Project Cost: $60,232
4-51: LaMoure County Memorial Park Streambank Restoration Project
- Sponsor: LaMoure County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Stabilization of three critical riverbanks and a small portion of a road raised to create a new park entrance trail. Approximately 2,000 linear feet will be graded and stabilized to preserve the Memorial Park.
- Funded Amount: $695,424
- Total Project Cost: $971,946
4-52: Sargent County Silver Lake Park "Playplaces and Gathering Spaces" Renovations Project
- Sponsor: Sargent County Park Board
- Objective: Replacement of Playground Equipment and pavilion benches, etc. New Shelter.
- Funded Amount: $13,708
- Total Project Cost: $54,832
4-53: Beach City Park Northside Playground
- Sponsor: Beach City Park Board
- Objective: Purchase of playground equipment & landscaping to develop a park in Beach.
- Funded Amount: $25,000
- Total Project Cost: $60,000
4-54: Norsemen Outdoor Education Center
- Sponsor: Norsemen Archers, Inc.
- Objective: Demolish existing facility & construct new facility with indoor range & meeting rooms.
- Funded Amount: $216,781
- Total Project Cost: $303,281
4-55: Crooked Crane Trail Exercise & Fitness Loop
- Sponsor: City of Dickinson
- Objective: Creation of a 1.8 mile fitness trail on north side of Patterson Lake, including paving of trail and purchase of fitness machines & playground equipment & lighting.
- Funded Amount: $975,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,300,000
4-56: TMBCI Sky Chief Park Fishing Pier Project
- Sponsor: Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
- Objective: Purchase & installation of 4 piers on Gordon & Wheaton Lakes.
- Funded Amount: $60,000
- Total Project Cost: $70,000
4-57: Drayton Campground
- Sponsor: Drayton Park Board
- Objective: Installation of electrical hook ups and site development for the 70-site campground.
- Funded Amount: $180,000
- Total Project Cost: $463,378
4-58: Sheyenne River Bank Stability Restoration Project - Phase 1 Bjornson Golf Course (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: Valley City Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Utilizing bioengineering techniques restore and stabilize 1,113 feet of riverbank. Will also result in improved aquatic biota.
- Funded Amount: $197,550
- Total Project Cost: $1,245,917
- Final Report
4-59: Riparian Grazing Systems Project
- Sponsor: Stutsman County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Restore proper vegetative balance in riparian areas; proper rotation of grazing animals through use of a multi-celled grazing system; restore and maintain water quality.
- Funded Amount: $253,500
- Total Project Cost: $422,500
- Final Report
4-60: Western ND Habitat Enhancement Projects
- Sponsor: Mule Deer Foundation
- Objective: Employ at least six habitat enhancement/restoration projects on over 2,000 acres involving prescribed burns, native grass/shrub plantings, invasive/noxious weed control, fencing and wildlife food plots.
- Funded Amount: $480,900
- Total Project Cost: $719,900
- Final Report
4-61: Fox Island Boat Ramp Bank Stabilization
- Sponsor: Bismarck Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Stabilize river bank along the Missouri River at Fox Island Boat Ramp. Reshaping approximately 300 feet of the shoreline at a 2:1 slope, installing geotextile fabric and placing rip rap; and installation of an accessible fishing platform.
- Funded Amount: $215,374
- Total Project Cost: $299,122
4-62: North Dakota Waterbank Program
- Sponsor: ND Department of Agriculture
- Objective: Provide funding for Waterbank Program. Obtain a number of waterbank agreements; complete land treatments; upland seeding and identified wetland restorations; monitor tracts; provide alternative incentive to landowners for flooded cropland.
- Funded Amount: $565,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,600,000
- Final Report
4-63: Handicap Accessible Fishing Pier at Sheep Creek Dam
- Sponsor: Grant County Water Resource District
- Objective: Provide handicap accessible fishing pier, accessible sidewalk, plant trees, bank stabilization & improve water quality & wildlife habitat.
