Grant Round 79
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
LP Amina Beneplus Commercial Demonstration Project Feasibility Study
Annual Lignite Energy Council Education Program
Pathway to Low-Carbon Lignite Utilization
Continued Funding for Regional Lignite Energy Marketing Program
LRC-79-F Application (Confidential)
Approved Projects
FY16-79-197: Pathway to Low-Carbon Lignite Utilization
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Development of a mature lignite-based Allam Cycle and other supercritical CO2 (sCO2) power cycles.
- Funded Amount: $1,480,000
- Total Project Cost: $3,180,000
- Final Report
FY16-79-198: Annual Lignite Energy Council Education Program
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: Request funding for one year to both continue and expand the annual Lignite Education Seminar to an all-encompassing Education Program.
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $210,000
- Final Report
FY16-79-199: Continued Funding for Regional Lignite Energy Marketing Program (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To improve and maintain the overall public perception of coal-based electricity and promote its use as a low-cost, efficient and environmentally compatible energy source to ensure the continued utilization and growth of coal-based electrical energy in North Dakota and the region.
- Funded Amount: $1,800,000
- Total Project Cost: $3,600,000
- Final Report
FY16-79-200: LP Amina Beneplus Commercial Demonstration Project Feasibility Study
- Sponsor: LP Amina
- Objective: Applying the LP Amina Beneplus technology to ND Lignite coal resulting in a value-added liquid from coal and a beneficiated lignite coal product evaluated for use in an existing lignite-based boiler.
- Funded Amount: $209,000
- Total Project Cost: $700,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 78
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Managing Slag Flow Behavior in Combustion and Gasification Systems
Demonstration of Pilot-Scale Hydrogen and CO2 Separation Membrane Technology on Lignite-Derived Syngas
Annual Lignite Energy Council Education Seminar-Energy, Economics, and Environment
Approved Projects
FY15-78-194: Managing Slag Flow Behavior in Combustion and Gasification Systems
- Sponsor: Microbeam Technologies, Inc.
- Objective: Use CFD modeling to develop relationships for designers and operators of high temperature slagging combustion (cyclone) and gasification systems to prevent slag behavior.
- Funded Amount: $245,065
- Total Project Cost: $785,065
- Final Report
FY15-78-195: Demonstration of Pilot-Scale Hydrogen and CO2 Separation Membrane Technology on Lignite-Derived Syngas
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Conduct a pilot-scale demonstration of coal-to-hydrogen production technology using warm-gas cleanup techniques and hydrogen separation membranes.
- Funded Amount: $225,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,039,608
- Final Report
FY15-78-196: Annual Lignite Energy Council Education Seminar: Energy, Economics and Environment
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To continue the annual education seminars for one year which includes various lignite presentations and a tour of Coal Country.
- Funded Amount: $80,000
- Total Project Cost: $160,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 77
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Combustion Enhancement of Solid Fuels Using ClearSign's Technologies
Enhanced High Capacity Sorbent and Process for CO2 Capture Using Hybrid Sorption (E-CACHYS)
Validation of the Multielement Sorbent Trap (MEST) Method for Measurement of HCI and Metals
Approved Projects
FY15-77-191: Combustion Enhancement of Solid Fuels Using ClearSign's Technologies
- Sponsor: ClearSign Combustion Corporation
- Objective: Evaluate the viability of (ECC) technology that can manipulate the flame using high voltage electric fields to prevent pollution when applied to a lignite fired system.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $400,000
- Final Report
FY15-77-193: Validation of the Multielement Sorbent Trap (MEST) Method for Measurement of HCI and Metals
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Validate, address questions, and provide data to EPA on a simple, low-cost MEST-H method for measurement of HCI.
- Funded Amount: $245,000
- Total Project Cost: $860,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 76
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Investigating the Use of Fly Ash and Nonomaterials for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure
Continuation of Underground Coal Gasification Study in Western ND
ION Advanced Solvent CO2 Capture Project
Alstom's Chemical Looping Combustion Technology with CO2 Capture for ND Lignite Utilization
Approved Projects
FY13-76-188: Investigating the Use of Fly Ash and Nanomaterials for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructure
- Sponsor: University of ND Department of Civil Engineering
- Objective: Test the hypothesis that ordinary Portland cement can be fully replaced by fly ash and nanomaterials in concrete.
- Funded Amount: $14,559
- Total Project Cost: $60,642
- Final Report
FY13-76-189: Continuation of Underground Coal Gasification Study in Western ND
- Sponsor: University of ND Institute for Energy Studies
- Objective: A continuation project of the UCG feasibility study that will include more detailed site information on aquifer properties, groundwater quality, stratigraphy, lignite and geometrical properties, and using the syn-gas to produce liquid fuels.
- Funded Amount: $299,958
- Total Project Cost: $719,958
- Final Report
Grant Round 75
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Advancing CO2 Capture Technology
Energy Curriculum Project
Implementation of Regional Lignite Energy Marketing Plan-Phase VI
LRC-75-C Application (Confidential)
Feasibility Assessment of the NET Power Electric-Generation Technology when Fueled with ND Lignite
Approved Projects
FY13-75-184: Feasibility Assessment of the NET Power Electric-Generation Technology when fueled with ND lignite
- Sponsor: ALLETE
- Objective: Determine the feasibility of an innovative clean coal power generation cycle which uses CO2 as the working fluid, pressurized combustion, and gasification when applied to North Dakota lignite.
