Grant Round 19
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
McDowell Dam Supplemental Supply Project
Playground Equipment Replacement
North Dakota Trust Lands Survey and Boundary Identification Project
Working Grassland Partnership 5
North Dakota Petroleum Foundation Planting for the Future
North Dakota Department of Agriculture's Soil Health Cover Crop Grant Program
Valley City Little Dam
Approved Projects
19-193: Playground Equipment Replacement
- Sponsor: City of Coleharbor
- Objective: Improve the city park with new commercial grade playground equipment, renovated picnic shelters, permanent garbage receptacles, benches, and picnic tables. The space is located on Main Street and will be highly visible from US HWY 83.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $59,842
19-194: Working Grassland Partnership 5
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Assist landowners in transitioning expired CRP into agricultural production through a one-time lease payment and cost-sharing for both fencing and water developments.
- Funded Amount: $985,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,857,500
- Final Report
19-195: ND Petroleum Foundation Planting for the Future
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Foundation
- Objective: To support a habitat and conservation program that provides trees and shrubs for large-scale planting projects to private landowners and city and county parks. Anticipated to plant approximately 70,000 trees and/or complete 25 projects per year for the next three years.
- Funded Amount: $371,000
- Total Project Cost: $732,500
- Final Report
19-196: ND Department of Agriculture's Soil Health Cover Crop Grant Program (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: ND Department of Agriculture
- Objective: A directive by the 67th Legislative Assembly to provide financial incentives to approximately 1,000 producers through a lottery system for producers to plant cover crops.
- Funded Amount: $300,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,252,800
- Final Report
Grant Round 18
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Urban Woods and Prairies Initiative Expansion Phase II
Bottineau Winter Park Infrastructure and Program Improvements
Southwest Shooting Club Range
Center Park Board Lehmkuhl Park New Equipment
Edgewater Country Club Boat Dock
Lake llo Natural Playscape
Maple River Bank Stabilization Project - Enderlin
Bringing Fish to Glen Ullin
Leistikow Park Outdoor Community-Event Center
Sunset Park Revitalization Project
Clear Lake Park - Grain Bin Gazebos and Tree Planting Project
North Dakota Statewide Windbreak Renovation Initiative 2.0
Dickinson Research Extension Center Virtual Arboretum and Crop Tour
Crystal Playground Project
Monson Park and Trail
Sheyenne River Water Trail
Prairie Village Museum Edible Green Space
Little Missouri Grazing Association - Deep Creek Watershed Conservation Project
Medora Grazing Association - Water Well Development Program
ND Conservation District Employees Association Statewide Tree Planting Initiative
Grazing Resiliency in the Bakken (GRB)
Wildlife and Livestock Dams - Wetlands Creation, Restoration and Enhancement
Writing Rock State Historic Site Playground Facilities Update
Dunseith Park Plan
Approved Projects
18-177: Writing Rock State Historic Site Playground Facilities Update
- Sponsor: State Historical Society of ND
- Objective: Remove the old equipment and purchase and install a nature-inspired, playground structure and its ground cover at Writing Rock State Historic Site in Western Divide County.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $74,858
- Final Report
18-178: Wildlife and Livestock Dams - Wetlands Creation, Restoration and Enhancement
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Cooperate with private landowners to create, enhance, and restore 20 wetland habitats covering 112 acres in North Dakota for the benefit of wildlife populations and livestock production.
- Funded Amount: $240,000
- Total Project Cost: $495,000
- Final Report
18-179: Grazing Resiliency in the Bakken (GRB)
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Increase water supplies to livestock and implement fencing for rotational grazing systems to provide future drought resiliency.
- Funded Amount: $1,270,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,150,000
- Final Report
18-180: ND Conservation District Employees Association Statewide Tree Planting Initiative
- Sponsor: ND Conservation District Employees Association (NDCDEA)
- Objective: Continue funding for the 2022-2024 tree planting season for conservation tree installation to include both trees and fabric.
- Funded Amount: $2,550,000
- Total Project Cost: $4,183,333
18-181: Medora Grazing Association - Water Well Development Program
- Sponsor: Medora Grazing Association
- Objective: To develop four partially plugged oil/gas wells in Billings County into water wells to preserve livestock grazing, enhance wildlife habitat, and improve water quality.
