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North Dakota's Lignite Research, Development and Marketing Program (Program) is a multi-million dollar state/industry partnership that concentrates on near term, practical research and development projects that provide the opportunity to preserve and enhance development of our state's abundant lignite resources.
The Program is funded from several sources including the coal severance tax, coal conversion tax, and oil and gas tax revenues with approximately $7.5 million available each year for the Research, Development and Marketing Program.
Since inception in 1987 program grants have been used to:
- Help diversify the Great Plains Synfuels Plant;
- Improve methods for more efficient and cost-effective reclamation;
- Find cleaner ways to burn lignite in existing boilers;
- Identify new market opportunities; and
- Meet new challenges from proposed environmental regulations.
Industrial Commission awards over $2.8 million for Lignite Research, Development and Marketing Program
Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 12:00 pm
Categories: Industrial Commission, Lignite Research Program, Press ReleaseBISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Industrial Commission today approved more than $2.8 million in grants during the latest grant round for the Commission’s Lignite Research, Development and Marketing Program. The funding for this program is generated from lignite severance tax as well as oil and gas production tax revenue. The program supports the growth of North Dakota’s lignite industry through research and education.
The North Dakota Industrial Commission announces next grant round for the Lignite Research, Development and Marketing Program
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 12:00 pm
Categories: Industrial Commission, Lignite Research Program, Press ReleaseThe Lignite Research, Development and Marketing Program is accepting applications for grant round 106. The deadline for submitting applications for consideration is February 14, 2025. Applications may be submitted via email at
Industrial Commission Announces Special Grant Round for Carbon Capture and Utilization Education and Marketing
Friday, December 15, 2023 at 12:00 pm
Categories: Industrial Commission, Lignite Research Program, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release, Renewable Energy ProgramDuring the 2023 legislative session, $300,000 was appropriated to the Industrial Commission to contract for carbon capture and utilization education and marketing. The Industrial Commission is soliciting applications for grant funding to aid in the development of a Carbon Capture and Utilization Education and Marketing Strategic Plan.
Industrial Commission awards $11.4 million in latest grant round of the Lignite Research, Development and Marketing Program
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Categories: Industrial Commission, Lignite Research ProgramThe North Dakota Industrial Commission approved $11.4 million in Lignite Research, Development and Marketing Program matching grants for seven new research projects. The funding, generated from lignite severance tax as well as oil and gas production tax revenue, supports the growth of North Dakota’s lignite industry through research and education.
Governor Executive Order - Lignite Research Council Members
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Categories: Industrial Commission, Lignite Research ProgramThis order issued on the basis that the Governor is vested with the Executive authority pursuant to Article V, Section 1 or the North Dakota Constitution, and pursuant to NDCC 54-17.5-02. This order shall be effective Immediately and supersedes and replaces Executive Order 2013-05; accordingly, Executive Order 2013-05 is hereby rescinded.