- Funded Amount: $20,902
- Total Project Cost: $28,632
4-64: Stump Lake Park Bank Restoration
- Sponsor: Nelson County Park Board
- Objective: Sloping and rip-rapping of 200 feet on the north bank and 1,800 feet on the south bank at a 3:1 slope on Stump Lake.
- Funded Amount: $472,912
- Total Project Cost: $630,550
Grant Round 3
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Saving the Minot Retriever Club for Future Generations
Northwood Ice Rink
Wild Rice River Restoration & Riparian Project
ADA Accessible Restrooms & Shower Facility for Park Recreation
Wilderness Wellness Walking Path
Graner Park Bank Stabilization
Ryan Lake Fishing & Recreation
Public Use Fishing Docks at Lake Metigoshe & Beaver Lake State Parks
Hankinson Park District Restroom Replacement Project
Lake Tschida's Wildlife Conservation Planting, Recreation Project Walking Trail, Bird Observatory & Playground Rest Area
ND Pheasant Habitat Initiative
Drayton Campground
Park River Parks & Recreation Phase I Campground & Three-Plex Ball Field
Partnering with ND Producers to Promote Profitable Agriculture with Wildlife Benefits
Fingal Wildlife Club Dan Restoration
Sandhills Archery Club Landscaping
Brown Ranch Habitat Enhancement Through Prescribed Grazing
Bismarck PF Habitat Enhancement
Beaver Lake State Park Water Quality Enhancement
Working Wetlands in ND
Conservation Cover Program
Western ND Habitat Enhancement Project
Private Land Aquatic Habitat Creation & Infrastructure Enhancement
Urban Woods & Prairies Initiative
TMBCI Sky Chief Park Playground Project
Pedestrian Trail Improvements along ND Hwy 13 City of LaMoure, ND
Approved Projects
3-35: Wild Rice River Restoration & Riparian Project Phase II
- Sponsor: Wild Rice Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Improve, maintain and restore water quality, soil conditions through best management practices. The best practice being proposed is the use of the tool -- Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology and includes the establishment of vegetative riparian buffer zones.
- Funded Amount: $9,937
- Total Project Cost: $33,125
3-36: Graner Park Bank Stabilization
- Sponsor: Morton County Parks
- Objective: Bank stabilization project which includes re-shaping of 1,175 feet of Missouri River bank at a 2: 1 slope, installation of engineered geotextile fabric and placement of rip-rap to prevent further erosion.
- Funded Amount: $187,650
- Total Project Cost: $250,200
3-37: Ryan Lake Fishing and Recreation Development Project
- Sponsor: Grand Forks Park District
- Objective: This project seeks to dredge the lake, restore and stabilize the shoreline and develop the Ryan Lake recreation area for expanded, year-round use by area sports enthusiasts. OHF funding to be used for dredging and slope stabilization.
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $290,005
3-38: Public Use Fishing Docks at Lake Metigoshe and Beaver Lake State Parks
- Sponsor: ND Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Purchase and installation of two fishing docks to be located at Beaver Lake and Lake Metigoshe State Parks and an upgrade of a current dock at Beaver Lake State Park.
- Funded Amount: $40,382
- Total Project Cost: $53,842
- Sponsor: Tri-Cities Joint JDA
- Objective: Create a looped walking trail with a bird observatory and educational area with a shaded rest area with multiple benches, information posts, potable water and a playground.
- Funded Amount: $66,152
- Total Project Cost: $92,969
3-40: North Dakota Pheasant Habitat Initiative
- Sponsor: ND Game and Fish
- Objective: OHF funding will be used as a match for the USDA Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) -- Provide a one-time habitat incentive on CREP acres.
- Funded Amount: $3,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $38,000,000
- Final Report
3-41: Drayton Campground
- Sponsor: Drayton Park Board
- Objective: Development of a 70-site recreational use campground. Preserve existing natural vegetation.
