Grant Round 49
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Weather Information System to Effectively Reduce Oilfield Delays and Disruption (WISE Roads)
AUG Field Trip-Promoting Student Interest in Geology and Geological Engineering
Development & Automation of Aerial Analytics Tools for Remotely Measuring Reclamation Success & Landslide Susceptibility in ND
Underground Storage of Produced Natural Gas-Conceptual Evaluation and Pilot Project(s) (HB 1014)
Approved Projects
G-49-92: Underground Storage of Produced Natural Gas-Conceptual Evaluation and Pilot Project(s) (HB 1014)
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: Further address the intent of Section 25 of House Bill 1014 in demonstrating the techno-economic feasibility of produced natural gas (“produced gas”) injection into non-hydrocarbon-producing subsurface formations in the Williston Basin for future recovery and use or for pressure maintenance and/or enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in a conventional or unconventional oil reservoir.
- Funded Amount: $3,500,000
- Total Project Cost: $12,000,000
G-49-93: AUG Field Trip - Promoting Student Interest in Geology and Geological Engineering
- Sponsor: Association of UND Geologists
- Objective: The Association of UND Geologists (AUG), a student organization, want to organize and run a 3-day field trip to western North Dakota to expose non-geology undergraduate students to the field of geology in a non-classroom setting.
- Funded Amount: $5,300
- Total Project Cost: $10,600
G-49-94: Weather Information System to Effectively Reduce Oilfield Delays and Disruption (WISE Roads)
- Sponsor: Western Dakota Energy Association
- Objective: To fund 25 of 50 research-grade weather monitoring equipment (weather stations) to be deployed throughout the oil-producing counties with initial siting in the top four producers - Dunn, McKenzie, Mountrail and Williams Counties. These stations will accurately record weather data, which will in turn be used as a management tool to reduce the scope and duration of weather-related road restrictions that impede the movement of truck traffic associated with the oil industry.
- Funded Amount: $310,000
- Total Project Cost: $625,000
Grant Round 48
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
No Proposals
Approved Projects
No Approved Projects
Grant Round 47
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
History of the ND Oil and Natural Gas Industry
Energy of ND Program
Approved Projects
G-47-90: History of the North Dakota Oil and Natural Gas Industry Project
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: To preserve and maintain the history of the oil and gas industry in our state and making it available for general use and consumption of educators, students, and other key stakeholders within the state.
- Funded Amount: $295,500
- Total Project Cost: $607,000
G-47-91: Energy of ND Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Foundation
- Objective: Pursue its mission through public outreach, education, and informational opportunities by developing online materials able to be deployed via multiple channels.
- Funded Amount: $490,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,094,000
Grant Round 46
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-46-88: intelligent Pipeline Integrity Program (iPIPE)
- Sponsor: Hess Corporation/Stat Oil ASA, Midstream Partners
- Objective: A core group of pipeline operators proposes an R&D program focused on advancement of emerging technology to prevent and detect pipeline leaks.
- Funded Amount: $2,600,000
- Total Project Cost: $3,714,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 45
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Conceptual Design for Chlor-Alkali and Valuable Materials Production from Oilfield Brine
Unitized Legacy Oil Fields Prototypes for Revitalizing Conventional Oil Fields in ND
Solar Powered Electrokinetic Soil Desalinization
UND Petroleum Engineering State of the Program Presentation and Request
G-45-I Application
Approved Projects
G-45-85: Conceptual Design for Chlor-Alkali and Valuable Materials Production from Oilfield Brine
- Sponsor: Barr Engineering Co.
- Objective: Develop a preliminary base plant design, products list, and economic assessment for a near-term commercial facility that produces at least 1 million gallons per week of 35% hydrochloric acid (HCI) solution along with a corresponding amount of caustic soda.
- Funded Amount: $110,000
- Total Project Cost: $220,000
- Final Report
G-45-86: Unitized Legacy Oil Fields: Prototypes for Revitalizing Conventional Oil Fields in ND
- Sponsor: Eagle Energy Partners Tundra (EEP Tundra, LLC)
- Objective: Propose a multidisciplinary research program to address technical challenges facing revitalization of conventional reservoirs in North Dakota by investigating the unitized Forman Butte oil field producing from the Madison Group (or other suitable production horizons) as a prototype for implementing CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR).
