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North Dakota's Oil and Gas Research Program (OGRP) is a state/industry program designed to demonstrate to the general public the importance of the state oil and gas exploration and production industry, to encourage and promote the wise and efficient use of energy, to promote environmentally sound exploration and production methods and technologies, to develop the state's oil and gas resources, and to support research and educational activities concerning the oil and natural gas exploration and production industry. The Oil and Gas Research Council (OGRC), among other powers, has the authority to make grants or loans and enter into contracts for the purpose of promoting the growth of the oil and gas industry through research and education. 

Applicant Information

Grant Rounds & Project Updates

Meeting Minutes

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Advisory Board

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Industrial Commission awards $11.3 million in funding for Electric Grid Resilience and Oil and Gas Research, announces $3 million in new Clean Natural Gas Capture and Emissions Reduction funding

Monday, December 18, 2023 at 12:00 pm

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission, consisting of Gov. Doug Burgum, Attorney General Drew Wrigley and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, approved a total of $11.3 million in matching grants during its first grant round for grid resilience funding under the section 40101(d) of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) as well as its 59th grant round of the Oil and Gas Research Program. 

Industrial Commission Announces Special Grant Round for Carbon Capture and Utilization Education and Marketing

Friday, December 15, 2023 at 12:00 pm

Categories: Industrial Commission, Lignite Research Program, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release, Renewable Energy Program

During the 2023 legislative session, $300,000 was appropriated to the Industrial Commission to contract for carbon capture and utilization education and marketing. The Industrial Commission is soliciting applications for grant funding to aid in the development of a Carbon Capture and Utilization Education and Marketing Strategic Plan. 

Industrial Commission awards $15 million in grants and $222.5 million in loans in latest Oil and Gas Research and Clean Sustainable Energy Program grant rounds

Friday, July 28, 2023

Categories: Clean Sustainable Energy Authority, Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission, consisting of Gov. Doug Burgum, Attorney General Drew Wrigley and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, approved $15 million in matching grants and $222.5 million in loans during the latest grant rounds for the Oil and Gas Research and Clean Sustainable Energy programs. Both programs are funded by oil and gas production tax and state mineral royalty revenues. The Oil and Gas Research Program was established in 2007 to provide grants for projects that enhance the production of oil and natural gas in North Dakota. The Clean Sustainable Energy Program was established in 2021 to advance the commercialization of low-emissions technologies for North Dakota’s energy industry.

North Dakota Industrial Commission approves fourth Class VI carbon capture and storage project

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Categories: Department of Mineral Resources, Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program

North Dakota’s regulatory framework for geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide continues to lead the nation as the North Dakota Industrial Commission today approved its fourth carbon capture and storage facility. North Dakota was the first state to receive primacy of Class VI wells from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 2018.

Summer 2023 Grant Rounds

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Categories: Clean Sustainable Energy Authority, Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Outdoor Heritage Fund, Press Release, Renewable Energy Program

Industrial Commission Announces Summer 2023 Grant Round Schedule for Clean Sustainable Energy Authority, Outdoor Heritage Fund, Renewable Energy Program, and Oil and Gas Research Council. 

Industrial Commission awards $2.8 million in Oil and Gas Research and Renewable Energy Program grants

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 11:00 pm

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release, Renewable Energy Program

The North Dakota Industrial Commission approved $2.8 million in Oil and Gas Research and Renewable Energy Program matching grants for six new research projects. The funding, generated from oil and gas production tax revenue, supports the growth of North Dakota’s oil and gas industry through research and education. The Renewable Energy Program supports the research and development of industrial technologies such as renewable energy, biofuels, biomass, biomaterials, geothermal and renewable hydrogen.

Industrial Commission approves funding for two Oil and Gas R&D grants

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission (Commission) approved funding today totaling $10 million for two legislatively directed research projects contingent on Oil and Gas Research Council approval.

