Grant Round 61
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Breaking New Ground in Flaring Reduction
Maximizing Lateral Well Oil Production from Conventional Carbonate Mission Canyon Reservoirs in North Dakota
Two Years of Grassland Carbon Capture
North Dakota Petroleum Foundation Outreach and Education Program
Injection Testing with Propane to Inform Future Bakken CO2 EOR Pilot
Micro-LNG Flare Gas Mitigation
G-61-118: Breaking New Ground in Flaring Reduction
- Sponsor: University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center
- Objective: To facilitate the adoption of state-of-the-art gas capture technology by
installation of 30 gas capture units on well pads in the field in ND for evaluation and
documentation of the gas capture unit performance. - Funded Amount: $2,566,341
- Total Project Cost: $5,132,682
- Final Report
- Sponsor: Cobra Oil & Gas Corporation
- Objective: Mitigate and reduce water production while minimizing loses in oil and
natural gas production which will involve the installation of mechanical downhole
isolation. - Funded Amount: $1,000,000
- Total Project Cost: $2,000,000
- Final Report
G-61-120: ND Petroleum Foundation Outreach and Education Program
- Sponsor: North Dakota Petroleum Foundation
- Objective: To promote public awareness about the benefits and opportunities of the ND oil and gas industry and generate information and knowledge that will have the highest probability of bringing new oil and gas companies and industry investment to the state.
- Funded Amount: $930,245
- Total Project Cost: $2,126,415
- Final Report
G-61-121: Injection Testing with Propane to Inform Future Bakken CO2 EOR Pilot
- Sponsor: University of North Dakota Energy & Environmental Research Center
- Objective: Laboratory testing, phase behavior and miscibility, reservoir surveillance, and modeling-based activities to determine optimal injection and operational strategies.
- Funded Amount: $1,800,000
- Total Project Cost: $4,000,000
- Final Report
Grant Round 60
Summary of Applications
Technical Review Summary
Approval Summary
Well Site Thief Hatch Methane Detectors-Phase II
Improving Gas Capture at Flare Sites in ND
Local Production of Diesel for Bakken Crude through Micro-refining Technology
G-60-117: Well Site Thief Hatch Methane Detectors-Phase II
- Sponsor: Blue Comply
- Objective: To enhance further development and commercialization of an alternate method to monitor fugitive emissions from oil and gas production site thief hatches that is more accurate, efficient, and expedient than the current options available to oil and gas producers.
- Funded Amount: $450,000
- Total Project Cost: $900,000
- Final Report