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North Dakota's Renewable Energy Program (REP) was established by the Legislature in 2007 under the control of the North Dakota Industrial Commission. The law provides that the Industrial Commission shall consult with the Renewable Energy Council (REC). The Program's responsibilities include providing financial assistance as appropriate to foster the development of renewable energy and related industrial use technologies including, but not limited to, wind, biofuels, advanced biofuels, biomass, biomaterials, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and renewable hydrogen through research, development, demonstration and commercialization. In addition the Program shall promote research and utilization of renewable energy co-product utilization for livestock feed, human food products and industrial use technologies.

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2025 Renewable Energy Program Grant Application Deadline

Categories: Industrial Commission, Renewable Energy Program, REP-DL

Renewable Energy Program - April 1, 2025

Recent News

Industrial Commission Announces Special Grant Round for Carbon Capture and Utilization Education and Marketing

Friday, December 15, 2023 at 12:00 pm

Categories: Industrial Commission, Lignite Research Program, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release, Renewable Energy Program

During the 2023 legislative session, $300,000 was appropriated to the Industrial Commission to contract for carbon capture and utilization education and marketing. The Industrial Commission is soliciting applications for grant funding to aid in the development of a Carbon Capture and Utilization Education and Marketing Strategic Plan. 

Industrial Commission awards $6.3 million in latest Outdoor Heritage Fund and Renewable Energy Program grant rounds

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Categories: Industrial Commission, Outdoor Heritage Fund, Press Release, Renewable Energy Program

The North Dakota Industrial Commission, consisting of Gov. Doug Burgum, Attorney General Drew Wrigley and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring, approved $6.3 million in Outdoor Heritage Fund and Renewable Energy Program matching grants. Both programs are funded solely by oil and gas production tax revenue. The Outdoor Heritage Fund was established in 2013 to provide grants for projects that enhance outdoor conservation practices in the state. The Renewable Energy Program was established in 2007 to promote research and utilization of North Dakota’s renewable energy resources, including advanced biofuels.

Summer 2023 Grant Rounds

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Categories: Clean Sustainable Energy Authority, Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Outdoor Heritage Fund, Press Release, Renewable Energy Program

Industrial Commission Announces Summer 2023 Grant Round Schedule for Clean Sustainable Energy Authority, Outdoor Heritage Fund, Renewable Energy Program, and Oil and Gas Research Council. 

Industrial Commission awards $2.8 million in Oil and Gas Research and Renewable Energy Program grants

Tuesday, December 20, 2022 at 11:00 pm

Categories: Industrial Commission, Oil & Gas Research Program, Press Release, Renewable Energy Program

The North Dakota Industrial Commission approved $2.8 million in Oil and Gas Research and Renewable Energy Program matching grants for six new research projects. The funding, generated from oil and gas production tax revenue, supports the growth of North Dakota’s oil and gas industry through research and education. The Renewable Energy Program supports the research and development of industrial technologies such as renewable energy, biofuels, biomass, biomaterials, geothermal and renewable hydrogen.


Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Categories: Industrial Commission, Press Release, Renewable Energy Program

The North Dakota Industrial Commission (Commission) has awarded $520,890 in Renewable Energy Program matching funds for two projects that enhance renewable energy while providing options for underground storage of carbon dioxide.