- Funded Amount: $245,800
- Total Project Cost: $1,117,800
- Final Report
18-182: Little Missouri Grazing Association - Deep Creek Watershed Conservation Project
- Sponsor: Little Missouri Grazing Association
- Objective: Preserve 8,314 AUMs of livestock grazing, implement prescribed grazing strategies to improve native grasses and forbs, enhance wildlife habitat, and improve water quality.
- Funded Amount: $196,356
- Total Project Cost: $1,433,625
- Final Report
18-183: Sheyenne River Water Trail
- Sponsor: Barnes County Park Board
- Objective: Develop a 180-mile water trail with 19 paddle landings through 3 counties (Richland, Ransom, and Barnes) from Baldhill Dam to the Sheyenne National Grassland.
- Funded Amount: $170,000
- Total Project Cost: $383,985
18-184: Monson Park and Trail
- Sponsor: Barnes County Park Board
- Objective: Development of a 42-acre County Park on the west side of Valley City and a 1.4-mile trail on a former railroad bed connecting to an existing shared use path for a 2.8-mile path to downtown along with an orchard and pollinator plot.
- Funded Amount: $42,525
- Total Project Cost: $85,525
- Final Report
18-185: ND Statewide Windbreak Renovation Initiative 2.0
- Sponsor: ND Forest Service
- Objective: This project will continue the ND Forest Service and Outdoor Heritage Fund Windbreak Renovation Initiative and provide financial assistance to landowners to renovate dead and deteriorating windbreaks.
- Funded Amount: $300,000
- Total Project Cost: $600,000
- Final Report
18-186: Clear Lake Park - Grain Bin Gazebos and Tree Planting Project
- Sponsor: Mountrail County
- Objective: Provide shelter through the planting of trees and construction of a gazebo at Clear Lake Park.
- Funded Amount: $
- Total Project Cost: $
18-187: Bringing Fish to Glen Ullin
- Sponsor: Glen Ullin Park District
- Objective: The park district intends to have the town dam dredged and stocked with fish.
- Funded Amount: $21,605
- Total Project Cost: $76,224
18-188: Maple River Bank Stabilization Project - Enderlin
- Sponsor: Enderlin Park Board
- Objective: Stabilize the west bank of the Maple River along Patrick Pierce Park with rock rip rap to prevent erosion to provide a more welcoming and safe place for recreation.
- Funded Amount: $55,250
- Total Project Cost: $265,000
18-189: Lake Ilo Natural Playscape
- Sponsor: Dunn County Park Board
- Objective: Creation of a nature play area in the County Park located at the Lake Ilo National Wildlife Refuge which includes a pollinator plot, animal trail, water feature, climbers, gathering place, and ability to construct and deconstruct an eagles nest and various shelters.
- Funded Amount: $6,471
- Total Project Cost: $17,111
- Final Report
18-190: Center Park Board Lehmkuhl Park New Equipment
- Sponsor: Center Park Board
- Objective: New playground equipment for the Lehmkuhl Park in Center.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $66,650
- Final Report
18-191: Southwest Shooting Club Range
- Sponsor: Bowman Parks and Recreation
- Objective: To purchase land, construct berms and a facility, install fencing and a locked gate, and purchase equipment for a shooting range in the Bowman and Rhame area.
- Funded Amount: $69,115
- Total Project Cost: $312,535
18-192: Urban Woods and Prairies Initiative Expansion Phase II
- Sponsor: Audubon Dakota
- Objective: Restore idle urban flood lands and riparian areas to create healthy habitat for birds and other wildlife, reduce public landowner maintenance output, and provide unique outdoor recreation and education opportunities. The goal is to create a nature park within walking distance of 70% of ND's population by 2023.
- Funded Amount: $591,200
- Total Project Cost: $828,120
- Final Report
Grant Round 17
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
ND Conservation Forage Program
McDowell Dam Bank Stabilization
Drain 27 Wetland Restoration Project and Recreational Features
Cass County Windbreak & Wildlife Planting Initiative Phase II
Increasing Duck Production-Hen Houses
Outdoor Recreation Area-Phase One
Red River Basin Wildlife and Water Quality Enhancement Pilot Program
Bakken Development and Working Lands Program II
ND Partners For Wildlife Project
Community Pollinator Project
Southwest Grazing Lands Improvement Project - Phase II
Approved Projects
17-169: ND Conservation Forage Program
- Sponsor: Audubon Dakota
- Objective: Enroll approximately 18,000 acres of private lands over a four-year project period to improve soil health, forage quality, and wildlife habitat by integrating grazing and/or haying land management techniques.