NDIC Revisions to 36CFR, Parts 214, 228, 261

Monday, November 2, 2020

Categories: Department of Mineral Resources, Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC) appreciates this opportunity to comment on the Proposed Rule Changes as follows:

The State of North Dakota is ranked 2nd in the United States among all states in the production of oil and gas. North Dakota produces more than 525 million barrels of oil and 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas per year.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

BISMARCK – The North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC) today approved amendments to the Gas Capture Guidance Policy to provide more transparency into how the gas capture percentage is calculated as well as provide more clarity around requirements within the policy.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking: "Update to the Regulations Implementing the Procedural Provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act", Docked ID No. CEQ-2019-0003

Monday, March 9, 2020

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC), consisting of three state-wide elected officials Governor Doug Burgum, Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, has jurisdiction to administer North Dakota's comprehensive oil and gas regulations found at North Dakota Administrative Code Chapter 43-02-03. These regulations include regulating the drilling, producing, and plugging of wells; the restoration of drilling and production sites; the perforating and chemical treatment of wells, including hydraulic fracturing; the spacing of wells; operations to increase ultimate recovery such as cycling of gas, the maintenance of pressure, and the introduction of gas, water, or other substances into producing fonnations; disposal of saltwater and oil field wastes through the Underground Injection Control Program; and all other operations for the production of oil or gas.

development of oil and gas infrastructure on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, North Dakota (FBIR).

Monday, March 9, 2020

Categories: Department of Mineral Resources, Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC), Department of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas Division has jurisdiction to administer North Dakota's comprehensive oiJ and gas regulations found at North Dakota Administrative Code Chapter 43-02-03. These regulations include regulation of the drilling, producing, and plugging of wells; the restoration of drilling and production sites; the perforating and chemical treatment of wells, including hydraulic fracturing; the spacing of wells; operations to increase ultimate recovery such as cycling of gas, the maintenance of pressure, and the introduction of gas, water, or other substances into producing fonnations; disposal of saltwater and oil field wastes through the Underground Injection Control Program and all other operations for the production of oil or gas.

EPA Proposed Amendments to the 2016 New Source Performance Standards for the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

Monday, November 25, 2019

Categories: Department of Mineral Resources, Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The State of North Dakota is ranked 2nd in the United States among all states in the production of oil and gas. North Dakota produces more than 525 million barrels of oil and 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas per year. 

Industrial Commission to hold hearing November 15 for gas gathering strategy

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Categories: Department of Mineral Resources, Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission will hold a public hearing to consider comments on natural gas capture strategy and regulatory clarity needed around gas gathering agreements. The goal of the Commission is to enforce a regulatory framework that provides for fewer service interruptions on gathering pipelines which would encourage quicker and larger infrastructure expansion, and increase the value of North Dakota’s oil and natural gas production. The hearing will be held on Friday, November 15, at 9 a.m., CT, in the Conference Room of the North Dakota Oil and Gas Division, 1000 E Calgary Avenue, Bismarck North Dakota.


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission recently established a special grant round for the North Dakota Oil and Gas Research Program and is currently accepting applications through September 16th.

North Dakota Industrial Commission supports applied research proposal to Revitalize Conventional Oil Fields in North Dakota

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC) has approved a $3 million Oil and Gas Research Program grant for a project aimed at revitalizing North Dakota’s conventional oil fields. Total project costs will exceed $6 million, with private industry providing the additional funding.

Comments on Bureau of Land Management

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

The North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC) appreciates this opportunity to provide comments on the Bureau of Land Management proposal to revise the Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation Rule (2016 final rule).

EPA Administrator Signs Final Approval for North Dakota’s Class VI Primacy Application

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release

Today North Dakota became the first state to receive final approval from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate geologic storage of carbon dioxide. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt signed North Dakota’s application this morning granting the state primary regulatory authority, also known as primacy, over Class VI injection of carbon dioxide for long-term storage. North Dakota will officially receive Class VI primacy when the final rule is published in the Federal Register, which is expected to occur in about a week.

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