
The North Dakota Transmission Authority (Authority) was created by the North Dakota Legislative Assembly in 2005 at the request of the North Dakota Industrial Commission. The Authority’s mission is to facilitate the development of transmission infrastructure in North Dakota. The Authority was established to serve as a catalyst for new investment in transmission by facilitating, financing, developing and/or acquiring transmission to accommodate energy production. The Authority is a builder of last resort, meaning private business has the first opportunity to invest in and/or build needed transmission.

By statute, the Authority membership is comprised of the members of the North Dakota Industrial Commission. The Commission appoints the Executive Director.

Whether the issue is project development or legislative initiatives, the Authority is actively engaged in seeking ways to improve North Dakota’s energy export capabilities along with transmission capabilities within the state.  Authority staff advise stakeholders of the technical and political challenges associated with moving energy from generator to satisfied customer.



Chapter 17-05: Transmission Authority - The purpose for which the authority is created is to diversify and expand the North Dakota economy by facilitating development of transmission facilities to support the production, transportation, and utilization of North Dakota electric energy.

Recent News

Industrial Commission announces results of electric grid impact study, results indicate Environmental Protection Agency rules will cause blackouts for millions of Americans

Friday, May 31, 2024 at 12:00 pm

Categories: Industrial Commission, Press Release, Transmission Authority

BIThe North Dakota Industrial Commission, acting in its capacity as the North Dakota Transmission Authority (NDTA), commissioned a study on the impact of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Final Greenhouse Gas Standards with ALWAYSON Energy Research in April. Claire Vigesaa, Executive Director of the NDTA presented highlights of the study to the Commission at their May 28th, 2024 meeting. The study modeled the impact of the EPA standards on the two Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs) serving North Dakota, the Mid-Continent Independent System Operator (MISO) and the Southwest Power Pool (SPP).  The impact analysis demonstrated that the EPA’s proposed rules would result in the retirement of baseload power generation plants across the region. Baseload power is generated from a source which can be dispatched on-demand, in contrast to intermittent sources like renewable power which relies on favorable weather conditions to generate power.  

Industrial Commission appoints Claire Vigesaa as next executive director of the North Dakota Transmission Authority

Friday, July 28, 2023

Categories: Industrial Commission, Press Release, Transmission Authority

BISMARCK, N.D. – The North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC) has selected Claire Vigesaa to serve as the next executive director of the North Dakota Transmission Authority. Vigesaa retired in 2022 as general manager and CEO for the Upper Missouri Power Cooperative after a 40-year career in the electric cooperative industry. Vigesaa has been serving as deputy director of the Transmission Authority since retirement.

U.S. Department of Energy awards North Dakota Industrial Commission $7.5 million to strengthen and modernize critical electric infrastructure

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Categories: Industrial Commission, Transmission Authority

On May 23, 2023, North Dakota joined three other states and two tribal nations in receiving the first Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). North Dakota was awarded $7.5 million, which will be administered by the North Dakota Industrial Commission through its Transmission Authority. The Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grant program aims to ensure the reliability of power sector infrastructure so that communities have access to affordable, reliable, clean electricity.

North Dakota Transmission Authority presents electric grid resilience report

Monday, August 29, 2022 at 11:00 pm

Categories: Industrial Commission, Press Release, Transmission Authority

The report on the status of the resilience of the electric grid in North Dakota was presented Friday to the North Dakota Industrial Commission and delivered to the North Dakota Legislative Council. The 2021 Legislative Assembly directed that the Transmission Authority prepare this report annually.

New study predicts 20-year growth period for electricity in western North Dakota

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Categories: Industrial Commission, Press Release, Transmission Authority

North Dakota will need significantly more power generation in the next 20 years as electricity consumption is projected to increase by up to 70 percent, driven largely by continued expansion of oil and gas activity in western North Dakota, according to a new Power Forecast 19 (PF19) completed by Barr Engineering.


Claire Vigesaa
Executive Director Transmission Authority

600 E. Boulevard Ave. Dept. 405
Bismarck, ND 58505-0840

Phone: (406) 489-3881
Work: (701) 328-3722