- Funded Amount: $125,000
- Total Project Cost: $453,033
3-42: Park River Parks and Recreation - Phase 1 Campground and Three- Plex Ball Field
- Sponsor: Park River Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Development of a 20-unit modern campground and three-plex ball diamonds for outdoor recreational activities.
- Funded Amount: $240,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,460,027
3-43: Fingal Wildlife Club Dam Restoration
- Sponsor: Fingal Wildlife Club
- Objective: Restoration of a dam used for recreational fishing and family picnic area. Reset the inlet structure, install polymeric coated corrugated steel pipe from the inlet structure to the creek.
- Funded Amount: $35,500
- Total Project Cost: $52,600
3-44: Sandhills Archery Club Landscaping
- Sponsor: Sandhills Archery Club
- Objective: Upgrade landscaping of Club property to improve safety and expand shooting opportunities and preparation for construction of new clubhouse. (There are 7 parts to this project).
- Funded Amount: $40,000
- Total Project Cost: $82,550
3-45: Brown Ranch Habitat Enhancement Through Prescribed Grazing
- Sponsor: The Nature Conservancy
- Objective: Installation of shallow water wells and portable livestock tanks along with a solar powered pumping unit to improve its rotational grazing program with the goal of improving wildlife habitat over 1,500 acres.
- Funded Amount: $35,000
- Total Project Cost: $105,100
3-46: Bismarck PF Habitat Enhancement
- Sponsor: Pheasants Forever-Dakota Chapter
- Objective: Purchase of trees, weed barrier, grass seed and other necessary habitat to create a long term, beneficial environment for private and public land owners.
- Funded Amount: $60,000
- Total Project Cost: $100,000
3-47: Working Wetlands in North Dakota
- Sponsor: Delta Waterfowl
- Objective: OHF funds will be used to provide incentives to producers who agree to leave qualified wetlands intact. 10,500 acres.
- Funded Amount: $1,750,000
- Total Project Cost: $4,950,000
3-48: Urban Woods and Prairies Initiative
- Sponsor: Audubon Dakota
- Objective: This Initiative is to create, restore and enhance wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities for the City of Fargo. The 142.25 acre project area is spread over 5 sites. This will include conversion from exotic turf grass into native prairie grasses and wildflowers as well as more intensive woodland management.
- Funded Amount: $82,218
- Total Project Cost: $148,789
Grant Round 2
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Maercklein Park Basketball Court
South Golden Lake Inlet Beautification Project
Bald Hill Creek Watershed Project
Water Storage Piggyback
City of Munich Playground Equipment Fund
Equip the Menoken 4-H Picnic Park Mutual Aid Corporation with accessible bathrooms
and update the electrical infrastructure
Red River Riparian Project
Norsemen Outdoor Education Center
Centennial Park Woodland Trail & Souris River Recreational Access Plan
Prairie Project
Stutsman County Manure Management Project
Northern Cass Pass
Pheasant Lake Fishing Access Shoreline Restoration Project
Blacktail Dam Association
ND 4-H Camp
Downtown River Access for Grand Forks Greenway
Turtle Creek Watershed Project Water & Habitat Initiative
Hankinson Park District Restroom Replacement Project
TMBCI Sky Chief Park Educational Stewardship Lodge
Lake Tschida Playground
Partnering with ND Producers to Promote Profitable Agriculture with Wildlife Benefits
ND Pollinator Partnership
Conservation of Grasslands & Long Billed Curlews on Private Lands in SW ND
Sleepy Hollow Preservation and Renewal
Beulah Bay Campground Expansion & Conservation Project
Little Missouri Grazing Association Noxious-Invasive Weed Control
Approved Projects
2-18: South Golden Lake Inlet Beautification Project
- Sponsor: Golden Lake Improvement Association
- Objective: Dredge channel, remove scrub brush, smooth and shape shoreline and then planting of over 400 trees.