- Funded Amount: $6,918,306
- Total Project Cost: $10,107,177
- Final Report
17-170: McDowell Dam Bank Stabilization
- Sponsor: Burleigh County Water Resource District
- Objective: Stabilize the McDowell Dam Reservoir by relocating a portion of recreational trail to be farther away from the water's edge to prevent shoreline erosion along with adding a culvert and replacing another culvert where concentrated surface runoff crosses the pedestrian trail and has degraded the trail quality.
- Funded Amount: $70,553
- Total Project Cost: $135,618
17-171: Increasing Duck Production-Hen Houses
- Sponsor: Delta Waterfowl
- Objective: To install 600 artificial nesting cylinders fashioned from rolled straw (Hen Houses) over the next three years in order to boost nest success and thereby increase mallard production.
- Funded Amount: $105,000
- Total Project Cost: $214,295
- Final Report
17-172: Red River Basin Wildlife and Water Quality Enhancement Pilot Program
- Sponsor: ND Game and Fish
- Objective: Establish 3,000 acres of habitat through Conservation Cover, Critical Area Planting, Filter Strip, Grassed Waterway, Pollinator Habitat, Forage & Biomass Planting, Range Planting, Riparian Forest Buffer, and Riparian Herbaceous Cover.
- Funded Amount: $270,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,313,400
- Final Report
17-173: Bakken Development and Working Lands Program II
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Restore scattered parcels of marginal or degraded farmland to productive grassland in counties west of the Missouri River along with the Three Affiliated Tribes and Standing Rock Sioux Tribal lands using a Grassland Enhancement Incentive Payment (GEIP).
- Funded Amount: $3,308,100
- Total Project Cost: $6,390,383
- Final Report
17-174: ND Partners For Wildlife Project
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: The restoring/creating of 70 acres of wetlands, planting of 1,000 acres of cover crops, restoring of 600 acres of grasslands, and enhancing of 14,000 acres of grazing lands through installing grassland management developments for implementing rotational grazing systems.
- Funded Amount: $716,500
- Total Project Cost: $1,303,000
- Final Report
17-175: Community Pollinator Project
- Sponsor: Pheasants Forever
- Objective: Deliver ten community pollinator projects, impacting 500 individuals, in six communities across the State, over a 3-year period that will engage community members in creating habitat for pollinators and other wildlife species.
- Funded Amount: $12,000
- Total Project Cost: $46,978.45
17-176: Southwest Grazing Lands Improvement Project - Phase II
- Sponsor: Pheasants Forever
- Objective: A phase II project of assisting with the installation of between five to ten grazing systems that will continue to improve, maintain and restore water quality, soil conditions, plant diversity, and animal systems to approximately 6,000 acres.
- Funded Amount: $223,900
- Total Project Cost: $397,184
- Final Report
Grant Round 16
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Columbus Cougar Park
Cass County Cover Crop Project
North Country Trail Signage Improvement Project
Storm Lake Walking Path and Observation Deck
Walking Bike Path
Turtle Lake Park
Creel Bay Dock and Boat Slip Project
Flood Plain Riparian Habitat Restoration
Fort Mandan and North Dakota 4-H Camp Access Road Improvement Project
Silver Lake Dam Improvements
Bottineau's Big Four Salted Townships
Riverwalk Park and Trail System
Approved Projects
16-164: Creel Bay Dock and Boat Slip Project
- Sponsor: Devils Lake Park Board
- Objective: Install a floating dock, boat slips, gangway, and suspend walkway on the east side of Creel Bay next to the Creel Bay Golf Course Clubhouse to dock boats.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $94,600
16-165: Silver Lake Dam Improvements
- Sponsor: Sargent County Water Resource District
- Objective: To alleviate the safety concerns of water seepage through the embankment of Silver Lake Dam, protect the available recreational and natural resources, and provide flood protection for properties along the Wild Rice River.
