Start: Monday, May 16, 2022 - 11:00 am
End: Monday, May 16, 2022 - 05:00 pm
Clean Sustainable Energy Authority

Clean Sustainable Energy Authority

Monday, May 16, 2022 - 11:00 a.m.

Pioneer Room, State Capitol

Teams Meeting Link

Bold items require CSEA action.

For access to the non-confidential applications and the technical reviewers' comments, go to Clean Sustainable Energy Authority (   


I. Call to Order and Determination of Quorum and Opening Comments – Lt. Governor Brent Sanford, Chair

II. Consideration of May 16, 2022 agenda

III. Consideration of December 14th, 2021 Meeting Minutes (Attachment 1)

IV. Financial Report - Karlene Fine (Attachment 2)

V. Declaration/Consideration of Conflicts of Interest - (Attachment 3)

VI. Summary of CSEA Technical Committee May 10, 2022 meeting results (Attachment 4)

(approximately 11:25 a.m.)

VII. Review of Round 2 Applications (Each agenda item will include a Summary from Director Anderson followed by a presentation by the applicant and time for questions.)

       a. C-02-01 – Flare Mitigation/Elimination through Wellsite Energy Recovery and Advanced Computing; Submitted by Digital Stream Energy; Total Project Costs: $58 million; Amount Requested: $15 million (loan) (Attachment 5)

There will be a short break (10 minutes) and the meeting will resume as a working lunch

 (approximately 12:15 p.m.)

       b. C-02-03 – SAFuels X; Submitted by AIC Energy Corporation; Total Project Costs: $357 million; Amount Requested: $10 million (grant) $25 million (loan) (Attachment 7)

(approximately 1:00 p.m.)

       c. C-02-04 – Commercial Deployment of Carbon Dioxide Capture & Geological Sequestration in McLean County; Submitted by Carbon America Developments, LLC and Midwest AgEnergy Group; Total Projects Costs: $68,934,121; Amount Requested: $34,467,061 (loan) (Attachment 8)

(approximately 1:45 p.m.)

       d. C-02-05 – Internal Combustion Engine Carbon Capture and Sequestration; Submitted by Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation; Total Project Costs: $18.1 million; Amount Requested: $9.055 million (grant) (Attachment 9)

(approximately 2:30 p.m.)

       e. C-02-06 – Accelerating the Waste-to-Energy Commercialization Pathway for the Sandwich Gasifier; Submitted by Dakota Green Power; Total Project Costs: $10,985,489; Amount Requested: $5,371,457 (grant) (Attachment 10)

(approximately 3:15 p.m.)

       f. C-02-07 – Green Hydrogen Generation and Storage System; Submitted by BWR Innovations LLC; Total Project Costs: $16.4 million; Amount Requested: $5,764,000 (grant) (Attachment 11)

(approximately 4:00 p.m.)

       g. C-02-09 – Project Tundra; Submitted by Minnkota Power Cooperative; Total Project Costs: $1.45 billion; Amount Requested: $150 million (loan) (Attachment 12)

Consideration of motion to enter Executive Session pursuant to N.D.C.C. 54-63.1-06 and 44-04-19.2

(approximately 4:45 p.m.)

       h. Review of Confidential Information - Todd Steinwand (Confidential Attachment 13)

Meeting Returns to Open Session 

(approximately 5:45 p.m.)

VIII. Vote on Funding Recommendations for each application.

IX. Other Business

X. Adjournment