- Funded Amount: $57,342
- Total Project Cost: $74,342
2-19: Bald Hill Creek Watershed Project
- Sponsor: Griggs County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: OHF funds will be used strictly to reduce the landowners cost of implementing best management practices to meet the overall goal of restoring the aquatic life uses and to maintain the recreational uses of the Bald Hill Creek and its tributaries.
- Funded Amount: $300,000
- Total Project Cost: $880,665
2-20: Water Storage Piggyback
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Provide a complementary program to existing water storage programs by providing funding to participants for the loss of agricultural production from the lands that will be underwater. Will provide the agricultural production loss payment and incentivize landowners to participate in the local, state, federal and non-governmental water retention programs. Create approximately 500 surface acres of water storage.
- Funded Amount: $300,000
- Total Project Cost: $400,000
2-21: City of Munich Playground Equipment Fund
- Sponsor: City of Munich - City Park
- Objective: New Playground Equipment.
- Funded Amount: $828,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,947,250
2-22: Red River Riparian Project
- Sponsor: Red River Regional Council
- Objective: OHF Funds will be used to solely supplement cost share to landowners for projects that will enhance riparian areas and improve water quality in the targeted watersheds of the Middle Sheyenne, Forest and Park Rivers.
- Funded Amount: $230,000
- Total Project Cost: $568,394
2-23: Centennial Park Woodland Trail and Souris River Recreational Access Plan
- Sponsor: Minot Park District Foundation
- Objective: Provide access and develop two trail segments to the Centennial Park and Souris River Recreational area - Three-quarter mile looped aggregate trail from visitor parking area to an improved shoreline fishing area & seasonal fishing pier & one-mile loop mowed trail with removable floating segment over an existing oxbow.
- Funded Amount: $305,000
- Total Project Cost: $634,000
2-24: Prairie Project
- Sponsor: United Prairie Foundation
- Objective: Secure 300 PLOTS acres on which local origin native prairie plants will be grown for seed that will be harvested and used to restore other prairie land.
- Funded Amount: $300,000
- Total Project Cost: $842,300
- Final Report
2-25: Northern Cass Pass
- Sponsor: Hunter Arthur Joint Park Board
- Objective: Build a multi-use, non-motorized 6-mile path from the south edge of Arthur north to the City of Hunter. This funds Phases 1 & 2 of a 4 phase project totaling.
- Funded Amount: $105,000
- Total Project Cost: $627,920
2-26: Stutsman County Manure Management Project
- Sponsor: Stutsman County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Restore & maintain recreational and aquatic uses to priority water bodies in Stutsman County through the proper handling of livestock wastes through either spreading out winter feeding areas (30 winter rotational grazing/feeding systems) and addressing Animal Feeding Operations (5 full Manure Management Systems).
- Funded Amount: $300,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,900,000
2-27: Pheasant Lake Fishing access/Shoreline Restoration Project
- Sponsor: Dickey County Park Board
- Objective: Implementation of a rock texas crossing at the west tributary; Remove excess plant material/cattails covering 300 feet of shoreline. Erosion barrier and riprap would be placed along shoreline. Installation of an accessible fishing pier/dock.
- Funded Amount: $21,250
- Total Project Cost: $42,500
2-28: Blacktail Dam Association
- Sponsor: Blacktail Dam Association
- Objective: Install a lift station, two fishing docks, tree replacement/plantings.
- Funded Amount: $35,000
- Total Project Cost: $105,100
2-29: North Dakota 4-H Camp
- Sponsor: ND 4-H Foundation
- Objective: Provide 3 native and butterfly gardens; inspiration area (campfire ring, shingles for chapel, benches; 1.5 miles of walking trails).