- Funded Amount: $41,577
- Total Project Cost: $273,000
16-166: Cass County Cover Crop Project
- Sponsor: Cass County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Provide financial and technical assistance for establishing conservation cover crops in Cass County.
- Funded Amount: $60,000
- Total Project Cost: $100,000
- Final Report
16-167: Columbus Cougar Park
- Sponsor: City of Columbus
- Objective: Develop the old Columbus High School lot into a new community park called Cougar Park. Funds will be used to purchase playground equipment, prepare the lot, and safely install equipment.
- Funded Amount: $8,000
- Total Project Cost: $32,495
16-168: Turtle Lake Park
- Sponsor: City of Turtle Lake
- Objective: Replace the existing ground cover under our playground equipment with new ground cover in accordance with First District Health Units requirements.
- Funded Amount: $6,597
- Total Project Cost: $10,197
Grant Round 15
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Minot Family Recreation Area Day-Use Park
Leistikow Park Campground
Storm Lake Wildlife Observation Deck Project
Eddy County Recreational Pavilion
Cannonball River Fish Passage at Karey Dam
Sheyenne River Fish Passage at Bouret Dam
McKenzie Bay Recreation Area Improvements
ND Grassland Restoration Project 2
Grasslands Enhancement Project Phase II
Cavlandic Trail Redevelopment
Grand Forks Area Prairie Management Toolbox Phase II
Fishing Dock-Tinta Tawa Park
Belcourt Lake Park Rejuvenation Project
Approved Projects
15-157: Belcourt Lake Park Rejuvenation Project
- Sponsor: Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
- Objective: Rejuvenate the Belcourt Lake Park area located in the Turtle Mountain Chippewa Reservation by installation of: a commercial playground, rest room facility, picnic arbor, three boat docks, and fencing around the playground perimeter.
- Funded Amount: $48,567
- Total Project Cost: $68,567
- Final Report
15-158: Grand Forks Area Prairie Management Toolbox Phase II
- Sponsor: Audubon Dakota
- Objective: Provide financial and technical assistance to conserve the unique alkaline grassland ecosystem through conservation practices, such as invasive species removal, and support grazing infrastructure on 6,500 acres across four counties-Grand Forks, Eddy, Foster, and Nelson.
- Funded Amount: $78,730
- Total Project Cost: $1,924,821
15-159: Cavlandic Trail Redevelopment
- Sponsor: City of Cavalier
- Objective: Repair the Cavlandic Trail which is a 6.5 mile paved non-motorized trail used for biking and walking, add six new interpretive signs along the trail at unique outdoor habitat and geological points, and install three bike repair stations.
- Funded Amount: $310,316
- Total Project Cost: $871,113
- Final Report
15-160: North Dakota Grassland Restoration Project 2
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Continue assisting landowners with cost-share for the restoration of 2,000 acres of grassland within three years to benefit wildlife species and agricultural grassland.
- Funded Amount: $100,000
- Total Project Cost: $255,000
15-161: McKenzie Bay Recreation Area Improvements
- Sponsor: Watford City Park District
- Objective: Increase capacity of boat trailer parking area by paving/ marking each space which will reduce detriment, enhance access, improve sight lines, increase safety, reduce rutting, and be handicap accessible.
- Funded Amount: $14,345
- Total Project Cost: $149,975
15-162: Sheyenne River Fish Passage at Bouret Dam
- Sponsor: Benson County Water Resource Board
- Objective: Remove the existing dam and replace it with an engineered rock ramp at a reduced dam crest height which will provide fish passage, improve fish and aquatic biota habitat, and re-establish river connectivity.
- Funded Amount: $115,750
- Total Project Cost: $789,000
15-163: Cannonball River Fish Passage at Karey Dam
- Sponsor: Hettinger County Water Resource District
- Objective: Remove the existing Karey Dam and replace it with an engineered rock ramp the same crest height as the existing dam in order to improve river connectivity, re-establish the fish passage, and reduce the long-term maintenance requirements.