- Funded Amount: $150,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,000,000
- Final Report
FY13-75-185: Energy Curriculum Project
- Sponsor: Bismarck State College (BSC)
- Objective: A project that includes the development of energy curriculum in North Dakota Studies for students in 4th grade and 8th grade via online modules.
- Funded Amount: $75,000
- Total Project Cost: $155,000
- Final Report
FY13-75-186: Implementation of Regional Lignite Energy Marketing Plan-Phase VI (Confidential)
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: To improve and maintain the public image of lignite-based electricity; promote the use of lignite as a low-cost, efficient and environmentally compatible energy source for the region; build a support base on behalf of lignite energy; and prevent adverse public policies that discourage the use of coal-based electricity.
- Funded Amount: $1,800,000
- Total Project Cost: $3,600,000
- Final Report
FY13-75-187: Advancing CO2 Capture Technology: Partnership for CO2 Capture (PCO2C) Phase III
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Advance the state of CO2 capture technology and create tools for managing CO2 capture decisions through pilot-scale and systems engineering analyses.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $5,398,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 74
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Optimization Tools to Manage Coal Properties and Plant Operations
Annual Lignite Energy Council Education Seminar-Economics and Environment
Enhance, Preserve, and Protect the ND Lignite Industry-Phase VII
Approved Projects
FY12-74-182: Optimization Tools to Manage Coal Properties and Plant Operations
- Sponsor: Microbeam Technologies
- Objective: Develop improved tools to manage lignite properties and plant operations based on measurable lignite properties that can be used to improve low-NOx cyclone operation.
- Funded Amount: $299,972
- Total Project Cost: $699,972
- Final Report
FY12-74-183: Annual Lignite Energy Council Education Seminar: Economics and Environment
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: Educate teachers from North Dakota and neighboring states about the economic benefits, career opportunities, and operations of the lignite industry.
- Funded Amount: $160,000
- Total Project Cost: $320,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 73
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Demonstration of Multipollutant Reduction Using a Lextran 3-1-1 Wet Scrubber
Novel In-Site Sorbent Activation Process (SAP)
Geomechanical Study of Harmon Lignite and Surrounding Rocks for Underground Coal Gasification in Western ND
Approved Projects
FY12-73-179: Demonstration of Multipollutant Reduction Using a Lextran 3-1-1 Wet Scrubber
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Conduct a pilot-scale combustion testing of the Lextran 3-in-1 gas cleaning technology using lignite-fired flue gas conditions at the EERC.
- Funded Amount: $67,200
- Total Project Cost: $199,050
- Final Report
- Sponsor: Great River Energy
- Objective: Test the commercial application of Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) patented mercury control technology (SAP) at commercial scale and over a longer duration on North Dakota lignite at Great River Energy's Coal Creek Station.
- Funded Amount: $400,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,045,000
- Final Report
FY12-73-181: Geomechanical Study of Harmon Lignite and Surrounding Rocks for Underground Coal Gasification in Western ND
- Sponsor: University of ND Institute for Energy Studies
- Objective: Determine the feasibility of using underground coal gasification (UCG) to access currently un-economic lignite resources in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $242,729
- Total Project Cost: $485,712
- Final Report
Grant Round 72
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Evaluation of CO2 Capture from Existing Coal Fired Plants by Hybrid Sorption Using Solid Sorbents (CACHYS)
Approved Projects
FY12-72-178: Evaluation of CO2 Capture from Existing Coal Fired Plants by Hybrid Sorption Using Solid Sorbent (CACHYSTM)
- Sponsor: University of ND Institute for Energy Studies
- Objective: The project team proposes to develop and demonstrate a hybrid solid sorbent based process to capture CO2 from flue gas using novel process chemistry and contactor conditions. The goal is cost effective CO2 capture and separation technology applicable to lignite-based power plants.
- Funded Amount: $350,000
- Total Project Cost: $3,690,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 71
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Field Evaluation of Novel Approach for Obtaining Metal Emission Data
Water Recovery from Lignite Drying
Annual Lignite Energy Council Education Seminar-Energy, Economics & Environment
Approved Projects
FY10-71-176: Field Evaluation of novel Approach For Obtaining Metal Emission Data
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Twofold: 1) to evaluate the EERC-developed multi-element sorbent trap (ME-ST) technology at two ND lignite-fired full-scale sites, and 2) to provide metal and halogen emission data at these sites.
- Funded Amount: $720,000
- Total Project Cost: $21,487,892
- Final Report
FY10-71-177: Annual Lignite Energy Council Education Seminar: Energy, Economics & Environment
- Sponsor: Lignite Energy Council (LEC)
- Objective: The program involves a two credit, four-day seminar to educate ND, MN, SD & MT teachers about lignite industries.
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,640,380
- Final Report
Grant Round 70
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Agglomeration and Ash Deposition Management in Fluidized Bed Combustion
Center for Air Toxic Metals
Approved Projects
FY10-70-175: Center for Air Toxic Metals; Affiliates Program-2 Year Continuation of Membership
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: This project will use a cradle to grave approach to solve scientific and environmental issues related to the production of energy and industrial processes in an environmentally responsible manner and to assist impacted organizations to meet pending regulations and control challenges. The focus of these efforts will be on air toxic metals with particular interest in Mercury emissions.
- Funded Amount: $45,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,000,000
- Final Report