- Funded Amount: $18,768
- Total Project Cost: $23,673
2-30: Turtle Creek Watershed Project Water & Habitat Initiative
- Sponsor: South McLean County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Funds will be used to provide a portion of the non-federal match for Best Management Practices that mitigate impact of animal feeding operations, create additional nonaquatic habitat in addition to improving water quality of surface water or preserve the integrity of existing or newly established riparian ecosystems within the Turtle Creek watershed. OHF $'s will be used to pay for half of the non-federal match or 20% of each project cost-shared unless there is insufficient funding and then it will drop to 10%.
- Funded Amount: $138,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,263,072
2-31: Downtown River Access for Grand Forks Greenway
- Sponsor: City of Grand Forks
- Objective: Replace a path down to the river with the installation of concrete stairs, removable railing, concrete platforms and bank stabilization.
- Funded Amount: $75,000
- Total Project Cost: $100,000
2-32: Conservation of Grasslands and Long-Billed Curlews on Private Lands in SW North Dakota
- Sponsor: American Bird Conservancy
- Objective: Funds will be used to implement conservation practices on private lands that enhance habitat for grassland birds while providing sustainable agricultural practices. Fencing and native seed costs & travel costs.
- Funded Amount: $29,322
- Total Project Cost: $213,930
2-33: North Dakota Pollinator Partnership
- Sponsor: Pheasants Forever
- Objective: Funds will be used to pay for the increased cost associated with customized and optimal seed mixes for pollinators on newly established 30-year Wetland Reserve Program (WRP) and used to upgrade existing WRP contracts which are currently dominated by stands of monotypic cover. Will include best practices of site preparation, seed, seeding, and clipping in order to establish high diversity plantings. Impact on 1,250 acres of WRP acres.
- Funded Amount: $173,750
- Total Project Cost: $292,879
2-34: Beulah Bay Campground Expansion and Conservation Project
- Sponsor: Beulah Park District
- Objective: Expand campground to include nine individual camping sites for RV's and 14 camping sites for RV's for group camping. New tree plantings (300+ mature trees and shrubs). Purchasing 30 picnic tables.
- Funded Amount: $42,120
- Total Project Cost: $74,212
Grant Round 1
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Sheyenne River Sedimentation Reduction Project
Community Outdoor Fitness Park
Wildlife Education and Recreation Center
Nelson Lake West Side Boat Landing
Tallgrass Prairie Seed Source Program
Outdoor Adventures Initiatives 2014
Beulah Park District Lions Park Renovation Project
Minot to Velva Multi-Use Path Phase 1
Behavioral Attractants for Monitoring Important Insect Pollinators of North Dakota
Antelope Creek Wild Rice Corridor Watershed Restoration Project
Carrington CrossRoads Golf Course Shelter-Restroom
Winter Cereals Sustainability in Action
Wild Rice River Restoration and Riparian Project Phase II
Ransom County Water Quality Improvement Project
Bismarck Rotary Arboretum, Conservation & Interpretive Improvements
Implementing a Holistic Approach to Rangeland Management & Land Conservation through Mentoring and Education
Bowman County Conservation Grazing Project
Valley City Riverfront Greenway & Restoration Project
Optimizing Crop Rotation Strategies to Improve Disease Management and Increase Crop Yields in ND Wheat and Field Pea Production
Trailhead-Neighborhood Park
Old Settlers Sewer & Water Hookups
Project LL Paving
Artificial Nesting Habitat Improvement
Rebuild the Tioga Pool
Enhancing Stewardship & Agronomic Benefits of Seasonal Wetlands for Producers & Wildlife in ND
Maah Daah Hey Trail Administrator
Forest Stewardship Initiative
Hankinson City Park Restroom Replacement & Playground Addition
Golden Ridge Neighborhood Community Garden
Paving Project, McKenzie Bay Recreation Area