- Funded Amount: $253,770
- Total Project Cost: $1,295,100
- Final Report
Grant Round 14
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Chatauqua Park Boat Landing Road Repair
Storm Lake Wildlife Observation Deck
Mandan Park District & Prairie West Golf club Water Conservation & Wildlife Habitat Improvement Project
Cannonball Trail
Indian Creek Recreation Area Access Road Improvement
Richardton Park Beautification
Turtle Creek Watershed Project Water & Habitat Initiative
Cattail Bay Recreation Area Improvement
Antler Dam Modification
Little Missouri Recreation Area
Precision Agriculture-Technology, Conservation, And Habitat
Planting For The Future
Dickey-LaMoure Farmland Recovery Project
Main Street To Stanley City Pond Shared Use Pathway
Cavlandic Trail Reconstruction and Repair
Harmon Lake Erosion Control
ND Statewide Tree Planting Initiative
Working Grassland Partnership IV
Beulah Troy Park
Prairie City USA
Grand Forks Area Prairie Management Toolbox Phase II
Fort Daer Bathroom-Fish Cleaning Station Renovation
Natural Resource Stewardship in ND's Parks, Preserves and Natural Areas II
Approved Projects
14-146: Cannonball Trail
- Sponsor: Mott Visionary Committee
- Objective: Construct a one and a half mile long rustic trail along the river banks that will begin at the school to attract nature lovers, fisherman, bicyclists, and birdwatchers.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $21,837.5
14-147: Richardton Park Beautification
- Sponsor: Richardton Park Board
- Objective: Beautify the St. Mary's Park through the addition of six Autum Maple and Mountain Ash along with four Siena Glen Maple Trees.
- Funded Amount: $4,740
- Total Project Cost: $6,320
14-148: Cattail Bay Recreation Area Improvement
- Sponsor: Voices For Lake Oahe
- Objective: Construct a new fish cleaning station which would include running water, electrical power and lights, covered fish cleaning table, and a parking area.
- Funded Amount: $18,750
- Total Project Cost: $25,000
14-149: Little Missouri Recreation Area
- Sponsor: Dunn County Park Board
- Objective: Design a campground that will add 30 RV campsites and four tent sites, shoreline public picnic area, and mowing of old road beds to provide non-motorized trails.
- Funded Amount: $85,600
- Total Project Cost: $214,000
14-150: Precision Agriculture: Technology, Conservation, and Habitat
- Sponsor: Pheasants Forever
- Objective: Provide cost-share assistance for between 10-20 growers with an estimated 3,600 acres for perennial cover establishment, cover crops, and pollinator habitat.
- Funded Amount: $301,875
- Total Project Cost: $447,801
14-151: Planting for the Future
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Foundation
- Objective: Plant 30,000 trees every year for the next three years in Burleigh, Emmons, Hettinger, Kidder, Morton, Mountrail, and Stutsman Counties.
- Funded Amount: $88,650
- Total Project Cost: $224,650
14-152: Main Street to Stanley City Pond Shared Use Pathway
- Sponsor: City of Stanley
- Objective: Construct a shared use pathway to provide access to the Stanley City Pond and Scout Facility from Main Street.
- Funded Amount: $275,800
- Total Project Cost: $386,300
14-153: ND Statewide Tree Planting Initiative
- Sponsor: ND Conservation District Employees Association (NDCDEA)
- Objective: Provide financial assistance to implement agroforestry practices including farmstead, feedlot and field windbreaks, forestry, wildlife and riparian plantings, buffers, and living snow fences.
- Funded Amount: $3,070,000
- Total Project Cost: $4,920,000
14-154: Working Grassland Partnership IV
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Partnership to help landowners with options to develop expired CRP acres into working grazing lands through previous phases of Working Grassland Partnership grant funds.
- Funded Amount: $1,225,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,235,000
14-155: Beulah Troy Park
- Sponsor: Beulah Park District
- Objective: Replace current playground at Troy Park with updated state of the art playground that will include multiple learning and activity stations.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $80,165
14-156: Natural Resources Stewardship in ND's Parks, Preserves and Natural Areas II
- Sponsor: ND Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Conserve and enhance existing native and restored prairies, woodlands, and tree and shrub plantings within parklands to provide healthy ecosystems.