- Funded Amount: $3,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $6,000,000
- Final Report
G-45-87: Solar Powered Electrokinetic Soil Desalinization
- Sponsor: Terran Corporation/Oasis Petroleum
- Objective: Demonstrate the viability and cost effectiveness of using direct current (DC) power to reduce the sodium and chloride mass contamination in soil and groundwater from brine releases.
- Funded Amount: $149,960
- Total Project Cost: $346,120
G-45-89: UND Petroleum Engineering State of the Program Presentation and Request
- Sponsor: Department of Petroleum Engineering, UND
- Objective: Provide funding support for Petroleum Engineering Research at the University of North Dakota’s College of Engineering and Mines through work on practical research topics in line with the needs of the industry in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $613,200
- Total Project Cost: $1,226,400
- Final Report
Grant Round 44
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
No Proposals
Approved Projects
No Approved Projects
Grant Round 43
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Development of Testing Methods and Design of Inorganic Scale Treatments in Williston Basin, ND
Approved Projects
G-43-84: Development of Testing Methods and Design of Inorganic Scale Treatments in Williston Basin, ND
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: This project was authorized by the North Dakota Legislature in House Bill 1347 to “include an analysis of leak detection and monitoring technology and a risk assessment of new and existing pipeline systems” in an effort to decrease pipeline leak incidents, volumes, and impacts.
- Funded Amount: $500,000
- Total Project Cost: $500,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 42
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Approved Projects
G-42-83: Energy of ND Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Council
- Objective: Sharing information about the oil and gas industry in North Dakota, the innovations and technologies that are being developed and deployed here in the state, and the continued focus on ensuring operations are always striving to be cleaner and safer for North Dakotans and its environment which will be done through multiple media channels.
- Funded Amount: $478,500
- Total Project Cost: $975,975
Grant Round 41
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Functional Nanoparticle-Augmented Surfactant Fluid for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Williston Basin
Effects of Cropping Sequence, Ripping, and Manure on Pipeline Reclamation in Western ND
Approved Projects
G-41-81: Functional Nanoparticle-Augmented Surfactant Fluid for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Williston Basin
- Sponsor: Department of Petroleum Engineering/Department of Chemistry/Institute of Energy Studies, UND
- Objective: To develop a novel nanoparticle enriched surfactant fluid for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) in Williston Basin.
- Funded Amount: $678,932
- Total Project Cost: $1,439,810
- Final Report
G-41-82: Effects of Cropping Sequence, Ripping, and Manure on Pipeline Reclamation in Western ND
- Sponsor: NDSU-Williston Research Extension Center
- Objective: Propose a 4-year study to address several agronomic and ecological issues that result from pipeline installation such as:
- Mixing of topsoil with subsoil changes texture and other physical and chemical characteristics of the reapplied soil surface;
- Compaction (bulk density) of topsoil and the underlying matrix restricts root growth and plant development;
- Soil organic matter and beneficial soil organisms are reduced in disturbed soils.
- Mixing of topsoil with subsoil changes texture and other physical and chemical characteristics of the reapplied soil surface;
- Funded Amount: $517,968
- Total Project Cost: $1,035,936
Grant Round 40
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Refrac Pilot Program
UAS Aerial Observation to Support Oil & Gas Pipeline Post Construction Restoration Efforts
Bakken Production Optimization Program 2.0
Wellhead Reformer for Electricity Production and Other Applications
Approved Projects
G-40-77: Refrac Pilot
- Sponsor: Whiting Petroleum Corporation
- Objective: To assemble multidisciplinary teams comprised of a Geologist, Completions Engineer, Production Engineer, Reservoir Engineer and Landman for seven different prospect areas across the Williston Basin tasked with evaluating each well for its refrac potential.
- Funded Amount: $600,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,300,000
- Final Report
G-40-78: UAS Aerial Observation to Support Oil & Gas Pipeline Post Construction Restoration Efforts
- Sponsor: Isight RPV Services
- Objective: Provide high fidelity/clarity images for use in developing signature images of potential problem areas in the creation of an image library for ONEOK’s use in restoration activities (focused on the Bear Creek Pipeline, McKenzie County), reducing costs and increasing pipeline construction environmental restoration.
- Funded Amount: $19,700
- Total Project Cost: $39,400
- Final Report
G-40-80: Bakken Production Optimization Program-2.0
- Sponsor: Energy & Environmental Research Center (EERC)
- Objective: The EERC proposes a 3-year extension of the existing and highly successful Bakken Production optimization Program (BPOP) to continue addressing emerging threats and issues to petroleum production in North Dakota.
- Funded Amount: $6,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $13,280,000