LSC 20,000 Trees by 2020
Stump Lake Park Improvements
Spring Creek & Iglehart Subdivision's Concrete Boat Ramp
Marcus Friskop Nature Center-Hankinson Public School
Beulah School & Community Outdoor Project
Warwick Dam Modification & Rehabilitation (State Water Commission Project No. 0240)
Aquatic Habitat Infrastructure Enhancement
Mt. Carmel Dam Recreational Area Bathhouse
Selection & Evaluation of Ornamental Woody Plants Suitable for Parks, Recreational Areas and City Plantings for Western ND
Restoring Public Use of the Port of Bismarck on the Missouri River
Tinta Tawa Park Pavement Renovation
Natural Resource Stewardship in ND Parks, Preserves & Natural Areas
Red River Riparian Project
Centennial Park Woodland Trail & Souris River Recreation Access Plan
ND Game & Fish Department Outdoor Heritage Habitat Initiative
Riverside Park Enhancement Project
ND Statewide Conservation Tree Planting Initiative
Management Strategies to improve Conservation Reserve Program Habitat Quality & Livestock Grazing Value
Documenting Aquatic Organisms of ND Rivers
ND 4-H Camp
Pheasants Forever Bismarck Chapter Tree Equipment
Enhanced Grazing Lands & Wildlife Habitat Phase I
Turtle Mountain Chippewa Outdoor Heritage Fund
Working Lands Partnership
Restoring an Urban Riparian Forest
McDowell Dam Water Access & Fishing Improvements
Resistance to Invasion by Poa Pratensis in ND Prairies
Spring Creek Watershed-Cross Fencing for Grazing Management
Food Barley-Adding Value & Diversity to Western ND Farms
Trail Restoration & Improvement Program
Devils Lake Winter Ice Fishing Trail System
Schatz Point South Side Boat Ramp
ND Hen House Project I
Kitchen Table Conservations for Private Land Conservation
Enhancing the Wildlife Value of Working & Public Lands in the Grand Forks Prairie Project Area Through Demonstrated Land Management
Public Land Enhancement Program
Perennial Grass Establishment with Grazing Plan
Mapping of Tribal Land for Sportsmen
Measurable & Sustainable Agricultural, Economic, Watershed & Wildlife Impacts with Cover Crops Along the 49th Parallel
Recreational Trail Reconstruction in Response to Mineral Development at Little Missouri State Park
Habitat Enhancing Biofuel Crops
ND Wetland Certification Review Initiative
Conservation of Long-billed Curlews on Private Lands in SW ND
City of Munich Playground Equipment Fund
Approved Projects
- Sponsor: Ludden Sportsmen Club
- Objective: 20,000 new live trees growing on 4 parcels of ground in 2020.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $181,000
1-2: Community Outdoor Fitness Park
- Sponsor: Minot Family YMCA
- Objective: Provide a new park for the citizens of Minot to enjoy the outdoor environment; offer an outdoor recreational opportunity for the citizens of Minot focused on health and fitness; conserve and enhance the natural outdoor landscape of this 3 acre park.
- Funded Amount: $45,000
- Total Project Cost: $466,492
1-3: Aquatic Habitat Infrastructure Enhancement
- Sponsor: Ducks Unlimited
- Objective: Restore, develop and enhance aquatic habitats located on privately and publicly owned and managed lands in ND.
- Funded Amount: $322,000
- Total Project Cost: $934,218
1-4: Enhanced Grazing Lands & Wildlife Habitat (Phase 1)
- Sponsor: Ducks Unlimited
- Objective: Enroll 20,000 additional grassland acres in the Environmental Quality Incentive Program over the next year, while offering increased public access on approximately 3, 750 acres.
- Funded Amount: $828,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,947,250
- Sponsor: Delta Waterfowl
- Objective: Establish 200 new Hen Houses (each with 10 year maintenance agreements).
- Funded Amount: $34,000
- Total Project Cost: $65,030
- Final Report
1-6: ND Statewide Conservation Tree Planting Initiative
- Sponsor: ND Association of Soil Conservation Districts
- Objective: Engage stewards to embrace conservation practices that promote the ecological services trees provide. Focus on encouraging and providing financial assistance to implement.