- Funded Amount: $108,680
- Total Project Cost: $146,780
Grant Round 13
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Lake Metigoshe Narrows Improvements
Creel Bay Dock & Boat Slip
Lake Tobiason Improvements
North Central Soil Health & Habitat
Walsh Windbreak Initiative (WWI)
Sky Chief Park Fishing Dock Project
Northern Cass Pass
Schatz Point Fishing Pier
Dakota Skipper Habitat Restoration-Enhancement Partnership
Cover Crop & Livestock Integration Project II
ND Grassland Restoration Project
Powers Lake Pier Improvement
Rough Rider Adventure Park
Prairie to the People
Crooked Crane Trail Phase 2
Karey Dam Rehabilitation Project
Bouret Dam Rehabilitation Project
Sunset Park Revitalization Project
Central Coteau Prairie Management Toolbox
Approved Projects
13-137: Sunset Park Revitalization Project
- Sponsor: LaMoure Lions
- Objective: Purchase of playground equipment to develop a new play area at Sunset Park as part of a multiphase plane.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $85,990
13-138: Crooked Crane Trail Phase 2
- Sponsor: City of Dickinson
- Objective: Construction of a 1.6 mile shared-use path that will connect the 1.8 mile phase 1 fitness trail to: a fishing pier at Patterson Lake, a portion of trail along Dickinson Dike, fishing pier and boat launch at Dickinson Dike, Turtle Park, and a shared use path within city limits.
- Funded Amount: $1,200,000
- Total Project Cost: $1,600,000
- Final Report
13-139: Schatz Point Fishing Pier
- Sponsor: Tri-Cities Joint JDA
- Objective: Installation of a handicap accessible fishing pier that would offer the public opportunities to access depths of 18' regardless of abilities or financial means.
- Funded Amount: $42,500
- Total Project Cost: $57,598
13-140: ND Grassland Restoration Project
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Assist landowners with cost-share to plant grass and collectively work on a management plan to maximize wildlife benefits and agricultural production. The seeded acres will be used for three main purposes: 1.) Livestock grazing, in which a rotational grazing plan will incorporate a grazing and resting/recover period. 2.) Hayland with a haying day after July 15th. 3.) Habitat, seeded specifically for wildlife conservation. The goal is to restore 2,000 acres of grassland.
- Funded Amount: $104,500
- Total Project Cost: $255,000
13-141: Central Coteau Prairie Management Toolbox
- Sponsor: Audubon Dakota
- Objective: Provide landowners with financial and/or technical assistance to promote conservation practices on approximately 2,700 acres of grazing lands, prairie enhancement and restoration on 750 acres, and control invasive species on 600 acres. Partner in-kind match will control invasive species on a 9,000 additional acres. Counties include Burleigh, McLean, and Sheridan.
- Funded Amount: $529,874
- Total Project Cost: $1,089,932
13-142: Cover Crop & Livestock Integration Project II
- Sponsor: Ducks Unlimited
- Objective: Provide cost share for implementation of livestock fencing & water, and cover crop seed costs.
- Funded Amount: $1,250,790
- Total Project Cost: $2,128,173
- Final Report
13-143: Sky Chief Park Fishing Dock Project
- Sponsor: Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
- Objective: Purchase and installation of 3 handicapped accessible fishing docks.
- Funded Amount: $74,000
- Total Project Cost: $99,097
13-144: North Central Soil Health & Habitat
- Sponsor: Pheasants Forever
- Objective: Work with 10-20 growers over 3 years to impact 3250 grower designated salt impacted acres from annual crop production and establish deep rooted salt tolerant perennial vegetation. The use of cover crops on adjacent acres will be an additional practice to further promote soil health and salinity management. Workshops will also be held.
- Funded Amount: $52,500
- Total Project Cost: $288,625
13-145: Lake Tobiason Improvements
- Sponsor: Steele County Water Resource District
- Objective: Replace inlet pipe and diversion rock structure, along with four outlet pipes at Lake Tobiason.
- Funded Amount: $86,000
- Total Project Cost: $172,000
Grant Round 12
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Valley City Tennis Courts
St. Mary's Park Basketball Court
Painted Woods Lake Flood Damage Reduction Project
Bowman-Slope SCD Grazing Conservation Program
Northern Plains Botanic Garden Edible Forest
Burning Hills Amphitheatre Incline Elevator
Hay Creek Bank Stabilization
Livestock & Wildlife Dams - Creation & Enhancement
Prairie to the People
Sky Chief Park Restroom Facilities Project
ND Soil Recovery Program
ND Outdoor Education & Events Barn at Alkali Lake
Ensuring Access for Sportsmen to ND's First Mountain Bike Terrain Course & Wildlife Lookout Point
Maah Daah Hey North Unit Bypass
Approved Projects
12-131: Livestock & Wildlife Dams - Creation & Enhancement
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Creation and enhancement of aquatic habitats of twelve separate wetlands covering approximately 78 acres. When functional, these wetlands will facilitate the enhancement of surrounding grassland habitat exceeding 4,000 acres.
- Funded Amount: $138,850
- Total Project Cost: $277,700
12-132: Hay Creek Bank Stabilization
- Sponsor: Bismarck Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Stabilization of a portion of Hay Creek bank (restore riparian environment along the west bank, and remove accumulated sediment along the eastern bank).
- Funded Amount: $98,371
- Total Project Cost: $219,327.64
12-133: Painted Woods Lake Flood Damage Reduction Project
- Sponsor: McLean County Water Resource District
- Objective: Construction of Phase 1 of a high flow channel on Painted Woods Lake and construction of wildlife enhancements.
- Funded Amount: $211,732
- Total Project Cost: $636,500
12-134: Bowman-Slope SCD Grazing Conservation Program
- Sponsor: Bowman-Slope Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Assist 3 producers with grazing BMP's including fencing, wells, pipelines, and tanks impacting 5,000 acres.
- Funded Amount: $112,354
- Total Project Cost: $187,257
12-135: Northern Plains Botanic Garden Edible Forest
- Sponsor: Northern Plains Botanic Garden Society
- Objective: Creation of edible forest, including trees, bushes, pollinator plots, walking path, and fencing.
- Funded Amount: $33,601
- Total Project Cost: $84,801
12-136: Sky Chief Park Restroom Facilities Project
- Sponsor: Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
- Objective: Purchase and erect 3 community restroom facilities at Sky Chief Park.
- Funded Amount: $53,438
- Total Project Cost: $71,250
Grant Round 11
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Graner Park Bank Stabilization Phase 2
NWTF Northern Plains Riparian Restoration Initiative
Picnic Shelter and Camp Kitchen-Boat Docking Area & Beach
Expanded Recreation Project-Mountain Bike Terrain Park on Frost Fire Park Ski & Snowboard Mountain
Stutsman County Prairie Management Toolbox
Lake Tobiason Improvements
McHenry County Conservation Program
Walsh County Drain 22 Outlet Stabilization Project
Public Accessible Sensory Garden
Atkinson Nature Park Improvements
Baseball Field Project
Bakken Development & Working Lands Program
Cass County Windbreak & Wildlife Planting Initiative
Cattail Bay Fish Cleaning Station
Working Grassland Partnership Phase III
Dakota Skipper Habitat Enhancement Project
Middle Sheyenne River Watershed Project
Sheyenne River Water Trail Development
Urban Woods and Prairies Initiative Expansion
Riding for Dreams Riding & Hiking Trail
Approved Projects
11-118: Sheyenne River Water Trail Development
- Sponsor: ND Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Improve accessibility and informational materials for canoeing, kayaking, fishing, camping, and hunting access opportunities on Sheyenne River.
- Funded Amount: $8,700
- Total Project Cost: $16,300
11-119: Graner Park Bank Stabilization Phase 2
- Sponsor: Morton County Parks
- Objective: Stabilization and reinforcement of the Missouri River bank at Graner Park.
- Funded Amount: $104,033
- Total Project Cost: $138,711
11-120: Atkinson Nature Park Improvements
- Sponsor: Bismarck Parks and Recreation
- Objective: Improvements including: hiking trail, interpretive program, overlook area, parking for access, and eradication of invasive species.
- Funded Amount: $21,830
- Total Project Cost: $54,005
11-121: Cass County Windbreak & Wildlife Planting Initiative
- Sponsor: Cass County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Provide financial assistance to establish windbreak, wildlife & riparian tree plantings.
- Funded Amount: $50,000
- Total Project Cost: $100,000
11-122: Middle Sheyenne River Watershed Project
- Sponsor: Wells County Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Improve Sheyenne watershed through 2 grazing management plans and one field windbreak planting.