- Funded Amount: $1,878,000
- Total Project Cost: $4,875,033
1-7: The Marcus Friskop Nature Center
- Sponsor: Hankinson Public School
- Objective: The Marcus Friskop Nature Center will provide intergenerational, year-round educational opportunities focusing on the environment, including restoration and protection of plant and wildlife ecosystems.
- Funded Amount: $30,000
- Total Project Cost: $378,960
1-8: Trailhead/Neighborhood Park
- Sponsor: Bismarck Parks and Recreation
- Objective: The 15.6-acre trailhead/neighborhood park being planned will serve local residents with approximately 3.5 acres being developed for recreation and 12 acres being conserved as natural habitat for native bird nesting and wildlife observation.
- Funded Amount: $105,000
- Total Project Cost: $627,920
1-9: Sheyenne River Sedimentation Reduction Project
- Sponsor: Barnes County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Project is designed to provide technical, financial and educational assistance to all agriculture producers and landowners with riparian acreage and/or upland cropland at high risk of erosion within the Sheyenne River watershed in Barnes County. Goal is to restore the aquatic life uses and to maintain the recreational uses of the Sheyenne River and its tributaries.
- Funded Amount: $126,000
- Total Project Cost: $957,000
1-10: Antelope Creek Wild Rice Corridor Watershed Restoration Project
- Sponsor: Richland Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Restore the recreational uses of the impaired reaches of the Antelope Creek and Wild Rice River. Offer cash share match to encourage landowners/participants to replace the declining field windbreaks in Richland County.
- Funded Amount: $105,000
- Total Project Cost: $977,000
1-11: Ransom County Water Quality Improvement Project
- Sponsor: Ransom County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: To restore the recreational and aquatic uses of the Sheyenne and Maple River watersheds in Ransom County. This will be accomplished by containing livestock manure runoff from 5 animal feeding operations in Ransom County and implementation of nutrient management plans for each operation.
- Funded Amount: $115,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,600,000
1-12: Warwick Dam - Modification & Rehabilitation (State Water Commission Project No. 0240)
- Sponsor: Eddy County Water District
- Objective: Repair of the existing dam by installing sheet piling and rock rip-rap. Plan incorporates a fish passage design.
- Funded Amount: $55,000
- Total Project Cost: $272,152
1-13: Artificial Nesting Habitat Improvement (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: Spirit Lake Nation Fish and Wildlife Department
- Objective: Building and placing nesting boxes for game and non-game species of birds.
- Funded Amount: $5,565
- Total Project Cost: $5,565
- Final Report
1-14: Mapping of Tribal Land for Sportsmen (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: Spirit Lake Nation Fish and Wildlife Department
- Objective: Mapping of the Spirit Lake Reservation and the management units so maps could be provided to sportsmen. Also updating the computer system used for mapping.
- Funded Amount: $8,568
- Total Project Cost: $8,568
- Final Report
1-15: Trail Restoration & Improvement Program
- Sponsor: ND Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Enhancing recreational use and access through the construction of sustainable trails and easement acquisition in the Turtle Mountains and Sheyenne River Valley.
- Funded Amount: $112,000
- Total Project Cost: $242,629
1-16: Natural Resource Stewardship in North Dakota's Parks, Preserves and Natural Areas
- Sponsor: ND Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Provide hands-on assistance to manage, protect and enhance ND prairies, woodlands, plant and animal species of concern & natural areas ensuring a healthy environment.
- Funded Amount: $129,000
- Total Project Cost: $645,987
1-17: ND Game & Fish Department Outdoor Heritage Habitat Initiative
- Sponsor: ND Game and Fish
- Objective: Assist the ND Game and Fish Department in fulfilling its mission by protecting, conserving and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat on private lands through the PLOTS and SOL programs. Impact on 4,600 acres -- 3,000 PLOTS & 1,600 through SOL.
- Funded Amount: $1,900,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,733,000