- Funded Amount: $38,040
- Total Project Cost: $63,399
11-123: McHenry County Conservation Program
- Sponsor: North McHenry Soil Conservation District
- Objective: Assist with the installations of 20-25 grazing systems and complete 3-5 grass plantings, impacting a total of 12,000 acres.
- Funded Amount: $250,000
- Total Project Cost: $465,000
11-124: Working Grassland Partnership Phase III
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: This will extend the WGP to cover an additional 28 counties, thereby including the whole state in cost share for best management practices.
- Funded Amount: $396,850
- Total Project Cost: $743,250
11-125: Public Accessible Sensory Garden
- Sponsor: Jamestown Park and Recreational Foundation
- Objective: Create an accessible sensory garden including trees, plants, kiosk, crushed concrete pad, walk path, water feature, and seating areas.
- Funded Amount: $33,000
- Total Project Cost: $60,260
11-126: Riding for Dreams Riding & Hiking Trail (Withdrawn)
- Sponsor: Riding for Dreams Equine Assisted Activities & Therapies
- Objective: Create a 1/2 mile sensory trail for walking and riding horse.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $32,006
- Final Report
11-127: NWTF Northern Plains Riparian Restoration Initiative
- Sponsor: National Wild Turkey Federation
- Objective: Nine riparian restoration projects on 2,700 acres.
- Funded Amount: $45,000
- Total Project Cost: $60,000
- Final Report
11-128: Bakken Development & Working Lands Program
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust
- Objective: Cost-share to support grass seeding, fencing and water, cover crop seeding, grass land establishment incentives, and range and grazing enhancements.
- Funded Amount: $2,170,000
- Total Project Cost: $3,855,000
11-129: Stutsman County Prairie Management Toolbox
- Sponsor: Audubon Dakota
- Objective: Cost-share to fund native prairie restoration, invasive species control, and grazing system support to private landowners and open up additional grazing acres at Audubon's Alkali Lake Sanctuary - 8,963 acres in Stutsman Co. will be impacted.
- Funded Amount: $943,489
- Total Project Cost: $1,677,871
11-130: Urban Woods and Prairies Initiative Expansion
- Sponsor: Audubon Dakota
- Objective: Expand the Urban Woods and Prairies Initiative to Bismarck, Grand Forks and Minot seeding native grasses and wildflowers on 591 acres as well as 111 acres in Fargo.
- Funded Amount: $530,000
- Total Project Cost: $786,913
Grant Round 10
Application Summaries
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Tree & Wildlife Cover Restoration
Hi-Line Prairie Gardens and Orchard
Working Grassland Partnership - Phase II
Planting for the Future: Tree Habitat Program
Mayville Nature Trail
ND Prescribed Fire Cooperative
Approved Projects
10-113: Tree & Wildlife Cover Restoration
- Sponsor: Velva Wildlife Club
- Objective: Planting of trees.
- Funded Amount: $3,186
- Total Project Cost: $4,726
10-114: Hi-Line Prairie Gardens and Orchard
- Sponsor: Valley City State University
- Objective: Phase 3 construction and plantings of the Hi-Line Gardes and Orchard - plantings and site preparation for pathways.
- Funded Amount: $10,000
- Total Project Cost: $30,636
10-115: Working Grassland Partnership (Phase II)
- Sponsor: ND Natural Resources Trust/ND Association of Soil Conservation Districts/Ducks Unlimited/Pheasants Forever
- Objective: Providing livestock water and fencing cost-share assistance to landowners to retain CRP acres in grasslands and develop technical rotational grazing plans to utilize livestock as the primary management tool. This phase includes Barnes, Ransom, Richland, and Sargent Counties.
- Funded Amount: $903,750
- Total Project Cost: $1,773,750
- Final Report
10-116: Planting for the Future: Tree Habitat Program
- Sponsor: ND Petroleum Foundation
- Objective: 30 tree planting projects (55,000 trees).
- Funded Amount: $108,125
- Total Project Cost: $196,375
10-117: Mayville Nature Trail
- Sponsor: Mayville Park Board
- Objective: Development of .75 mile nature trail-unpaved walking and hiking trail and dock/bridges.
- Funded Amount: $48,445.95
- Total Project Cost: $97,305.51
- Final Report